“DOCTRESS” – a Luciafilms Custom Film

Wondrous Woman (Mckenzie) pays for her good samaritan instincts with an abduction by the wicked Dr. Fauster (Lucy Westenra) and her genetic creation Freedom Smasher (Ariana Rogue). While the pair of rogues do not realize they’ve cornered Wonderous Woman herself thanks to a careful persona, the reveal is swiftly made as our Heroine makes ready to take the two to justice.
Unfortunately, Dr. Fauster’s file on Justice’s champion includes a few choice weaknesses that could be her downfall. What dark intent does the mad scientist harbor for the heroine? Will Wonderous Woman be able to fight her way to freedom? Or will she submit to the twisted willpower of the evil Doctor and her brutal henchwoman?
Find out, in Doctress! Our latest Custom Film!

-Power Theft
-Body/Face Striking
-Truthtelling Lasso
-Forced Oral
-Orgasm Control
-Low Blows
-Orgasm Harness
-Ripped Hose
-Sim Sex with Harness
-Partial Nudity (Top)
Visit Lucia Films at SHG-Media or LuciaFilms.rocks
Project Updates and Producer News
-Huge thank you again to our patron for this fantastic collaborative project.
-A prologue for Imperiled “Voltage”, and how she became collared in the first place.
-Part Two of Frequency
-An original Coco movie that is going to be bonkers!
-A mini-series of peril shorts hyper focusing on specific perils.
-Now that the weather is warming up, we might revisit the Hunter film hinted at a while back before the cold and rain ruined our ambitions!
Does anyone know if McKenzie has done a real porn scene? I really like her acting and body.
Any chance of getting an She-Ra themed movie some Day?
Im not Sure if i could finance an custom Order all alone. Are Crowdfunding Campaings possible?
Lucia is it possible we can get a response?
Hope everything is ok Lucia, cant wait to see more films!
If the rumors of Lucia writing a series of Harlequin Romances are true….
I just watch this. Ariana schould have her own movie where she is a victim. She has long beautiful hair, excelent smile and eyes. Perfect body to be a heroine <3
She has been the heroine in other movies, and I’m sure she will be again in the future.
Yeah I know. She has been heroine in “Dolorfer: Origins” and “Vayne: Breaking Point” and that’s all 🙁 Mckenzie is heroine in most of movies. Ariana doesn’t 🙁 . Still waiting for Xiphos back to us
finally 😀
Please release this its looks awesome. Xiphos looks so hot here. I have to admit xiphos is more hot than Coco here <3
Superb all round one Lucia’s best!
How long is the forced oral? also how rough?
It is a bit over 3 minutes long. Pictures 9 – 13 show how much Dr Fauster and Freedom Smasher are trying to help Wondrous Woman to learn this new skill.
Any update on the “mini-series of peril shorts”? This sounds amazing!
And for those enjoying Mckenzie in this one, you might also like her role as Starwave in “Dishonored” (a personal favorite Mckenzie role) if you haven’t picked that one up already. Lucia does a great job of using the sets and varying the action while also keeping some of the best action sequences consistent.
I have had high hopes for this movie since it was teased and though not all of them were fulfilled, I was not disappointed. In fact, this is probably my favourite movie from Lucia up to this date – aside from my own custom “Guardians of Justice” of course. It’s at least a match for “Pretty Bird” which is quite similar in some regards. Something that always bugged me a little about “Pretty Bird”, as good as it is, are some obvious problems with logical coherence. At least at first glance, I didn’t notice something comparable in “Doctress”. Well, okay,… Read more »
Your custom was my all time fave ! Thanks dude
You’re welcome. I’m glad that other people like it, too.
Just curious, what was your problems with Pretty Bird?
Lynxa’s very first line is: “And here I thought this was going to be a boring night.” Then she orders one of her thugs to inform headquarters that they have “an unexpected guest”. But only a few minutes later she reveals that the whole arms deal was a trap to catch Blue Bird – so what she says in the beginning doesn’t make sense. This is such an obvious contradiction that I am really surprised that no one on the set noticed it. But I guess all their attention was focused on filming the fight scene as good as possible.… Read more »
All points are valid, believe scheduling wise they couldn’t get everything. There was no COMPLETE script but guidelines that I gave and trusted there process besides basing the setup on a fanfiction of an alternate take from a comic issue. X was an original character that they made and that they were also a broken pet by Lynxa which I liked and thought of a possible prequel idea for how. The emphasis on the pronouns and calling herself Pretty Bird was one of the things too I was hoping for to be said at least once, but thems the brakes… Read more »
It was your custom? Then I have to thank you for having it made. And I hope it works out with the sequel!
Thanks, hope so as well.
As much as I love Wonder Woman and Supergirl, I hope we see some Batwoman/Catwoman content soon
I’d love to see Alicia Moon and Mckenzie together, sensually making out in a new film. I absolutely adored the ending of Earth34. You guys release amazing content.
awesome video 10/10
Thanks for the video Lucia!, I enjoyed it a lot!, It’s very well shot!
Mckenzie is such a gem. She’s gorgeous, has a great blend of personality that feels authentic and is a good sport about things. If there was one girl past or present in this genre that I’d like to get to hang out with for a night it would be her hands down. Really appreciate she gets into this for us.
Great acting and filming all around on this one!
what is going to happen to her next
Get the fuck out with that question!
When Xiphos come back as main actress?
wow this looks amazing
INSTANT PURCHASE. Also how do we reach out about ordering a custom? Emails have not been responded to…
It looks like they don’t respond on this thread either… My advice would be to send another e-mail. And then another one. When I reached out to them last year, I had pretty much given up on getting an answer (let alone a positive one) by the time I got it.
I’m a fan of Ariana. Is there a movie where she will main?
Have you Ever Considered Draining Powers from Breasts more?, I Love stuff like SuperHeroineWorld’s Super Pink and the Death of Empire Girl Feat.Cali Logan and Stacy Burke, it’s an oldie but a goldie! focuses on her Breasts as drainable weaknesses and targets them, grabs and steals their power and the SFX team had fun with it!
Easily one of my all time favourite Super Heroine Videos and will continue to be so.
Hopefully something will one day take that crown, considering Super Pink was made a long time ago T.T
Sorry if any of this seems regurgitated >.<
Woow, pantyhose at least… In two wears a debooting. Next!
McKenzie, Lucy and Ariana all look great with great acting ! All around solid film ( lots of good close-ups/full body views and good lighting) with a great balance of superheroine and sexual perils ! The very beginning of the film was very well done with a bit of suspense like a superheroine TV show ! Much thanks for creating this great film !
Omg is this the first time Lucia makes a film with pantyhose?
Luciafilms=Ha sido una actuación maravillosa de la protagonista solamente falta su desnudez absoluta y será la película perfecta♥️
This one gives me all the same vibes that Guardians of Justice gave me, and that in a good way too! It’s amongst my top favourites of all time so this for sure is an Instant buy.
Fantastic video, McKenzie is more sexy with casual clothes than with some heroine clothes.
That was excellent!!! McKenzie, Lucy, and Ariana are amazing. Thanks to whoever came up with this.
Any lifts beyond that brief bearhug?
Whoever made this custom, mucho gracias ! The acting is great too
Cheers to whoever put this custom together. Lucy is my favorite actress in the business!