Future Releases (from SHL)

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BG32 avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

When can we see this wonderful film, can’t wait to see it and look forward to the wonderwoman film.

YugoVang avatar
4 years ago

I see it

phlfan avatar
4 years ago

Just to put into context what we’re getting. At 80 minutes this is actually a full, feature-length film, the same as major studios made, custom-made for our niche audience. In the 1930s the standard offering from major studios was 75-80 minutes. Even in the 60s and 70s, 90 minutes was common. Chinatown (eg) one of the great films of the era (1974) was 91 minutes.
This is quite an achievement, and truly a milestone.
I can’t wait.

BG32 avatar
4 years ago

I immediately preorder the batgirl film after l watching the trailer, there is no doubt that it is a masterpiece. Can we be lucky enough to see this wonderful film before the end of this month? I never expected any film could be better than Uninvited 6 in my opinion, but this did, Can’t wait to see it.

mongey avatar
4 years ago

How about instead of a black villain we get a blank superheroine? The black villain didn’t really add anything for me but a heroine would really take it up a notch. Nia Nacci (?) did one for primal that was interesting.

mongey avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

And I appreciated U3! Just doesn’t do anything for me to have mixed bad guys. My .02

4 years ago
Reply to  Mongey

What does that even mean and why isn’t that a factor when speaking about white actors?

mongey avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  BamPow

Yeah I don’t know.

4 years ago

Signed up for the newsletter hoping I’m not too late for this. This looks fantastic from the one photo alone.

phlfan avatar
4 years ago

Just watched the trailer or the umpteenth time. It just gets better and better.
This looks to be a milestone in the genre, a masterpiece.

4 years ago

In the superhero genre, what I blame most in recent series like Supergirl, Batgirl, and recent movies like Wonder Woman, is the design of the costumes. I don’t like those heavy-feeling leather costumes like Supergirl’s leather skirt and cape (I don’t even talk about the second costume) or Wonder Woman’s Xena style costume. I much prefer vintage flashy costumes with bright colors which give an impression of lightness. For example the Supergirl costume in the 1984 movie, Linda Carter’s Wonder Woman costume, Yvonne Craig’s Batgirl costume, and my favorite, the Mighty Isis costume (not enough used in SHIP videos). I… Read more »

4 years ago

Is there a software that would assign a serial number to each download and subtly stamp part of each file to identify the download? You could then trace back the uploaded file to the purchaser and either go after or block a person who uploads the file. It wouldn’t make it impossible to illegally share the film, but it could make enough way more of a hassle to illegally share it than it would be worth.

If the software doesn’t exist, you could pay a developer to create the software, then sell it to other producers.

Clayton Berry
Clayton Berry
4 years ago

Hey, I got a suggestion for down the road. I heard it costs more money for actresses than male talent and thats why I say down the road. My suggestion is a female group of villains that attack a superheroine. i.e. Harley Quinn, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Cheetah, Enchantress (just throwing out names) and they attack a female DC superheroine

aschen avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

There was the Violation of ****** series back in the day (( http://www.adultfilmdatabase.com/videoseries/5/the-violation-of-/ )). It’s an idea I’ve contemplated doing as a commission but the cost I imagine it being has so far kept me from seriously pursuing it because it’s out of my price range at the moment.

I don’t know how popular they were but they made them for around a decade so they must have done well for awhile.

joyito avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

For me in particular, I only bought two Steve Noir productions (Fear girl laberynt – with the beautiful Stela Rae where a demon raped her and ended up killing her and Girl x sleep doll where Olive Glass was inactive and touched). “FEAR GIRL” suits my tastes, I have nothing more to wish for, but Girl x Sleep I bought it knowing that I would not like it that much, but the sensual Olive Glass makes up for it. I simply respect but I do not share her tastes when filming. Steve Noir has an excellent knowledge of heroticism but… Read more »

blx avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

You do you, man. I think you have a way better idea of what works and makes money than any of us here.

aschen avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Didn’t really take your reply as dickish. Also wasn’t implying you should run out and make a movie like that because a mainstream production company did it for a number of years. I probably should have articulated more of what I was thinking when I wrote my reply but I got distracted by shinies. Those movies were made by a mainstream media company with at the time big name adult stars for the most part. So they had an incredibly large audience base to convert into sales. This is a niche market that is filled with several sub niche markets.… Read more »

Sando avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Apologies in advance if this is the wrong place to ask this. Have you ever considered making a video with a spidergirl/spidergwen character? I’ve always been surprised how few spidergirl videos there have been, especially as you can get a good looking costume for cheap (at least relatively e.g. far less than a grand).

