“Destroyed” from The Battle for Earth

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5 years ago

Someone wanna email me this for free so that I dont have to buy it pls thx. Email: gphag@yahoo.com

mongey avatar
5 years ago

best beat down in forever!! she is def up there with coco and thew face punch series was just right! thanks

5 years ago
Reply to  tim

How do you pay for your videos?

5 years ago

Shg-media has made it so hard to buy videos. Where else can I purchase RYEs videos?!?! Someone plz help!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Did you send shg-media an email?

HonestFish avatar
5 years ago

just my two cents, I like the costume because it’s what supergirl wore in the justice league animated series and I love that series. kudos to HolyMoly for the custom

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Honest Fish

Oh YEAH! I forgot about that. I keep on thinking that this particularly supergirl costume is original to this genre for some reason.

By the way, that animated series features one of the best heroine beatdowns in animation history between super girl and galatea.

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

And here it is!


Hopefully I’m not breaking any Heroinemovies regulations but that scene was one of the first beatdown scenes that got me into the genre when I first saw it.

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Ah yes, that’s one of the great’s.

5 years ago

Chiming in on not really liking the costume, just to stoke the fire. :p

I bought it and enjoyed it, Lexi is just good. I found the flow of the video very boring, but I appreciate that people commission customs, and that I’m taking a risk by checking it out.

5 years ago

I disagree with many comments about the costume. I like this alternate costume. It shows off Supergirl’s youthfulness and inexperience as a heroine. It looks cute on her instead of her more serious costume that is similar to Superman’s costume.

RobertLoblaw avatar
5 years ago

Completely agree. Love the rookie look.

I also love the other type of Supergirl costume. Ya can’t go wrong.

juan77 avatar
5 years ago

she dies?

juan77 avatar
5 years ago

i cant pay with credit card?

juan77 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  John

or paypal?

5 years ago
Reply to  John

Send an email to admin@netcodemedia and they can help you out.

5 years ago
Reply to  TBob
Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago

TBFE first release of the year turns out to be an out of the park grand slam. I so highly recommend everyone give this a shot. Particularly if you’re a fan of a good ol’ fashion “heroine is demolished from wall to wall” superheroine beatdown. Or if you’re a fan of Lexi which most people should be. And if you haven’t been introduced to her well this film is the perfect starter kit for this amazing talent that’s in the SHIP industry. Her performance completely blew my mind. So here the basic plot: Supergirl (Lexi) is on the hunt for… Read more »

redmanx avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I couldn’t agree more, the beating Supergirl takes is the most intensive Ive seen in the genre! Lexi is outstanding and excels in all areas! Oh, and the bad guy is very good too!

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
5 years ago

Hey guys, I commissioned this and wanted to drop in with my thoughts. I had what I believe was a demanded script that dictated the flow of the film from beginning to end. In addition to several general descriptions of how I wanted things to go, I also included 36 very specific events. On the general level, I wanted this to be a fast-paced, brutal, one-sided, and violent beatdown video. I had a little sexual content at the end, but the main goal of the film was for Dolorfer to enjoy beating the hell out of SG (Yes, while she… Read more »

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago

About the costume, did you specifically request that you can see a little bit of her underwear when she’s walking?

If so, you are a man of phenomenal taste.

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  RyonaKing

Impeccable taste I might add.

5 years ago

The complaint was how it was more of the same basic core stuff. The irony I found is that it can go from the same basic thing done all the time; to an a original thing by simply swapping out the muscular guy with a muscular woman for the villain.

Anyways the complaint was really only about one thing, the lack of an original basic core concept. People seen it a trillion times and its starting to lose its spark recently. So the release of this custom video was really just bad timing.

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

The core concept is not tired in any way to me. Adding a “muscular woman” would not improve these films for me. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the fatigue of these films lately, but it has nothing to do with the core concept. It’s because the pacing and movesets are not varied, at least from some producers. TBFE in general has not fallen into this yet imo. This is a very niche genre where the actual core concept is a heroine in peril. You can only vary that in so many ways. And as trite as this is to… Read more »

HeroineLover avatar
5 years ago

Saw a comment talking about pristine sequel and how they would buy it to be honest. I would just like to chime in maybe do the sequel where its called impurity and thats her name now . I think it could work where someone lie a wonderous woman, powergirl, alpha girl or supegirl goes to investigate purity’s disappearance and goes to her last known location which is the facility, we could then see lexi as impurity in a black and silver costume corrupted by the toxin acting quite depraved and a deviant we could treat the toxin like marvel did… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Heroine Lover

Thats a great idea, I love it.

