“Deceptress v Spectrum” from NGC Championship

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6 years ago

Is NGC affiliated with the Progress wrestling organization? Have NGC actors/actresses been in the ring?

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

So this is probably my second or third favorite championship match to date. A lot of that probably has to do with Spectrum and my own biases and believing that she’s the greatest thing ever to grace NGC. Before I give a review though I’ll just like to say that all of you who voted for the winner: you suck! I’m not quite sure you understand the gravity of your decision here and what it possible means for the loser going forward. You. Guys. SUCK! Secondly. Disclaimer: Spectrum is my favorite heroine/actress. Erica is probably my second favorite so again… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

So without revealing who actually won, care to share what the final vote score was NGC?

7 years ago

Great there’s a sale on TBFE and we got this coming out too. Guess I’ll buy both….

7 years ago

I’m so torn with this one. Erica is probably my favourite NGC heroine but the boxing fetish is nowhere near my alley. But i also would love to see the extra content of Virtue packed with this release
Would it be possible in the future to be able to pay a little fee for the outakes if we have no interest in the particular release that includes them or it would be too much of a hassle?
I might still get this one tough, the extra content and the presence of erica and spectrum might be too much too miss

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

At the risk of bringing the ‘Price Wars’ to this post, that affordability bit is a huge part of why I buy virtually all NGC products. Not everything that I’ve brought I liked but because on average they’re between $10-16$ I’ve never really regretted buying. So I’m out lunch money a sometime next week. No big deal really. Worth the risk. And usually there’s at least one thing in it that I like whether it be a particular sequence, just seeing the actresses, the story or even the brief moments of levity.

7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Agree with DW016. I don’t buy every NGC video that comes but try to buy them regularly. Obviously I have my favorite actresses and set ups as well but there is a bit of supporting the producer in it too. If you like a particular producer we need to regularly buy vids to make it worth their time to keep making them, even if that means buying a few here and there that aren’t 100% what you’d want. If a producer sees a 50% drop when he tries something new and doesn’t use the tried and proven actresses or plots… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  dbud

I also agree with Darkwrath. I get virtually everything NGC produces for just the reason he gives, which is that even if the scenario or actresses or whatever don’t immediately appeal to me, there’s almost always something in every video that I like enough to justify the buy, given the prices. Naturally, everyone’s tastes and price sensitivities are different, but NGC make a high-quality product and keep things interesting, so there’s a good chance that something in a video will be appealing even if it’s not in the previews. Also, like dbud, it’s worth it to me to encourage producers… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Dr Mabuse

Oh, i’m an avid NGC colector, at this point i can assume i own between 70%-80% of all their releases (a 60 GB folder on my PC and growing ^^) and much of that is a result of both accesible prices and matching my tastes, i can’t complain in those areas, maybe i sounded too negative about this boxing release. Sadly my country can be a little bit picky on how much foreign currency you can spend, specially until recently, so i have to be way more picky than what i would like. Some other producers who charge $35-$40 per… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  F L

The boxing thing isn’t for me either, but a previous match had a boxing portion (Red Glory v Lucy Zillion) and it didn’t put me off as much as I feared. From the trailer above, it looks like both actresses are game, and they’re absolute knockouts (*zing!*), so it’s hard to go wrong.

7 years ago

Hey NGC, why don’t we see Bluebird in these championship fight type videos more? Just curious. While Deceptress is my (and it seems like most) fav, BB is a very close second.

7 years ago

For those of us who don’t always want to see heroines lose against a villain in the rink, these heroine v heroine battles are super satisfying. The outcome is much less predictable and it’s fun seeing a different kind of chemistry between the girls.

7 years ago

I want Spectrum to lose, somewhat like this:
[slow motion punch to the face, spitting out blood, or perhaps water (lol)]

shmarbles avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Shaun

spitting out water or a bit of drool would be cool im hoping deceptress gets beast down but hope its a back and forth match for a bit

TimCaine avatar
7 years ago

I’m hoping that half way through this battle The Dominator and/or Miss Suppression run in and beat the bejesus out of both of them.

Since that’s probably not the outcome, I’m voting for Spectrum to win.

shmarbles avatar
7 years ago

I really hope deceptress loses as well as takes some good shots to her crotch!

7 years ago

How much do I gotta throw down to see a debooting happen again? lol

mid2018 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Kirtastic

Yes I second that! I love whenever NCG deboots its heroines. I love seeing these cute feet in these shiny pantyhose

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

The return of my favorite heroine, Spectrum! And also the return of Erica, arguable my second favorite heroine. Love these two girls. That said, I’m hoping that Spectrum wins this one and manages to secure at least one victory in the championship.

**whispers quietly to everyone**: “please vote for Spectrum to win”

Mr.Bleh avatar
7 years ago

Thank you for that. I still need to get those videos.

Maar13 avatar
7 years ago

Awesome! Welcome back Spectrum! And Yes!!! More Deceptress everyday!!

Mr.Bleh avatar
7 years ago

I see these two as fairly “equal” adversaries, so this ought to be fantastic!.
I’m sure “Mr.NGC” has probably read this a few times already, but I think there should be a match between Dominator and Red Glory, where Dom basically uses Glory as a “plaything” and garners her 5h victory.
This then sets up a 3-way BATTLE ROYALE between Dominator, Wonderstrike and The KO Queen, but here’s the twist….3 different endings with each fighter winning in each of the endings!
Which one is the “canon” ending?……..which indeed!…….