Ghost Spider in “Time for Bed!” from Sleepy Superheroines

Sage Pillar makes her debut as Ghost Spider. Trickster makes quick work capturing the curvaceous Ghost Spider with old reliable chloroform. He then has his way with her and asks her if she wants to join him for some “crime time”. She rejects his proposal and gives him a little beat down before the tricky devil defeats her again. Ghost Spider is then given a “Zombie Gas” where she does whatever he asks humiliating her even further. After he has his fun, it’s time to unmask the heroine and knock her out some more. Sage looks fantastic in her skintight costume in this latest release from Sleepy Superheroines.
This video features male/female fighting, multiple chloroform KOs, multiple blackjack KO, tranquilizer gun KO, injection KO, over-the-shoulder carries, cradle carry, butt spankings, ragdolling, unmasking, and limp play.
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272 Hi i love sex my contact here
She looks hot! And the suit is perfect for her! Also loved seeing more lapdance action. Hope you keep that for the next videos.
Thanks, Roy. She was great in that costume and looks the part. Glad you liked the lapdance sequence. There will be more of those in the future.
I have a question, does the duration of the video include any sex simulation?
I always though she looked a bit like Emma Stone so it’s nice seeing her put on the mantle of Ggost Spider/Spider Gwen. Closest we will ever get to the actress who played Gwen Stacy in the big screen wearing that suit!
Thanks, FL. That’s a good point about Sage looking like Emma Stone.
what is her name
Sage Pillar