Last edited 4 years ago by
joyito avatar
4 years ago
Reply to 

There are many other really interesting and attractive characters to exploit in the genre, but as these videos are expensive investments, generally, the most popular characters or those with better arrival are chosen, I am dying to see productions with characters like Zatana – Black Canary – Sailor Moon (any character) – Tifa (final fantasy 7) – Sonja (Mortal Kombat), but if you want to see this, you will have to finance the project or wait for someone else with similar tastes to finance it. It is understandable not everyone has the same tastes or is willing to pay for… Read more »

LeeCarl avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Ooh…not gonna lie, I’d be in for Black Canary. Zatanna as well, but more so Black Canary.

LeeCarl avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Something based on the comics or Justice League Unlimited. Blonde bombshell, fishnets, black corset or bustier top, leather jacket, black choker necklace. Optional mask…although masks are always a good bet because you can include some unmasking peril. Honestly, the only live action Canary I’m partial to was Caity Lotz back when she was on Arrow, in her original black outfit. It lacked the fishnets, but everything else looked stellar. Plus, though I don’t know how your Batgirl ends, yet, you could very easily tie a Black Canary film in, having her trying to find or get vengeance for Batgirl. Honestly… Read more »

joyito avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Lee Carl

ohh my god !!, I’m glad to see that others also want to see Black Canary (and Zatana), for me, and I know this is too much fantasizing, but hey, it’s also worth dreaming, if at some point the possibility of a production with Black Canary, I really think there should be a well-crafted martial arts choreography, she is a very rude ass kicker and has no problem destroying the face of whoever deserves it, she is an expert in marsial arts, this implies a Choreography therefore requires time and therefore a lot of money, so as I said before,… Read more »

f28f6afd875e90046bfeaf016bd8b135 (1).jpg
Sando avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

I’ve waited a long time for a high-budget spidergirl video, something along those lines would be a definite purchase for me!

Clayton Berry
Clayton Berry
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Oh I totally understand, and you’re not dickish at all. There are a lot of factors to think about. If I ever win the lotto, I’ll definately be knocking on your door.

Last edited 4 years ago by Clayton Berry
Matt Brown
Matt Brown
4 years ago
Reply to  Clayton Berry

That’s a GREAT idea. Similar to the old Steve Noir “Gang Thang” series. That would be a fast Best seller! You should give It a try Damien. Belly punching, low blows, tit punching, etc. with the villians holding the superheroine while the others work her over. ALL females.

4 years ago
Reply to  Clayton Berry

Sounds great! I love an all female cast. I hope someone does it.

BARON2027 avatar
4 years ago

Watched the trailer it was fantastic preordered the video can’t wait to see the entire movie.

4 years ago

After watching the trailer, I immediatly pre ordrerd it. It’s amazing. I can’t wait the date of realease. Please continue to produce videos like that. Your Supergirl videos are amazing too. I wish you could use the same outfit as in the 1984 movies with Helen Slater. You could make the best SHIP movie of all time. Don’t worry about the piracy. You will always have lot of people who want to purchase your productions immediatly after release like I am. I think people who got it months later for free were not interested to buy it in the first… Read more »

Joeyboy avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Jigoku

I agree, this movie will probably already be the greatest ship movie of all time judging by the trailer. But a supergirl ship movie with the exact 1984 supergirl costume, same cape, same skirt and boots with the exact same length is something I am dying to see, something that looks like the supegirl tv series costume also, if it looks exactly the same. I’m probably asking a lot but I know damien can do it, again congratulations for this upcoming movie that looks insane and keep up the fantastic work, you are the man damien, no one is on… Read more »

4 years ago

I got the trailer and i think ASHLEY LANE is so freaken HOTTTTTT. I cant wait to see the full video.

Dragon 1
Dragon 1
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

HELL YES IT WILL!!! I love Ashely and she is the best in selling the peril. And it looks amazing.

ak_fan avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

As an FYI, I finally received the email earlier today.

mcarvalh avatar
4 years ago

Damien, I got the trailer and my jaw dropped. It is amazing!!! I am really happy I preordered it. For me you already have a proven record as one of the best producers in the genre. Whenever I have a chance I preorder your productions without hesitation because I know what I will get and it is always a great movie. I cannot see a reason for people that already bought some of your movies and liked them not to preorder unless they do not have the funds during the preorder window. You always delivered what you said and you… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  MCarvalh

Could not agree more. The trailer is incredible.The scene where Batgirl is being held in the full nelson while the guards pound away at her checks all the boxes for me., this is a definite buy. Looking froward to it.

