NGC Championship: Miss Freedom v Nemesis

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4 years ago

Why were my posts deleted here?

4 years ago

I believe Miss Freedom is the longest serving heroine in the NGC universe. She rarely disappoints. Those leg kicks when she was warming up? Wow! I’m happy I picked up this release, but there were a couple of elements that didn’t work for me. First, Elite Force’s formidable leader generates virtually no offense in this battle. I can’t blame NGC for this because it’s quite clear in the description that she gets clobbered in this video, but I greatly prefer a real, back and forth fight before the heroine or the villain emerge victorious. My second issue is with a… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
4 years ago

This is a pretty epic release–generous length, lots of action, consequential events. Iā€™m not sure how much continuity there really is to the Championship series, but I really do hope that we get to enjoy Miss Freedom playing the ā€œjobberā€ character going forward. Lady Victory did make one appearance, as I recall, out of costume after her demotion to jobber.  Does anyone else here think it would be fantastic to see the ā€œunnamed jobberā€ fight ā€œLady Nothingā€ or is it just me?  Miss Freedom is never even in this fight. I donā€™t think she throws a single punch until nearly… Read more »

4 years ago

Sign me up for more of her as jobber girl in that jobber outfit. Jobbing to villains. Jobbing to heroines. Jobbing to other jobbers.

Orcaman001 avatar
4 years ago

Wait she is in the classic outfit . . . Except for the last snapshot ? ? ?

4 years ago

Good lord this looks amazing.

mid2018 avatar
4 years ago

omg! Miss freedom debooted!

4 years ago

Nice premise. I’m excited for this one!