Doomsday Uncut (10th Anniversary Edition)

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1 year ago

You know what would have made this one better? Manyclothes…

1 year ago

first new rye movie in over 2 months is up but still no pics or trailer

depo man
depo man
1 year ago
Reply to  joe

i see it now… shame being a coward and turning off comments to posts hasn’t had an effect.

Last edited 1 year ago by depo man
1 year ago
Reply to  depo man

The film to me was quite mediocre and nothing special imo. Also there are way to much slo-mo scenes.

depo man
depo man
1 year ago
Reply to  Ferrari93

mediocre? like many rye movies in the past decade? Mr. Mail-it-in

1 year ago
Reply to  depo man

It’s called having an opinion and as a consumer, i am just stating how i feel about the purchase. I wish i had waited for the previews.

1 year ago
Reply to  depo man

What’s the upside in bashing producers in this small scene?

1 year ago

I purchased it ten years ago and I loved it. But I can’t purchase it again for just 10 minutes added content. I’m not against the process to add content to an old movie, but it should be included in a new video as extra bonus.

Skirtfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Rian

I couldn’t agree more. I purchased it also and loved it but to be then charged for the same movie with a few extra camera angles thrown in and be asked to fork out just under $50 is unacceptable in my opinion. Considering it’s the same movie with some added content it should be retailing at half the price. I don’t buy the improved visual quality either as I still find the original exceedingly good and doubt the new version would be much better.

Last edited 1 year ago by Skirtfan
Skirtfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Rian

Maybe the target market for this is newcomers to the genre and fans who did not buy this first time around. In that case I guess the price can be justified although the production costs I’d expect to be down because there are no actors or film crew to be paid. For people like myself who have the original, much as I’d like to see the added foootage, I just cannot justify the cost.

Heroine Movie Luver
Heroine Movie Luver
1 year ago

Did this gal ever get naked or better? What a rockin body on her! Where is she now?

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago

From what Ghost999 said further down in the comments. She’s a lawyer and did PG 13 videos to pay for her law degree. I’d say it’s safe to assume that no, she’s never got naked and she definitely has one hell of a body

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
1 year ago

Is the additional footage new fight scenes/peril scenes? Or is it different camera angles of previous scenes? I loved the original and the actress!

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Jwong

12 extra minutes of peril that include more beatdowns, more low blows, more knock downs, more crushing, more stomping, more breaking and bending, extended death scene and more of everything peril related.

1 year ago

I want to see Supergirl get penetrated by Gold Kryptonite. Perhaps have a female character like Harley Quinn or Mercy Graves do it.

1 year ago

I wonder how the actress doing now? Anyone have pics what she looks like 10 years later?

Ghost999 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  superman

She is a lawyer! She did PG 13 videos to pay for her law degree

Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Ghost999

Wow! So not only is she smoking hot but she also has an impressive intellect! That’s one heck of an amazing woman.

Heroine Movie Luver
Heroine Movie Luver
1 year ago
Reply to  Ghost999

How do you know? Got any links to her PG videos?

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago

You can find her old videos on SHGmedia. Her videos are on pages 4-6 of the rye section

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
Heroine Movie Luver
Heroine Movie Luver
1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

Thanks ZOMWS. But how do you know she’s a lawyer? Does she have a public profile anywhere? T&A Legal Associates?

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago

Ghost999 said that’s what she’s doing now, it’s higher up in this thread. You’d have to ask them how they know she’s a lawyer. I only saw it through them and was quite surprised to find that out

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
Heroine Movie Luver
Heroine Movie Luver
1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

Them? Don’t you mean him?

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago

Wasn’t sure if he was male or female but yeah

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

what is her name?

1 year ago

I find it hard to believe that all these scenes were shot with the idea of releasing them ten years later. It’s genius for anticipation but it’s also a little frustrating.

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Jigoku

It wasn’t. It was released with chapter 1 and 2 ten years ago but for the anniversary, rye has just remastered and added 12 minutes of new footage. It’d have been some wait for fans if they had planned to release it 10 years later

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago

Just checking to see if the comments are being censored for some reason. I posted twice praising this amazing video, but for some reason the posts disappeared.

Damien Woods avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

Some comments trigger content filters that require approval before they get posted.

