The ‘United Heroes’ Dynamic Duo, Blue Steel and Lady Arachnid, survive an attack from an unknown enemy while searching for Red Vision. They collect themselves, discussing Blue Steels dating prospects and Lady Arachnids formerly jealous husband. Unbeknownst to the Platonic Duo… they have walked into a trap.
The ‘Unseen’ (Red Visions captor) has the ventilation system laced with an aphrodisiac gas… and he plans to use the footage of what ensues as blackmail. Can both heroes overcome their predicament? Or will their carnal urges reign supreme?
Alex Coal / Codey Steele / Greg Weller

Cost $60
47 Minute Runtime
- Hosiery
- Breast get exposed
- Cum in mouth
- She removes her boots early on in sex scene
- NO Demasking
- NO Chloroform
Scene One – Attack!
7 Minutes 30 Seconds
- Multiple strikes to the head with weapon
- Brief KO
- Multiple strikes to body with weapon
- Bearhug from front
- Bearhug from behind
- Multiple strikes to crotch
- Strangulation
- Beatdown
Scene Two – The Trap of the Unseen
14 Minutes
- Trapped and Gassed with Aphrodisiac Gas
Scene Three – The Temptations of the Flesh
Time to be determined (still in editing)
- Blowjob, cum in mouth
- Sex Scene
Tone of Scene (Spoiler Warning) Highlight Text to Read
Lady Arachnid becomes possessed by the contaminated pheromones of Blue Steel, her overwhelming primal urges try their best to corrupt the morality of Blue Steel to give into the desires of their flesh. Blue Steel is reluctant but ultimately gives him. Arachnid fully embraces her new ‘Master’.
Ending (Spoiler Warning – Highlight Text to Read)
- Lose Ending
- Lady Arachnid is corrupted and Blue Steel is humiliated, they now both work for ‘The Unseen’
P.S. I love this film. I think everyone involved in the making of this film did a great job, the talent was super committed to their roles. Although it isn’t the conventional bad guy beatdown and pillage storyline: the first roughly 10 minutes are dedicated to the usual villainous fair of a fight between our heroine and a bad guy. So anyone who enjoys that need not worry, it is there. Follow by a more unconventional blackmail storyline and peril setup. I hope you all enjoy it, I loved making it, I hope it shows
We recently announced we will be raffling off a FREE CUSTOM FILM
Shooting for the Killing Joke will likely take place in April
Zatanna voice over work is still in the plans but has not yet been completed
Photo of next release. After the events of ‘Common Enemy’ Brutal Jack fulfills the request of his prisoner breaker to attack the United Heroes. The team is out on patrol, with home base being guarded by Blue Vixen. It’s a Jack and Blue Vixen reunion (Uninvited 3) and she’s all alone.
And FYI for those whom this information matters: Jack knows who Blue Vixen is after the events of Uninvited 3, so while her mask does come off in this film – its not an identity reveal unmasking. Just wanted to clear that up before your imaginations get ahead of the film.
thx for the clarification Damien!
Looking forward to it!
does this one end with another creampie?
only ask cause this was the only episode that ended with the heroine getting creampied
I certainly enjoyed Liv Revamped’s performance in Uninvited 3, but I do wish that she had tried harder to stay in character and to sell the rape aspects of the scene. Notwithstanding that small quibble, it was an enjoyable film, and money well spent. I’m glad to see her getting another chance with the character, and I’m hoping that she’ll do a better job of staying in character and selling the scene. I look forward to the preorders opening up.
Lemme guess….Pantyhose?
On another note: It’s good that these films all seem interconnected In some way. Though maybe you should put them in a series – for instance: Uninvited – Blue Swan Revisited – or..something along those lines.
It looks like the same costume which she had before, which would make sense to me, since she’s playing the same character. So yeah, if that’s correct, she would be wearing pantyhose again.
Pantyhose yes
To respond to your suggestion: No
Hey Damien, first time posting. First, I want to say you’re work is soooo goood. Looking forward to checking this release out soon. Purchased it the other day. I really liked Recon Interrupted but the henchman can be really hard to hear sometimes. I know you work hard on your own but I was wondering if subtitles or a unique mic for dialogue are somethings in the works for future vids?
Keep up the great work!
