“Hands of Man III” from TheRyeFilms.com

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5 years ago

Ever gonna see any such superheroine videos where they go up against muscular female (i.e. Brandi Mae, Goddess Rapture) villainess like this?

I mean, you already have the guys use strapons for crying out loud.

sonny62 avatar
5 years ago

Anyone know Mckenzie’s real name or if she has done anything else beside Heroine Peril?

JoeyJon avatar
5 years ago

Hey you guys have to do a better job of explaining how good your movies are! I almost passed on this one because looking at the pictures and reading your description I figured it had only a minimal sex scene maybe a few minutes long. I read someone else’s comment that said it was a long, good sex scene, so I took a chance and bought it. By far the best fight scene (for half the movie) then the best sex scene (the other half) that Rye has ever done! McKenzie sold it perfectly. I believed her the whole time!!!… Read more »

5 years ago

Who should the league send to save Wonderous Woman?

Either Imperial Girl, or Alpha Girl next.

What say you guys?

5 years ago
Reply to  Valour

Yeah! Or else Avenger, Sapphire. Any of them played by Coco, Alex amontoe, Lana Rhoades, Aubrey Sinclair

5 years ago
Reply to  sh_Mike

I meant, Alexis Monroe (not Alex amontoe)

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  sh_Mike

I read recently that Coco retired.

5 years ago
Reply to  Valour

I’d vote for Avenger next

5 years ago
Reply to  Valour

A Power-ful heroine. Or a Marvel-ous heroine.
Better yet: Skyfire.

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Yeah, whatever happened to that girl? I really liked Skyfire, but moreso, the actress who played her.
She was really good!

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Bleh

Now which one? My preference was the one who gets captured by a pimp and is then sold to a few different buyers.

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

There’s only one that I am aware of (note: while searching for the link to the actress I was referring to, I ran across the other Skyfire videos that didn’t feature her. Apologies for the shortness of my memory).
The first blond girl. She made 3 Skyfire videos…

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

How about Alexis Monroe as Ms. Marvel in the black and gold outfit?

JoeyJon avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Valour

I would send Halsey Rae!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don1987 avatar
5 years ago
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Halsey Rae doesnt do the blowjob scenes 🙁 like the actual rubber cock.

JoeyJon avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Valour

And have future actresses watch this film to try to duplicate McKenzie’s acting. She nailed it! Best acting since Solaria the Hunt

senordescartes avatar
5 years ago
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That is high praise indeed, because Keira Nicole was so fierce and sexy in Solaria: The Hunt. Her violation was dramatic and hot as hell.

JoeyJon avatar
5 years ago

I agree. McKenzie’s performance doesnt top Kiera’s, but McKenzie did a better job than everyone else since then!

rayman avatar
5 years ago

We al like different things and opinions are always subjective but I will just say The Hunt is good but on a story and production level I would argue considerably bigger than HoM3. Hopefully we will get to see McKenzie in such a movie 🙂

5 years ago

True solaria was so hot and high attitude girl.. only Layla match her on facial attitude… And her violation was too hot with her facial expressions… People still do mstrbte while watching solaria bring her back…

rayman avatar
5 years ago

This is an outstanding movie. I For me McKenzie is the best superheroine peril actress around at the moment, not only is she stunningly beautiful she can act and shows the difference between moans of pain and moans of pain and despair. Did I mention she has a body to die for and every role I have seen he rin she has been superb. Aside from the flawless lead role the movie itself is great, I loved the old school WW power scenes and what a powerful bullets and bracelets performance. McKenzie looks every bit an amazon and well..when will… Read more »

5 years ago

Loved everything about this video bar one thing. There weren’t any decisive KO’s other the scene with the choking. Always like the impact of the heroin’s lights going out, it’s the ultimate defeat.

Other than that awesome, thanks for putting it together.