5 years ago

Each to their own but i don’t get the negative comments on this one. Snapshots 2,4 & 9 look pretty good to me.
I realise this is just my opinion but I think the only way this particular scene could have been improved is if the villain pummelling & humiliating the gorgeous helpless blonde, was black.

5 years ago

Let’s be honest – this costume sucks

5 years ago
Reply to  Baz

Now if they had a muscular woman it would not only be different but also a first time ever done. And there’s plenty of such actresses as Brandi Mae and Megan Avalon and Goddess Rapture and so fort.

5 years ago
Reply to  Baz

Let’s be honest — he who writes the big check decides what does and doesn’t suck.

5 years ago

Never was really a fan of this Supergirl outfit but as with everything else I’m sure Lexi makes it work just fine, and I might get this just because she’s in it.

I do know that if there’s ever a sequel to Pristine or a vid with Lexi as Wonder Woman then they would be must-buys for me. Man was she perfect as Pristine!

5 years ago
Reply to  mike3

I agree with you that Lexi did a great job the moment she took on the supergirl role.

I am beginning to like videos with Lexi in it. I am also hoping for another sequel of Public Disgrace 6 with Lexi facing the final boss and then getting her ass kicked and humiliated.

Lexi has this innocent schoolgirl look and I think she makes better supergirl than wonder woman. Just a personal opinion.

5 years ago

Lexi posted this on insta on Aug 5th lol hope they got more stuff brewing

TimCaine avatar
5 years ago

This looks great to me. Simple, total beat down followed by total humiliation.
I can already see the comments coming though “This is just more of the same thing, blah, blah, blah, …”
To that I say; If you really like the same thing, then you can never get enough.
One sided beatdowns are like chips and salsa for me… It seems like I can keep eating em up forever! More, please.

Skirtfan avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

And nice to see blood and bruising as well;. I wish this was dome more even though I know there are people who don’t like it.

5 years ago
Reply to  shbeater


5 years ago
Reply to  shbeater

Agree with you completely. Blood and bruises makes it more real.
Plus, I think having more cunt busts would be ideal as well. Those kind of cunt busts where the villain would punch/kick the heroine in the crotch, and then rub it in and then smash it again and again. Probably, best to film a short scene of a bruise cunt or tits. That would be darn great!

5 years ago
Reply to  Valour

Yeah we need bruises and some blood.

Superheroine fetish videos need more freshness.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Personally, I love a simple beatdown and total humilation in these videos. Love the blood and bruising in this one.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

But they could swap out the muscular guy for a muscular actress like Brandi Mae or Megan Avalon or Goddess Rapture or even Venus from landofvenus.com

It not only woukd be different, but it would be a first time done ever as well. And the only change in this would be a muscular woman instead of a muscular man doing all these exact same things; including wearing the same strap-on this male actor was wearing, LOL but true.

digitalbleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

There are plenty of videos out there with muscular women doing the beating of the superheroine, as well as playing the superheroine. Saharra Huxly, the lady from Weaponz Tokyo, Ariel X from UltimateSurrender. There are more too on the clips4sale superheroine section.

In my opinion, i like this video how it is.

5 years ago
Reply to  digitalbleh

Could you post the links to some videos? I think Kaizar needs help finding them, because he’s made this claim more than once before. (Not Saharra Huxly, because the last time this came up Kaizar said she wasn’t muscular.)

5 years ago
Reply to  digitalbleh

Saharra Huxly is fat, and so are the weapons Tokyo videos. But Ultimatesurrender.com does have wrestling with muscular women vs. Skinny women, as well as muscular women vs. Muscular women. Ariel X & Brandi Mae & that black woman who I believe her name is Kelly Provacuter but I’m sure of her name. Christina Carter has done some videos with Goddess Rapture but Christina Carter is always already tied done and bonded from the start, and its not a CC Production video but I found it in clips4sale, but It doesn’t even play out like a superheroine video almost, i… Read more »

saxman314 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

dtwrestling has tons of superheroine videos with Afrika. She’s definitely muscular.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

Oooohh.. I would wanna see Huxley against Lexi anytime!