I bought lavalier wireless audio packs to try to address the issue, and none of the audio was useable (I didn’t buy the cheap stuff either). I use a very expensive microphone for my work ($1000+) so there is no solution really, I don’t know any audio guys that work in adult porn cause that isn’t really a thing. Nathan Bronson tends to whisper some of his lines and though I gave him feedback on needing him to project more, he kept his performance the same. I started recently to just have a mask on bad guys and do voice… Read more »
I see. Well, I just appreciate that you are trying at all. Look forward to future stuff and thanks for the response.
Purchased this recently. Looking forward to watching this. I am also very happy about the raffle!
I watched this, and I like it very much. It’s kind of something new i think. I would like to see more movies like this.Alex Coal is great. One disappoined thing for me: there isn’t Nathan Bronson :O . I hope in next movie i can see him. And the red costume, it’s very good and match for Alex.
Damien, when will be some updates about next movie? Personally, I’m waiting for anything because everything from you is great. It’s possible to see Melody Marks this year?
Will there be a Supergirl movie this year?
I wonder if you can make a movie about Catwoman, which is the role played by Anne Hathaway.The Dark Knight Rises. I like that version of Catwoman very much. It’s sexy without losing beauty. There’s no plot of her frustration in the original Batman, so I hope I can see it. I hope you can adopt it. Thank you.
Not a fan of the new cat woman?
I think the new Catwoman is not as attractive as Anne Hathaway.I wonder if you plan to arrange a movie about catwoman in the future?
Super low on the priority list as I have a suspicion it wouldn’t sell well at all
Oh? but I like it very much. Anyway, thank you
If only a $50 dollar purchase could cover the production cost
Who knows maybe you’ll win the free custom raffle and you can have it anyway you want it
I’m more a fan of Black Cat over Catwoman. That Silky white hair, her skintight black outfit with white boots and gloves. Spider-man sure is a lucky man.
These guys are awesome and put out great quality. I would however prefer heroines that we all know. I know Wonder Woman is a huge favorite. Supergirl, Batgirl, Catwoman, Captain Marvel ext. I know it’s hard to keep using similar characters, but these are the types of characters we know and have fantasized about for years. Heck a Tall fitness model as She-Hulk vs a sex machine? All of these I would think would grab our attention more than a random girl in a leotard. Just a hopeful suggestion not a criticism, keep up the great work!!!
*Guy not guys. Team of one over here.
All of last year I mostly released heroine films of characters ‘we all know’. 2 Batgirl films, 2 Wonder Woman, 2 supergirl, 1 Zatanna, 1 spidergirl. So if you’d allow me to make a film with original characters once or twice a year, I’d appreciate it
Wonder Woman, Supergirl, etc.etc. There are five billion movies with those characters (or thinly veiled versions of them). Don’t get me wrong, I love them too, but it’s refreshing sometimes to see some characters that are not the ones “we all know”, imho.
I think what most people can’t understand or appreciate is that someone like me (a creative type) needs to experiment and try out all the things to keep it fresh. Like even if this film doesn’t appeal to you directly, it might be what I need to do to spark the energy for something you’ll love. Every heroine character flex’s a different muscle: Wonder Woman is all combat and power, supergirl is all about the overwhelming power that’s rendered completely useless, batgirl is about the dirt and grim of someone willing their might, Zatanna is all magic and trickery. What… Read more »
“I find it crude and half baked that anyone thinks because I’m not constantly making what they want that is somehow disenfranchising to them as a consumer.”
As someone who also works in a creative field, I could not agree more.
Actually, we have alot of that material. What we don’t see are the Teen Titans girls, people like Raven or Starfire. Though I mean I get it, they’re teens but you someone can make a story about them being older when the scenario happens. I don’t know how you could make Starfire’s orange skin though, I guess you would need some special effects. but they, we seen it done with She-Hulk,
Someone make a flick with Kaitlyn from Gen13.
there is no unmasking?
There is a content description I took time in writing posted in the article above
For my fighting tastes this is a 10 min movie with fantastic action with an overly long sex scene at the end….really wish it was more 50%-50% because it looks great, still awesome job!
For reference, my films will never be 30+ minutes of fighting unless I dramatically increase cost. At best 20 minutes of well choreographed fighting is all that can happen in one shoot day for me, and thats pushing it.
IMO, best one yet!
I liked it more before the too long preview.
