“Deceptress Destroyed” from NGC Championship

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8 years ago

I love how the panties are showing underneath the tights in this preview pic! so sexy

comment image/v1/fill/w_1280,h_720,al_c,q_90/20f6be_3959f47acfd14af198bbca56fc59539b~mv2.webp

8 years ago

The third matchup between the Dominator and Deceptress needs to end with the Dominator taking off the Deceptress’s belt and putting it around her neck like a leash, then walking her out of the ring.

8 years ago
Reply to  Steve

That’s a great idea, Steve.
It seems clear to me that, judging by the response to Robbie/Chris’ original posts and the feedback since, there is an undeniable thirst for Erica’s total humiliation and destruction. Bring on Option 3!!!!!!
Really, is it any wonder? The woman is beautiful and sells her suffering so well. And that is a joy to behold.

Richpartist7@gmail.com avatar
8 years ago

The only thing I ask for are more chloroform and ots carries from NGC.You are one of the best with the hottest girls so I think your sales would improve if you did more of that šŸ™‚

8 years ago
Reply to  Richard

Never understood the appeal of chloroform. I don’t think it’s interesting remotely.

8 years ago

I just wish to see the Destroyed…..destroyed.

8 years ago

I am putting a reply to my earlier comment to NGC about possible death endings to the championship fights here as the original thread is buried below and would probably be missed. I don’t want to argue the point too much as these are NGC’s vids to make or not however he wants. But I do think the allegiance to ‘canon’ goes a bit too far. You have the BB2020 and NGC Championships which are completely removed from the main plot. I don’t see why a one-off series of bracket fights where they end in death until the final fighter… Read more »

8 years ago

First off, don’t take my comments as being critical of anything you have done. Second, I dont take it as you shooting down my idea. You have to take into account many factors (schedule, cost, etc.) when making videos. I just want what I want with no concerns for such things. Real world concerns are beneath me. But I am not expecting you to run off and shoot my dream (but you should understand you are crushing my dreams!) I assume you are working on that low blow vid where the fighters score points for groin shots and first to… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  dbud

And PS: I was also not intending to imply you have a lack of creativity. Hope it did not come off that way. I think you take ur vids in really cool and unexpected ways. I just wanted to throw out an idea that I had as an informal request/suggestion. But it was not because I think you lack creativity or new/good ideas.

And PPS: I get the comment about the cost of all 8 actresses for a final shot. That was more of a wish list type scene, not a serious request.

8 years ago

Haven’t seen this yet, downloading as I type actually but two things. First, you could make one helluva collage just from Erica’s facial expressions from the pics NGC has released for this video. Second, I have to wonder what the actresses reaction is when she is told all the fans want to see her destroyed yet again. How does that conversation go?

8 years ago
Reply to  dbud

I don’t know if you’ll get an answer, dbud, but that’s a GREAT question and I want to thank you for asking.

8 years ago
Reply to  Nixon

Yeah that was more rhetorical than literal. Wasn’t expecting an answer specifically. But I would be curious if one was available as well.

Wrecker avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  dbud

Hopefully she takes it as a compliment to her acting skills and beauty. It is kinda backwards in this little genre though. The actresses and characters we like the best are the ones we want to see lose most often.

8 years ago

Agreed. That IS painfully dull! šŸ™‚
I vote for my imagination over reality then.
I understand the action is shot before the voting begins. So I’ll just imagine Erica saying, “Thanks, but why is the script in which I lose SO much longer than the one in which I win?” or, better yet, saying, “Thanks, I will get learning. But is there really any point in shooting both versions? We all know how the vote is going turn out….badly for me.”

8 years ago

Ur totally harshing by buzz today.

Wrecker avatar
8 years ago

Well played, sir. Well played…

8 years ago

Let’s hope Dominator gets the dreamland treatment this time with long panning camera shots of her beautiful face and body!

chucky avatar
8 years ago

i am voteing for erica to win this time!

8 years ago
Reply to  ray

Let’s be real…she won’t

8 years ago

Love her newer suit she’s been using lately. Deceptress is a fave so I’m voting she loses. Hey, her fault for looking sooo damn good in peril!

toshiki avatar
8 years ago

That torture rack looks spectacular. More of those please!

8 years ago
Reply to  toshiki

Yes, toshiki! The more back abuse the better. And I hope the torture rack is a long one.

8 years ago

Also since I couldn’t buy the previous video with Red Glory and Wonderstrike, will there also be a preview to the upcoming bluebird episode in this one or no?

8 years ago

Always nice to see the lovely Erica get a beating, especially whilst wearing an outfit like that. There should have been a 3rd option on the vote…
Option 3 “The Deceptress gets absolutely humiliated and taken apart”

8 years ago
Reply to  Robbie

I like the way you think, Robbie. If you would be so kind, please expand on option 3 so I can get a clearer picture.

