“Closed Set” – a Luciafilms Custom Film

It is 1978 in Burbank California and the age of cinema is at its peak. Unfortunately, famed actress Melissa Westaway (Mckenzie) has become a jaded terror that few can contend with. On the set of the hot new Wonderous Woman show, her antics finally break the patience of the cast and crew and they concoct a way to get back at the tyrant while keeping themselves out of hot water at the same time.
By making the movie real.
TRAILER (Which I cannot get to embed properly for some reason. Sorry!)

Features List:
Heavy amounts of black Comedy
Indomitable heroine
3 v 1
Light Bondage vc
Simulated Sex
Rough Oral
Messy Facial
Forced Rubbing
Passing Out
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Wtf happened to Mackenzie? She’s a BBW! What are they feeding these girls?
Amazing consent great video, they should definitely make a part 2
A new lucia film is now on the store front and looks like a good one.
It still puzzles me why the top producers still need approval to post here, especially with shg-media seemingly not supporting video and photo previews anymore. Feedback to the new owners, why not use a trust-but-verify model? Most of us are here because of these producers.
Well i just finished watching it and oh boy is it a good one, i’d say lucia films best work to date. A lot of people on here will love it.
Please just a spoiler… there is full nudity?
It gets better than that… 😉
No idea either. Been posting things here for years, but we still have to juggle the timing. In general, we try to post them both way early in the morning, and then SHG and HM get to race to see who goes first! =P
Sorry for the delay!
I’ll post my full take on the video when the article is up, but i gotta say, you’ve really outdone yourself this time, that is by far your best work yet. I really hope you have more like that in future projects.
You sold me on the going in blind concept. I don’t think I have done that in a decade, so it ought to be interesting!
Hope you enjoyed it. I’d feel bad now if you didn’t lol
I’m excited to check this out (I’d like to see a preview before I consider it, is there a link to it?)
I’ve been waiting for a superheroine with nylons or tights on. I’m gonna have to get this!
Great concept and so much fun (& funny) to watch. McKenzie was so sexy and brilliant in this. She is the best. Great wedgie and spanking sequence, which sold me, but I enjoyed everything really. Highly recommended.
FIRST movie I’ve seen with this idea. It’s brilliant! McKenzie and Alina Lopez will ALWAYS get my money.
Aww, thank you! It was a blast to write and I’m very happy with how it turned out.
She’s a gorgeous girl who can really sell it though. Would love to see more of her and that massive rack, especially with the skinny chick, Lucy?
Mckenzie full nudity!!! Instant buy
This is the campiest SHiP movie I’ve ever seen and it fucking rules.
id like to see mkenzie milked savagely. somehow visual effects show them deflating. she looks fabulous in this though.
I will kind of echo some of the other comments here, but I’ll go ahead and say I do not normally enjoy these pretend pretend superheroine films. But I’ll be damned if I’m not a sucker for McKenzie. So TAKE MY MONEY!
Have more belly punching?
I don’t usually dig stuff where she’s not actually a heroine. But it’s McKenzie in the WW outfit so I get what I get and I don’t get upset. This flick is legit hilarious. I laughed out loud multiple times. Love the over acting, the chewing gum, the campy dialog for the “film,” and the “she’s been in like THREE episodes of Kojack… she could DESTROY us.” LMFAO!
Thank you so much! Really lovely compliment. Glad you enjoyed it!
this one’s definitely not for me with her not being an actual heroine and the passed out ending but i do appreciate that it’s something different!
Looks pretty good I’ll buy it . Does anyone else know what Lucia as planned for the rest of the year ? Maybe a pie custom?
This was my second custom and my first with Lucia (previously “Kill Craig” with TBFE, who has my latest in the queue.) This was a naughty little idea I couldn’t get out of my head and after Lucia responded so favorably to it we had to get it done. Even though “The Job” wasn’t mine, it’s sort of a spiritual successor to it. It’s definitely off-center in the story department but it has all the hot heroine in peril action you all love. McKenzie absolutely knocked it out of the park with her incredible charisma and full-send performance, and the… Read more »
Glad it was enjoyed! Your script was an absolute TREAT to work with! Easily the most professional we’ve encountered and we were laughing on set while filming the jokes. Solid, fantastic stuff. Hope we get to work together again!
I’m just so relieved she pronounced “Sepulveda” correctly
She’s from Cali originally, so that helped, lol.
Tried to buy but apparently the seller has reached maximum amount of credit card purchases method
Yeah have same issue
McKenzie looks great in this one ! By black comedy, do you mean dark humor ? Just curious 🙂
Yes. The script has a lot of humorous elements and industry jokes built into it, much like the campy intro seen in the trailer. ^_^
Thanks! Have a Happy Halloween ! 🙂
This film is supposed to be set in 1978, but she sure don’t have a 1978 bush.
Hahah.. we joked about that on set.
Hahaha, as writer, I grant you this head canon: They made her shave it for the costume and that’s part of the reason she was so resentful towards the crew.
what happen next
So much, Yugo. So much!
But, what do you think should happen next?
I know you didn’t ask me, but I would still like to interpose that I for one would be thrilled if you would respond to my emails you have been ignoring for more than two months. Any chance that that could happen next? Or is breaking off communication in the middle of sorting out the details of a project your way of letting people know “We’ve changed our mind. Get lost.”? That would be disappointing in more than one way. (I hate to bring this up on a public forum, but at this point I really don’t know what else… Read more »
Knowing you, and knowing Lucia, this is hopefully just a misunderstanding. I recall the producer note from the news article about a month ago about moving and emails slowly starting to roll out again, so if I were to take a guess, they might have a huge backlog to catch up to. But again, I don’t really know.
No reaction whatsoever. Well, I guess I’ll save a lot of money.
Hey there! We just finished another round of e-mails tonight, if you are who we think you are, we are tremendously sorry about it getting lost in the mess. There is a lot going on right now, and what free time we had was focused on getting the movies we’d already filmed, out, for the people that had trusted us with their funds. Sucks either way, and we remain apologetic. Hopefully your correspondence was honored and you were one of the people we replied to. If not, then please message us on instagram at _luciafilms_ so we can figure out… Read more »
I received the e-mail and will reply to it later. Thank you!
This, plus the house lost, plus trying to survive by working other jobs (alas, this business does not pay the bills on its own), and other elements. There are always reasons, but at the end of the day people who are overlooked for whatever reason, are still valid in their upset. We love you guys, but we are an increasingly small team working under increasingly larger pressure.
Mistakes we will make, but know that we do care and are trying our best.
*Slow clap.*
Wow McKenzie is looking amazing. Any future F/F in the works luciafilms?
Yes! The next one is a F/F/F/F, unless we decide on a different one in our editing lineup.
Oh wow, sounds great, i’m looking forward to seeing what that movies going to be about.
Hey everyone! This movie is done and released on our end, just waiting on the distributor to push the button on their end. Should be any time now. Apologies for the delay.
It is now up for sale!