4 years ago

Wow….I don’t post often but that trailer was amazing. I have been watching SHIP videos since the late 90’s and I am not even exaggerating when I say this has the potential to be the greatest SHIP video ever made! I am sold on the trailer and I just hope when they unmask her they acknowledge she is Barbara Gordon. Can’t wait to watch this masterpiece!

4 years ago

The trailer looks really good! I’m glad I pre-ordered this movie too since I’m looking forward to watching 80 minutes of Ashley Lane. I wouldn’t mind receiving the 1080p version first and then receiving the 4K version later since I can’t wait any longer to watch. Good job Damien!

Joeyboy avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Ghostman

My god I want to see that trailer lol, still did not get the email.
80 Min !!!!?? Damien you are the man.

Last edited 4 years ago by Joeyboy
Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago

Just a heads up: from what I saw in the trailer, that Batgirl costume may be the single best version I’ve ever seen in any video. Just saying.

mid2018 avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

where did you see the trailer?

4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Hey Damien, haven’t received a trailer email as well but I got the Blue Aegis email back in Dec, is it a wave by wave thing? Thanks

Wrecker avatar
4 years ago

I just got the email for the trailer for this. Purchased immediately after viewing. The trailer looks AMAZING and even requires a disclaimer not to open it in public. Excellent work Mr. Woods and everyone at SHL. Can’t wait for the full film!

Joeyboy avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Wrecker

I did not get that email and I preordered the film, I hope I will get it too.

4 years ago
Reply to  Wrecker

I agree, the trailer makes it clear this movie will at least meet my expectations, if not exceed them.

HeroineFall avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Wrecker

I preordered and didn’t get the trailer… lame.

LeeCarl avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Heroine Fall

Yeah, I preordered as well and also didn’t get a trailer…

HeroineFall avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Lee Carl

Weird, I verified that I was subscribed with Damien 3 days ago. Like, on 3 different email accounts. LOL now I’m just going to be staring at my inbox until it appears. :/

LeeCarl avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Thanks! Looks stellar! I know she’s been used a lot, but I’ll be damned if Ashley Lane isn’t one of the best sellers of peril in the superheroine genre.

Last edited 4 years ago by LeeCarl
shzam avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Yea. I was a little fatigued with Ashley Lane from your last couple of movies but what you and her have done with this one based on the trailer seems to really hit.

I originally decided I wouldn’t be buying this one to save some cash, seeing it as similar to your past releases with Ashley but after the trailer I went ahead and preordered.

Glad to see the full cowl, hop the unmasking is as epic as teased in the trailer!

Dragon 1
Dragon 1
4 years ago
Reply to  Lee Carl

I soooo agree and that is why I will preorder anything she is in. The

4 years ago

Hey, is the Batgirl film you are about to release is the one with leotard or the one with leggings?

4 years ago

Looking forward to this film! Will there be unmasking, costume shredding and reveal Ashley naked? Ashley is probably the best out there for super hero films.

phlfan avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL


bigums avatar
4 years ago

So, the last email I received was on the 21st of December. It was about Blue Aegis. Does that signal that I’m on the mailing list?

QuietAP avatar
4 years ago

Hello Damien. I hate what’s happening with your videos. Especially with the money you put into them. I wondering, as someone who has bought your videos. Is that the same as subscribing? I went a head signed up for your newsletter, but wanted to be sure not to miss out on anything.

QuietAP avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Thank you

BARON2027 avatar
4 years ago

Damien is their anyway on your website i can check to see if i am subscribed to your news letter i thought i was but have went through my emails and can’t find anything

TheLecher avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

I guess I’ll have to ask you to do the same. I was pretty sure that I had signed up back when it was announced that Heroine Movies will be shutting down, but I don’t see any confirmation email in my inbox.

Lemongoo avatar
4 years ago

Hi Damien,sorry to hear about the piracy issue.I vote for the second option,but I’m not sure if I was already subscribed because i never got emails. I hope i am already in ur list.
I’m eager for buying the Alina Wondergirl movie.Thank u.