8 years ago
Reply to  Nixon

Agreed Robbie, please expand on the absoulete humiliation of the deceptress, I too would love to see that

8 years ago
Reply to  Nixon

Haha I dont know, my imagination is a. dangerous place to be. Given the models – actresses in this genre would need to stay in the sub x rated bracket you’re somewhat limited as to what could take place.
-There could be a whipping scene at the end
-she could rip her costume
-she could get an accomplice to give her a beating whilst she laughs & films the whole thing
-At the end she could roll her into a tub containing oil / mud, or just pour it over her (like in one of the supra girl movies).

8 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Your imagination might be a dangerous place, but it also creates some very vivid pictures. Thanks for inviting us in. Chances are we’ll never get to see everything we want to see involving a particular heroine, in this case The Deceptress, but that makes sharing what our minds’ eye creates all the more enjoyable. I love the torn costume idea, exposing some of the beauty that lies beneath and whipping always makes for good humiliation. I imagine her tied up in the ropes, then perhaps trying to crawl away while she is being flogged. Erica crawls really beautifully and to… Read more »

Wrecker avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Nixon

Yeah. I’d watch that.

8 years ago
Reply to  Robbie

Since the vid is titled Deceptress Destroyed I think the tone is pretty much set. I would assume that even if she wins it will be a last second thing or an unexpected turn of events that allows her to win.

8 years ago

Is… is there any way to preorder?! Looks like one of your best videos yet!

(I’ll be fairly impressed at the turnaround if Erica Lynn somehow wins…)

The only thing that got me wondering from the trailer was if the set-up shot of first kick shown got cut off a few frames or 0.1s too early… maybe loses a bit of the sense of impact? The nittiest of nitpicks here!

Can’t wait until Friday!

8 years ago

I checked out the site to vote and noticed you had updated the fighters with their status which I thought was cool. On the NGC Championships, is there any plan to have some sort of ending or true championship and name a winner? I get the purpose of the whole thing, you can make different matches with which ever actresses are available and dont have to worry about scripts or availability or any of that. the actress makes a few bucks and so do you (I hope). So I get it, you can keep making fight vids forever. But is… Read more »

8 years ago

You’ve made my day with this beauty……”A climax however would almost certainly be between 2 villains since people always seem to vote for them to win”……we are a nefarious lot, aren’t we?…..It’s sacrilege to say on this forum, but I’m probably even more of a women’s wrestling fan than I am a superheroine fan…..and there’s nothing like a ‘face’ receiving a beatdown from a ‘heel’ (or two), ESPECIALLY when the face has built a reputation with some success beforehand; much like a superheroine. (the lovely but hapless Erica being an exception; thank you very much!) So please (!) don’t stop… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
8 years ago

You know, I’m not quite sure that a match between two female villains would necessarily be unpopular. Of course it would have to be set up right but my gut feeling tells me that a match between say KO Queen and the Dominator in which one of them gets absolutely destroyed (Dominator please) would actually be pretty good. I believe that one of the reasons so many of us love SHIP videos, particularly the PG-13 crowd, is the whole pride before the fall concept. These heroines are somewhat cocky, somewhat confident in their abilities and in our twisted little minds,… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I am happy to oblige with my two cents, if my words meet the moderator’s approval. I think you are correct and that your presentation is well thought out. For the reasons you’ve mentioned yourself about baked in impressions, I would think the beatdown would HAVE to be delivered by another villain – male or female – to really pique my interest. But that is the whole point, right? A match like that – between two villains – might very well turn out to be popular. The key, it seems to me, would be to get a consensus on which… Read more »

8 years ago

I appreciate you giving us the perspective from the inside. Your explanation drives home the point that anything you produce is probably going to eliminate a portion of the audience, simply because we have such a variety of tastes and you can’t possibly meet them all in one video. It is a balancing act, I’m sure. So I will say thank you for this video in advance, because it certainly appears to meet my tastes with Erica receiving a resounding thrashing. And I will close with one request: I noticed that Erica’s status on the website is “confused”. I hope… Read more »

8 years ago

TAKE MY MONEY!!! Definitely on board with another Deceptress vs Dominator rematch. When it says episode length does that mean it is a longer than normal ep? Also, if there a reason why Bluebird isn’t in an many vids as usual?

8 years ago
Reply to  dbud

I was wondering the same thing about the length. The longer the better and the more punishment Erica absorbs the better. I LOVE Erica, but sometimes love hurts.

Darkwrath016 avatar
8 years ago

WOW! 20 minutes! That’s longer than most of the films you make.

8 years ago

Is this deebototing?

8 years ago

I mean remove the Boots:)

8 years ago

Oh my god….Erica gets destroyed and I can’t help but love it. Think it’s cool how the dominator at the end holds her by the chin to show that she’s just out cold only to let go to show she’s done with her.