Fallen Angel: The Darkest Place – Part 1, from Lee Carl Productions!
Part 1 of a 3 part epic sequel to Fallen Angel!
“Superiorgirl” awakens in captivity. To the surprise of both her and her captors, she survived her harrowing ordeal from “Fallen Angel”, but is still Lena’s prisoner. Superiorgirl takes her chance to try and escape, but is thwarted by Lena, her lieutenant, Otis, and their henchmen. They reward Superiorgirl’s escape attempt with brutality and humiliation…but Lena has bigger plans in store.
Part 1 includes: Flashback, Chain Bondage, Power Dampening, X-Cross Bondage, Electric Torture, Low Blows, Face Hits, Stomach Blows, Backbreakers, Bearhugs, Knee-to-Face, Headbutts, Choking, Back Punishment, Green-K Peril, Sleepy Heroine, Inner Voice, Groping, Sim-Oral, B/G Sim-Sex, Sim-Money Shot, and real insertion of “Green K” dildo (only a few seconds, featured more prominently in part 2)
Runtime is 37 minutes, plus a recap of Fallen Angel.
Price: $44.95

Purchase this video at SHG-Media and LeeCarlProductions.com
Email: leecarlproductions@gmail.com
Twitter: LeeCarlProducti
IG: lee_carl_films
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Purchased and watched! Awesome! Can part 3 surpass this!!
Trailer Link: https://we.tl/t-rZPdZmNn9N
UPDATE: The Darkest Place Part 2 is available NOW at SHG-Media and LeeCarlProductions.com. The trailer is still in process, but stills and synopsis are up!
UPDATE: The Darkest Place Part 2 is finished. It’s at SHG for encoding so should be for sale by the end of the day. We are still putting the trailer together. When that’s complete, we’ll send the article to Heroinemovies. But that can take anywhere from a couple hours to a few days for the article to go live, so I’ll update here when the movie is available, and screens/trailer will be available on my website. In the meantime, enjoy a another teaser screenshot!
For those interested, I’ve posted a bunch of screen caps from Part 2 over at leecarlproductions.com in a “Coming Soon” post. Trailer will be added after the movie goes live.
Any news about the release of part 2? I really can’t wait to see it 😀
I’ve started sharing screens from part 2 to my socials. It’s currently with my sound editor. I CANNOT promise any solid release dates, but I’m aiming for end of this week.
Excellent, can’t wait to see the teasers.
Any update on part 2 , and will it involve pie?
With any other female than Lucy, this would be extremely great. Now it is just great.
A less talented (and/or less attractive) actress would make it a better movie? Strange opinion, but you’re entitled to it.
Part 2 and 3 should drop at the same time 🙁 🙁 🙁
You realize that wouldn’t make part 3 come out any sooner. It would just make part 2 come out later.
And it would be pointless to divide something into two parts if they get released at the same time.
Any more teasers for part 2? I can’t wait to see where it leads, from what we’ve been shown about it so far.
“We must penetrate the enemy fortress!”
“But sir………the shields are still up!”
“Solo will get those shields down!…We have to give him more time!!!
Love see myself wear that costume.
I hope that in part 2 and 3 we can see her full naked
That would be so hot if she experiences complete costume removal. SG never expects that to happen to her.
Alicia looks great as the TV series version of SG and Lucy is always great as a villain. Should be a great 3 part movie !
FYI this was great, well worth the asking price.
Lightning, sets and VFX are a big step up from the first Fallen Angel so this is a true sequel with a noticeable jump in quality.
Can’t wait for more parts.
what is her name
What is going happen to her next
Alice c. Moon is her name.
Dakota Moon
You can tell exactly which episode this was loosely based on. Great first part over all. Very excited for part 2 which based on that teaser at the end should be amazing.
Hopefully each part has different ending.
ME too
Loving all the bondage elements- can’t wait to see the next parts!!!
God, this actress is so sexy. Can’t wait to see what part 2 will look like. I always save up for the specials, and this story-line looks very promising!
Agreed!What is in store for parts 2 and 3!!Hopefully total submission sexual submission to Lena!!