1 year ago

I have returned to remove Supergirl’s pantyhose yet again!!!! Whats this…….??…………..No Pantyhose???…………….Inflation!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

10 years already? Damn that makes me feel old, specially because I remember this vid and the hype at the time being like a “new age” for SHIP content

redmanx avatar
1 year ago

I can understand why this incredible movie has been “remastered” and repackaged but I cant help being a bit miffed that the extra footage included here wasnt included in the original, which wasnt cheap! But if this and similar restorations help keep Rye going and enable him to create more masterpieces I can stomach it lol!

1 year ago
Reply to  Redmanx

It makes sense when you look at what the footage is. Like, at the end when the villain is standing over supergirl and says “Destroy Supergirl”, he repeats himself about 5 times, each time with the camera showing a different angle of him in relation to Supergirl. In the original, one read/angle was picked. In this, you get to see them all. So it’s fun footage and it’s cool to get to see the different angles and the different versions of punches and reactions from the actress and stuff, but it makes sense that not all of them were used… Read more »

rangerian avatar
1 year ago

Awesome Rye. This was before you added the excessive camera shake to all your recent productions. I hope many more restoration projects come out.

1 year ago

dont think i ever saw this one. can someone spoiler tag the death ending for me? (like hows it happen, is it open eye ending etc)

Geo10 avatar
1 year ago

Wow 10 years already! This was epic when it was released, and still is epic! Love the remastered edition here. I hope we get to see the other 2 parts redone with extra footage as well. Or, hopefully Rye will do something like what Allen did at TBFE with original Red Wing video, and release all the raw footage that he shot. That would be awesome! Please, Rye? Anyway, if anyone hasn’t purchased this yet, do yourself a favor and get it!

1 year ago

A special request for a remastered Parolee 2 with Gigi Allens please Rye.

depo man
depo man
1 year ago

for those who can’t comprehend why i say recent Rye releases are all the same and just low effort, paint by the numbers releases, just look at this masterpiece from back in time.

its not one specific thing, its an entire setting, mood, etc… you know it when you see it…

1 year ago
Reply to  depo man

and your goal with this post is?

1 year ago
Reply to  depo man

everyone comprehends what you’re saying. it’s just that you’re stupid and wrong
the parolee 3 just came out a few months back and that was anything but “low effort.” thats wrong
and before that, eternal prison, which was amazing
you just have bad taste

rangerian avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ted

Ted, pump your brakes, not need to personally insult the man for expressing an opinion.

depo man
depo man
1 year ago
Reply to  ted

awww Ted, show me where my post hurt you…

rangerian avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  depo man

I respect your opinion Depo man. Probably going to meet you half way on this. It’s a tough niche. I give credit to Rye for hanging in there and being consistent while many have fallen away over the 10 year period.

redmanx avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  rangerian

If restoring movies like this keeps Rye in the business and attracts new customers and fans it can only be a good thing.

Darkwrath016 avatar
1 year ago

For me, this is the greatest PG13 SHIP film of all time, played by one of the best if not THE best SHIP actresses of all time. There was a two year stint of my life where this film was on constant repeat. It was that good. Hell, it’s still amazing to watch quite honestly even to this day. The beatdown of supergirl is one of the best choreographed fights I’ve watched and highly recommend everyone to buy this. I know I certainly will again.

1 year ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

It’s a shame they’re doing it more wrong today then what they should be doing

Darkwrath016 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Leo

Well I think it’s important to understand the environment in which Doomsday was produced versus today’s environment. Doomsday was filmed right before producers writ large switched to the customs only of model of production. Back then there was a lot of variety in terms of content in a SHIP film mainly because producers were trying to please a relatively broad audience. Fast forward a couple year later and films are produced mostly to please the person who commissioned the custom. And rightfully so! They are shelling out thousands of dollars. Their interest should be served first which I can tell… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Darkwrath016
1 year ago

I never saw it. Is there topless nudity?

1 year ago
Reply to  clb

No, this actress don’t do nudity.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Slater74

Who is the actress
What other Rye videos did she appear in?

1 year ago

Can’t believe Rock has been in the business for so long…

1 year ago

She was such a great supergirl her figure was so ideal for this and the WW costume. legend

ValourSatanas avatar
1 year ago

I’d always love that costume! That skirt…
Perhaps one day, we’d get to see the earlier films starring Gigi Allens, I fondly remembered Omega Girl etc…

Last edited 1 year ago by Valour Satanas
Mr.Bleh avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Valour Satanas

They’re still available.