5 years ago

i really prefer the look of VIDEO over film. i have always preferred it. artistically, it seems more evocative of real life events, like news footage or home video. i applaud rye for choosing this new look. i wouldn’t want the video stream to be reduced in the quality just to give it a “film look” . iirc, at least many years ago, film look was achieved through reduced frame rates , higher contrast, etc. maybe rye’s equipment captures natively in film-look without losing anything. admittedly, i don’t know. but, objectively, when comparing a stream that has captured images at… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  mrxstacy

I know just what you mean. If the video is digitally captured at 60 frames per second then any frames per second less than that would be like losing data or information or something. Since it starts digital and ends digital after all. I agree that more frames a second is closer to reality. I wouldn’t mind seeing a video natively shot in 120 fps or 240 even. Of course the challenge would be how much more demanding the added frames will add to the file size for stream or downloading. Not to mention harder on the pc that does… Read more »

senordescartes avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  depowerer

I certainly don’t watch suphereroine erotica for home-video “reality”. This stuff is supposed to be larger than life, mythic and cinematic.

If Rye releases a 24p version I would buy this in a heartbeat.

5 years ago
Reply to  mrxstacy

More is just more — not objectively better until you specify an objective. You have personally practical and aesthetic reasons for valuing the producer’s choice of 60p over 24p, so to you and for that practical purpose it’s better. But it’s also art and commerce and data to be stored and played back and other things, and more is not always better.

5 years ago

Great movie for next time wish the peril sex was all over the place like in hands of man 2 with xiphos would have been movie of the year part two is still the best movie i have seen. More boobie squeezing with ms mackenzie

Don1987 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  samiam

Xiphos really does sell the face fuck to and isnt afraid to get drool all over her <3

bearhuglover94 avatar
5 years ago

Mckenzie! was amazing and hot in that wonder woman outfit my favorite part seeing Mckenzie and her big boobs being pressed and getting squeezed in that long tight grip bear hug loved the crushing sound effects from the bear hug would see to see a buff female bad guy crush a superheroine in a bear hug

kuja9428 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  bearhuglover94

yes i agree that bear hug and outfit was hot loved the movie i also to would like to see them use a female bad guy with huge muscles beat up a superheroine

5 years ago
Reply to  bearhuglover94

I agree! Am still waiting fro the day I get to watch Sahara Huxley giving Alexis Monroe or McKenzie bearhugs and repetitive cunt busts in their woman woman or super girl outfits.

senordescartes avatar
5 years ago

Great model and impressive action, but I have to say: I really can’t get into HIGH FRAME RATES. Everything looks like a home movie. Vastly prefer the cinematic presentation of 24fps.

5 years ago

I agree. It may be objectively superior in terms of the amount of detail, but it reminds me of the overbright persistence of videotape. I know that’s my hang-up, and I’m probably going to have to learn to appreciate this new look, but it’s still a minor bummer. More dramatic lighting (maybe not gel-crazy) might be easier to adapt to than this fully-lit warehouse look; we’ll see if future stories mix it up.

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

I’m with both of you on this point. I hate to nitpick what seems like such a minor detail but I too found it difficult to really get into the high frame rate. Maybe with time i could get use to it but for this video it was too much.

BadMilk avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Rye

Hey, man, that’s really cool of you to go that far for your customers! I was ok with the high frame rate but I was curious how the difference would affect my opinion so I just converted it using windows movie maker. Took like 10 mins. Btw, in either frame rate, great vid!

5 years ago

i cannot overstate how good this film was. There are so many little reactions that McKenzie makes during this film that are spot on for WW. The fight choreography was great as mentioned in other posts. I hope there is another with McKenzie in the works. Rye comes back strong.

Nowsawyer avatar
5 years ago

She is really HOT!!! I going to buy now!!

5 years ago

an absolute fan of rye films and especially this kind, i must say keep up the good work . the battle choregraphy improve to be better than usual, and the effect of power too(the wonder effect) when the two men tries to restrain the heroine..and grope her breasts, a remake of the scene should be necessary; maybe in this moment ,both man can hardly contain the amazon, struggling to get free,when the third guy take opportunity to her chest, and a this moment only..the virgin amazon gets angry, and use her phenomenal strenght to push the two men far away..the… Read more »

5 years ago

Wow!! I mean, what more can you say? This was a stunning video, and MacKenzie was phenomenal in the Wonder Woman role, both in looks and demeanor. The fight choreography was nothing short of stellar, the peril relentless, and the camera work was some of the best I’ve seen in this genre. What a fantastic, truly satisfying heroine epic!! Well done to all involved!!!!