HeroineFall avatar
4 years ago

I looked over your scenarios and I’m not entirely sure any of them will work besides the preorder model. The delayed one is probably the worst of all IMO because if any of the trusted subscribers leaks the film it’s game over. By the time the delayed film is released for sale the market would have come an gone I would suspect. I guess I don’t understand scenario 1 because if your subscribed members were that loyal I would imagine this discussion wouldn’t be taking place. I probably didn’t understand it. When I was younger I pirated things… a lot.… Read more »

Pandanguyenhn avatar
4 years ago

I thought I was subscribed to the newsletter awhile back but it seems like I haven’t been receiving emails. Is there anything I can do about this?

Zack avatar
4 years ago

Sorry for the trouble you’re having, would definitely love to preorder if possible this looks amazing

Zack avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Dustin

Is there any way to get included in this? Anything with a Batgirl unmasking is something I want in my life and agree you should find guarantees for your impressive work

thepizzaguy avatar
4 years ago

Hey bought a couple films of you in the past and really liked them, was really looking forward to bagirl , unfortunately wasn’t registered on newsletter , is there anything i can do other then wait and hope?

4 years ago

I can’t wait to get that batgirl film. wow she looks great

4 years ago

Those interested in the mindsets that power piracy might find this a useful overview:
New voices: Digital piracy and the moral compass | The Psychologist (bps.org.uk)

You can of course find more with a decent search engine.

While I find the psychology of piracy interesting in the abstract, in the context of this genre I just wish the pirates would get blacklisted and never again be able to see the content they disrespected and devalued.

herosmasher avatar
4 years ago

Hope you figure out a plan because I want to see that Batgirl film. Good luck.

4 years ago

I wish all producers in this genre could embed purchaser data into downloads so that pirates could be identified by a single incident and blacklisted.

Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago

I write this post with respect to SHL, the quality work done, and taking the time to read so many of these posts–I appreciate a director taking the time to interact with fans/customers. That certainly isn’t easy. But it was a bit irritating reading so many semi-polite responses. I genuinely tried to think of some ideas–as did several others–to help out. Most of the posts here are comments in support of you. Many of us are professionals in another field, so our limited understanding of the technology may provide you with some suggestions you find illogical or unrealistic. Fine. But… Read more »

Depo Man
Depo Man
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

No matter how many times or how many diff ways people try telling you essentially the same thing, you just refuse to hear it…

Depo Man
Depo Man
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

I mean, you don’t need to tell me you don’t want me as a customer – I’ve already told you on this thread that I’m no longer a customer of yours bc of your poor attitude. Lol.

I am enjoying this public meltdown tho. Best content you’ve been a part of in years!

4 years ago

I’m just here for the comments

supernatural_undefined_user Goody Jr.
supernatural_undefined_user Goody Jr.
4 years ago

Any of those would work for me but I think scenario 1 is the best for you. I first came in contact with your work by finding videos free on porn tube sites. There is a benefit that way but the longer you keep it from being free the more money you can make obviously. I was wondering if you still do any type of crowd funding? I would make a crowd funding scenario where whom ever puts soo much money towards it could have there interest/fetish for a few minutes. Or request certain actions like AOH, belly punching, electricity… Read more »

4 years ago

Scenario 3 or 2 would be the best all around. You gotta cover your costs man.

4 years ago

Damn, that sucks. I’ve bought nearly all of your videos (and kept them to myself of course). I’d maybe say go with scenario 3. I’ve pre-ordered your videos before, and have been pleased with the results. That seems to be the only scenario where you know you’ve covered your productions costs before releasing the video.

4 years ago

Hope you go for the delayed model! I’d be fine with buying them a month delayed

mongey avatar
4 years ago

same question as some others..think i’m on your mailing list dont recall for certain. and thought i pitched in for the upcoming features but also not sure.

mongey avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  mongey

I’m good to go got the pre order link. Thx. When’s the WW one coming out?

mongey avatar
4 years ago

restricted access is fine with me if it covers your costs to keep making the magic.

bigums avatar
4 years ago

All I can say is that I’m glad to be in the in-crowd. I’m proud to say that I’ve paid for everything in my collection that has your stamp on it.

4 years ago


Je suis Français et fan des videos de superheroine, j’achète beaucoup de video via d’autres sites car les sites SHG-media ne prennent pas en compte les achat Pay pal et pour nous c’est impossible de payer via carte bancaire….

Si vous pouvez permettre les achats Pay-pal ça serait bien et je pense qu’il y’aura beaucoup plus de ventes.

Bonne journée.