Great work! Also Are you planning on a death-scene-included film? Please pleaseplease
Once again thanks damien for another great movie. This was an instant buy because of Alex Coal, my god what a woman, I love how she acts and how invested she is in her role, loved the dialogue during the sex scene, she really showed the blackmail aspect of it which is something I would like to see more in your movies, the heroine talking and showing that she has no choice and she did that very well. I just wished I was rich and could afford a custom movie from you so that I could add my preferences to… Read more »
Glad you enjoyed it. Alex’s villain co-star was a bit thrown when Alex kept pushing her performance “hit me with it for real” like in the opening shot where she’s hit from behind and all her hair goes flying into the air.
Who knows, maybe you will win the raffle and then you can pick a future adventure for us all.
Thanks again for the kind words
I remember the hit on her head and I was thinking : god that was a hard hit on her, how did she fake that ?
Guess she did not haha, amazing
Without sound effects it still sounds pretty brutal
Loved it. It might end up being my favorite DW film. I understand why it might be polarizing since it breaks from the typical formula of villain(s) dominating heroine, but I think both leads knocked it out of the park with this one, especially Alex. She played the role perfectly, her affliction gradually consuming her until she became undeniable. The debooting scene was really hot—I loved when she teased him with her legs and feet. I thought Codey showed the right amount of reluctance and restraint before losing control himself. My only minor criticism would be the camera cut at… Read more »
Glad you enjoyed it, Alex really does commit to the roles in a fantastic way.
There was no easy way to transition from the floor to the table that was worth the time on set to work it out. So I decided to forgo it all together while filming.
Alex is brilliant. Great acting, fights well, realistic peril…..and the sex….well breaks the Eros meter!
Would have liked to see more peril, but still worth the money, just to see Alex
Upon first wtach, I notice that the violent overtones from previous entries is noticeable absent. There was still the violent interaction with the villain, but the sex between the heroes was more carnal (pun intended), than violent. Don’t get me wrong, I love the previous entries, this was just a welcome change of pace, IMO.
Yes, I understand what you mean, although I have already mentioned on several occasions that I would like to see more violent productions, especially from shl, which is the best producer in the genre, violence is not the only thing I like to see, I think that what Actually I like to see the heroine dominated, either because she is violently subdued or because she is drugged or hypnotized, what I don’t like is that the heroine enjoys or takes an active part in the sexual situation, I think this video is what has, that’s why, personally, I’m not convinced,… Read more »
Not everything is made for you.
Not everything is made for you.
Not everything is made for you.
Plenty of directors, plenty of products, plenty of variety. Chill out and enjoy the ride
Everything should be made for me always… I mean you’re going to get reactions especially given how small this community is. I think variety is great even if that means you make films that aren’t for me. Also I do wish I had enough money to purchase a custom. I still bought it.
Joyito tends to get ahead of himself and always speaks like a King on these forums, a little heavy handed for my taste.
Who knows maybe you end up winning the raffle. I am actually surprised more people haven’t talked about the raffle as everyone seems to enjoy making a list of demands in the comment section but then you offer them a chance to win a custom and suddenly they get quiet
The world is a complicated place
No one wants to put your money where their mouth is. Not everyone is open to criticism like real artists are.
I don’t get the pun. Is one of the characters named Carnal?
Pantyhose on the heroine!! That’s all i needed to know!
This music… I’m sure I heard it somewhere but I can’t remember. Very familiar and somewhat nostalgic. Please, someone help me.
And / Or – Fly me to the moon, which was heavily used in Neon Genesis Evangelion. Made famous by Frank Sinatra back in the old days
hi can you please make rag over mouth and nose scenes in the next productions
Next production is already filmed, unable to make changes to it now
Overall, I liked it. Alex Coal looks great and her acting is great too. The peril was a bit different than previous films. The medical clinic looked spooky. There were a couple of funny moments ( in a good way) added in the story too. Thanks !
So many things to like about this one so far, and I will need to re-watch. And I hope that the cameo is a hint of who we might see in a future offering. Aside from all of the the elements from the pictures that I think most would like, surely I’m not the only one who enjoys Alex’s Lady Arachnid postures/stances before/during the action scenes? 😉
Can you tell us something about the next productions that enter the “custom free” raffle? Like, what theme will they have? What fetish element will they have? What actresses will participate and what heroines will play? upcoming productions any movies with the hardcore tone of “batgirl the prison”?
As a policy, I don’t tank my newest release on the day it comes out to start promoting something else
you’re right, sorry
BTS content will be sent out tomorrow to preorder customers
Cannot wait.