5 years ago

This looks fucking amazing.

alan081 avatar
5 years ago

I’d like to praise the flow of the fight. This is something mentioned many times about many videos but I thought it was particularly well done here, how she went from tough and superior to a hard-fought back-and-forth battle to beaten, scared and helpless. I especially liked how she realized they were tougher than she thought but still fought defiantly.

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago

A heroine movies sale. A Spectrum video from NGC. Now a RYE video all in the space of a couple days? My bank account cried this week.

wondiwfan avatar
5 years ago

Not bad the video… but I guess if we will ever see the almost legendary sequel of the Eye of the beholder. With the lovely Jamie Leigh Heweet/Paley.

HeroineFall avatar
5 years ago

Very well done, Rye, and thank you. Was this a new camera? Something seemed more crisp and fluid in this video than usual—like it was shot at 60fps. Kudos on the stunt experimenting, too. The clothes-line and chair hit especially went well. Would love to see more of this type of action in future films. McKenzie, bravo on another stellar performance. This might be your best yet. Wonder Woman suits you! Also, I’d like to thank you for being part of our community, both you and the Rye. This probably isn’t said enough, as some of us are quick to… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Heroine Fall

The action does seem different and amped up a notch–the chair in the back sequence at the :29 mark for example.
And I second the Captain Marvel request. Would love to see a heroine peril video with her (with perhaps part of it in the black and gold outfit, as from the Frank Cho series a while back?).

5 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

i cannot get enough of mckenzie. love this girl and her pouty attitude. we definitely need more arrogance and defeat. would love to see her as wonder woman again. maybe have her star in a “public disgrace” or “enthusiastic participation” chapter or a reboot of a classic like ww alpha (the thought of her fighting off 2 werewolves played by rock and jackson is sending me into overdrive.) definitely tear that pantyhose off that gorgeous ass and legs. more blood would be welcome too.

JoeyJon avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  mrxstacy

Yeah, or you know classically WW used to fight the Nazis. Great to see her after having a mind break and submissioned, handed over to the Nazi youth squad and forced to give out blowjobs and fucks to the Nazi youth as rewards when they do their Nazi youth tasks properly.

BARON2027 avatar
5 years ago

Just watched this video and i liked it i thought Mckenzie did a excellent job and i always enjoy watching a 3 on 1 beat down looking forward to the next part.

mid2018 avatar
5 years ago

Wow i love the fact that Rye has returned to pantyhose. The pic of her pantyhose ripped is beyond hot!

MyNameIsURL avatar
5 years ago

Just curious…are facials now not allowed?

5 years ago
Reply to  MyNameisURL

I would certainly hope not. As for the video. I did like it. Mckenzie does an outstanding job… like in The Job. If you like that one… this takes it further as far as the sexual content is concerned and the strangulation aspect (by that I mean those scenes take much longer and are equally well done).Minus the humor. Overall very well done. We get right into the action. Half of the run time is fight scenes with her being clearly outmatched right from the start though she does fight back, the other half is sim sex (ok done, not… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago

I’ve been a fan of Rye’s work for almost two decades now, and it is a bit disheartening to see some of the first few posts. Granted, I may be overreacting and I’m not saying people should fall all over themselves praising Rye for making a video for us to purchase as this is a capitalistic enterprise. But just as any business person, I imagine the customers’ reactions affect the desire to put forth extra effort and continue to deliver such quality videos. Some may merely suggest that as this is a capitalistic endeavor, someone else will fill the void… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

I don’t see any negative comments… but agree with what you said anyway

Has this girl been featured in other works before?