Joeyboy avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Mathieu

Tu peux acheter les vidéos de Damien Woods sur son site et tu peux payer avec paypal, SHG media n’a rien à voir avec lui.

4 years ago
Reply to  Joeyboy

Oui mais pour les videos de SHG-Media tu fais comment pour acheter ? sans Pay-pal c’est impossible.

Joeyboy avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Mathieu

J’ai deja acheté quelques videos sur SHG Media mais ça fait longtemps, le systeme est différent et je crois que j’avais payé par carte bancaire avec un compte netcode comme c’est demandé sur le site mais je me souviens pas bien désolé.

4 years ago
Reply to  Joeyboy

C’est compliqué justement Netcode y’a aucun moyen pay-pal c’est bien dommage…

4 years ago

Tried the ransom model? Once you hit your budget/goal you just release it for everyone. But vanishing into an ever decreasing sales pit sure makes sense i guess.

Dr Yuya
Dr Yuya
4 years ago

I mean, piracy is always a thing I guess…not really any two ways about it. To suddenly bust out with this official post like you know for a concrete fact that its piracy and only piracy keeping those people from otherwise buying and only a drastic solution will save you now is a little dramatic. Come to think of it…I think I remember your films/site now…isn’t it the one with the credit card processor that usually glitches out/bars certain zip codes? Yes…I do remember this very thing happening to me actually years ago…so I just stopped bothering. I think the… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Dr Yuya
ak_fan avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Dr Yuya

It seems like almost every producer here uses SHG, the site with the troublesome credit card processor (for some). This isn’t exclusive to SHL and his works.

4 years ago

i took the villain survey. thank you for that. my favorite villains in this genre are rock and jackson. these two actors mostly work with tbfe, shf (mr. hero), and punished heroines (rye). also, the long-haired pudgy actor who lucia casts. so, in summary, i prefer menacing, tall, monster villains with masks, makeup, costumes, etc. i *much prefer* creampie, internal come shots with leakage and a few mins. of heroine digging it out. pregnancy scare would be excellent!

4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

could you also consider the pregnancy-scare angle too? thank you!

Bob avatar
4 years ago

I have been coming here a while and when I see something I like I pay for it. Cali, TBFE, and Primal all benefited from your site. Have never bought from here because it didn’t have the Les and Cocky but really Wanting defeat and softcore to hardcore content I was looking for. Big batgirl related content fan though so if you want to sent me an invite and a trailer I may buy and surely will not steal. You have my email from this post I assume. I here you bro, the backing is there keep it up. The… Read more »

Mezmera avatar
4 years ago

Was looking forward to buying this one! Unfortunately I don’t ever sign up for newsletters but I just did now since the Alina one will be coming. I don’t like to prepurchase anything since I like to get a good look at what comes out, plus it keeps the creator motivated to do a better I job I feel.

Hopefully with the next release we can still purchase this Batgirl one since I was looking forward to supporting it once released.

Casulfan avatar
4 years ago

Eh, I was planning on purchasing this batgirl film. I really like the full bodysuit. Nevermind I guess…

Don1987 avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Araik

Yea same here, sucks that some people have to be greedy assholes and not just support the genre.

Casulfan avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Don

As much as it sucks to be a small operation looking at your work being pirated. Piracy doesn’t translate to lost sales. That’s the case in the movie industry, music industry and video game industry. It surely is the case here. What we are looking at here is someone who is too ambitious with his projects when he doesn’t have the market to support him. That’s just the reality. Now he’s losing his mind closing down his shop to anyone who doesn’t jump through hoops to get his product. I say fine, he can do whatever he feels like. The… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Casulfan
Casulfan avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

The next couple films I will be releasing this year are some of the most expensive and high production work I have ever released.
Fun fact. I made a survey to ask what people wanted out of a Batgirl film, 800+ people took the survey, I made a proposal based on the highest level of responses… less than 18 people preordered.
Now you are so mad that you “or else” your customer base. Enjoy your newsletter list and put up the hoops for them. How many hoops can a loyal customer take? I guess you’ll find out.

4 years ago

I think Bubble Three protects you the best, Bubble two is best for the fans. And it sucks that this has destroyed the industry.

cy061127 avatar
4 years ago

I know this probably sounds naiive but would it be possible that when you release a film, you promise that you will release your film for free after a certain period of time (say 5 months) if it doesn’t get pirated?

cy061127 avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Well all I can say is that if you do that I will continue to instant buy any video that’s to my liking, and this may be able to stop those bad rats from posting your video elsewhere during the specified period.