5 years ago
Reply to  ximi

Yes. “The Job” from Lucia Films… also available on SHG-Media. Great vid and she is very good and very hot in it.

5 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

Well. I did purchase this one because I liked the actress a lot in The Job from Lucia. And the trailer and preview material do look great. Still… would love to see the new one with Coco. As far as your post goes: don’t see that much negativity or people complaining with such a long wait for any news. However: a bit interaction and hype building goes a long way.

5 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

First, there are not any negative comments.

Second, no one is required to praise, support, and purchase videos for any company. You are basically telling people to like Rye or shut up. People have the right to make their own decisions, and decide what fills their entertainment needs.

Third, if a businessman puts less effort into his business because someone complained, then he doing it wrong. A good business looks at complaints and see where it can improve. Giving up or putting in less effort because people criticized you, is a poor attitude.

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago

First, I would disagree. But that is interpretation and if you read my comment with any intent to understand my perspective you would see that I acknowledge I may be overreacting. Second, at no point do I suggest anything like you’re suggesting is required. Again, take the time to read the post. You are making up statements that do not exist. Don’t put words in other people’s mouth, it’s immature arguing. Third, it is irrelevant if a business person is “doing it wrong” if that means the consumers lose a producer. I agree entirely with your statement, but should a… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

(And not sure why there is a second “third” in the above post.)

5 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

Let’s just say that I understand… or that I think I understand where you are coming from and you mean well. And that is appreciated. I do not agree with your perspective, but that is neither here nor there and purely based on how I decide to make a purchase. BUT: let us and others know what you thought of the movie. This way you will support Rye a lot.

5 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

I read your full post, and you clearly trying to be manipulative. Nobody said anything bad about the video. It doesn’t matter that you said “you’re overreacting”. You’re just blindly making a false claim. Also, you are making the suggestion that people should support Rye or be quiet. I am not putting anything in your mouth. You said “I imagine the customers’ reactions affect the desire to put forth extra effort and continue to deliver such quality videos. Some may merely suggest that as this is a capitalistic endeavor, someone else will fill the void if Rye chooses to pull… Read more »

5 years ago

I would like to also join the call for you to be quiet.

Depo Man
Depo Man
5 years ago

The original comment is just nonsense from another Rye fan boy.

If Rye did choose to quit it wouldn’t be much of a loss. 90% of his movies are the same. Who cares?

5 years ago

THIS is nonsense. What’s the point in coming to a niche community and trying to cast a pall over other people’s preferences. Get a hobby.

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago

@ Geeky It’s hard to take an argument seriously when they end with the trite Trump reference. What does that even have to do with the discussion point? If you want to debate this matter, please read AND understand the post. Then by all means debate the matter. My original post merely stated that it was disheartening to see the first few posts. That was it. Where is the false claim? That was clearly my interpretation of the initial posts. That statement cannot be, as you put it, “a false claim.” Again, read the post. As for suggesting people support… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago

@ Horse Thank you for being polite in your disagreement. I think my previous comments in responding to Geeky sum my perspective and that’s all that needs to be said. @ Depo Man Not sure what you intend with the “fan boy” reference. I am simply someone who enjoys the works of Rye, Lucia and TBfE. Aren’t you the same? Or do you not buy videos from Rye and just visit the comments section of his videos and post inane comments such as “90% of his movies are the same”? There is a fair variety of models in Rye’s videos… Read more »

barry allen
barry allen
5 years ago

they make hands of man 3 the rye

toshiki avatar
5 years ago

Any chance we could see Saharra beat down a character played by McKenzie?

5 years ago

Why download from the server so slow?

5 years ago
Reply to  alucard

It was fine for me.

5 years ago
Reply to  alucard

Same here. I did ask SHG about this and the told me it is beyond their contral and has to do with the servers that are use by third parties.

5 years ago

Woo-hoo! A Rye sighting!

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Rover

A Rye sighting indeed. It had been ages since he released anything and I was beginning to wonder if he had given up on the genre.

Elevete avatar
5 years ago

no debooting?