“Broken Steel” from TheRyeFilms

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YugoVang avatar
2 years ago

what is going to happen next

2 years ago

“Surrender your powers…………….your boots……………and………….your hose.”

2 years ago

Hi!. Is there only one low blow in this video?!

2 years ago
Reply to  Mikebalderrama

From what i have seen in their other productions, most certainly there will be a few more of those, all presented in slow motion i’m certain.

2 years ago

I miss Doggystyle in this scene

Slapmutsky avatar
2 years ago

Wish y’all would stop complaining and just enjoy the fact that these videos even exist and cater somewhat to us weirdos If it wasn’t for this, we would still be pawing at ourselves over Playboys It just drives me batty that after ALL of someone’s hard work – Rye, Alicia, everyone else involved – people still complain, they worked hard for this. no WONDER producers don’t respond to customs, they know it will be a useless task And by the way. It is creepy as hell when you ask for OF handles or Insta handles – yes they may be… Read more »

SnidelyW avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Cereal Dave

Mostly agree. It seems like a lot of people don’t quite grasp that these are mostly custom orders and they aren’t going to appeal to everyone all the time. When I read angry comments about how the heroine’s boots came off before her cape, I just can’t even begin to understand. Or how someone can watch an entire 35 minute movie only to decide it’s terrible because of the last 2 minutes. Also, selfishly, I finally ordered my first custom and I’m half excited half dreading how people will react to it. I will say, however, that the whole OF/Insta… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  SnidelyW

Yup, you get it. You’re a smart perv.

2 years ago
Reply to  SnidelyW

When i criticise a femfight video, so to speak, mostly is to vent the fact my favorite elements are not there or that there are too many elements that i dislike. But the fact is, it’s all fair play. If a viodeo is a custom, it was made in accordance to a customer wishes, a PAYING CUSTOMER! As such, a custom has to be, primarely, to what the customer wants it to be. and if i don’t agree with the artistic choices, that’s on me not the person who ordered and PAYED for the custom. And customs from outfits like… Read more »

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Cereal Dave

Yes, asking how to support your favorite models is being a stalker. Great take.

2 years ago

That dude must literally live with his elderly mommy or be an incel. Hot porn actresses love the attention and the dough. My gf would cum harder to see some of these girls going at it for real!

2 years ago
Reply to  Superfan

I wouldn’t call that being an incel, in fact it is quite the opposite.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cereal Dave

Disagree. Is this a fanboy forum or a place to share opinions? Most of the girls are super hot but some need a little toning up and should really step up their games.

Dakota has a SAWEEET ASS btw. Does anyone know if she does actual porn? How about Mackenzie? She needs to drop a few but would be unbelievable in a real porn too.

2 years ago
Reply to  Superfan

To me, Mckenzie is gorgeous. If she was in a comic book she would have the sexiest jiggle lines. I really enjoy the savvy anime character energy of her performances in this genre.
Ms Moon is quite fetching in her own way — a hard-working ingenue.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cereal Dave

And by the way. It is creepy as hell when you ask for OF handles or Insta handles ā€“ yes they may be out there but it is still stalkerish. Jesus.

Dafuq are you on about? That’s like saying it is creepy to ask for a pornstar or celebs socials

2 years ago
Reply to  Cereal Dave

My policy toward asking a producer for a custom is to be as much respectful as i can (and should). I might be a paying customer, bit it’s they who do the work, they are putting the effort, and i respect the time and effort that goes to the making of these videos.
Manners cost nothing and respect goes a long way.

Last edited 2 years ago by Carlos
jim avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Cereal Dave

Exactly, Cereal Dave. I grew up in the 70’s, watching Batman. Thank goodness we had batgirl back then. Today we have all these insanely cute girls playing superheroines. Like Cereal Dave said- stop complaining and enjoy!

2 years ago

Shes a cute girl but holy shit she has been over used over the last year. Is she the only model available? Im a big fan of a dark haired Wonder Woman without tattoos. A blonde Supergirl. There are pleanty to chose from to fit any actress. Again nothing aginst the girl but give her a rest for a while and bring in some new talent.

SnidelyW avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Gregory

I mean… yeah… she’s in a ton of videos now, but you know how it goes. They do a bunch of work, then it cools off, and on to the next one. Coco was in EVERYTHING across multiple studios and now we miss her. Alicia’s fucking talented as hell and breathtakingly beautiful so I’m OK with enjoying this until she gets tired and moves on.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gregory

I think she’s amazing and gorgeous (“cute” doesn’t cut it when describing her). Personally, I don’t mind seeing her in at least 20 more of these this year. To each their own, I guess.

Omni024 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Gregory

Put it this way – if she had any complaints about being forced into silly, colorful, Superhero costumes only to have them ripped off to expose her womanly attributes, she probably would have quit doing these actress jobs a long time ago. Let the producers worry about the talent, it’s their job to keep them happy. It’s your job to ogle said actresses as they are beaten and stripped by the “evil” men.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gregory

It’s the ass dude. C’mon it’s a piece of art. I can’t get enough of it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gregory

People say this all the time. She is really good tho.

supersuperhoes avatar
2 years ago

Before purchasing itā€¦ does anyone know how she gets killed at the end?

2 years ago
Reply to  Supersuperhoes

This is not a snuff film, the actress is alive and well.

Dr G avatar
2 years ago

I think that the ‘sloppy seconds’ line was borrowed from Sean Avery, a former NHL player. šŸ™‚

2 years ago

This would be better if Alicia didn’t get forced and I was hoping to see more violence then Sexual and when you make superheroine movies at least make it look like it is because when it’s back and forth it’s more anticipation. But I like Alicia she’s amazing and hope we continue to see her in to the rye films. Also I rather have 1 on 1 over 3 on 1 because it’s really predictable of what they did.

2 years ago
Reply to  Leo

I’m in the process of ordering a custom from Ry3 here most of the screentime is devoted ro a one on one fight with the sexual element being the lesser element and the fight being the majority. It all now depends on how my finances shapes up for the summer.
I hope this my custom project will be to more of the satisfaction of people like you. I take pride in that my customs are enjoyed by mor epeople then just my own individual personal gratification,

phlfan avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Carlos

I am the exact opposite on just about every count. So what? That’s what makes the human race interesting. Watch–and if you can, fund–wherever your taste takes you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Carlos

Ton of Low Blows plz! Lol.. if you’d like

2 years ago
Reply to  Mikebalderrama

I actually don’t fancy low blows too. I don’t enjoy anything that looks like torture that plays for kinks. It reeks too much of incel revenge fantasy. I don’t truck for that. What i love is fighting, a girl putting up a good long fight, even if she loses badly, even if she sufferers a one-sided beating, but i prefer the girl to be strong and perservere and only goes down only by exhaustion or the superiority of the adversary, but always with the notion she is a tough nut to crack, and not some damsel in distress girly weakling… Read more »

2 years ago

That old man is so creepy. Why is he in these movies? Is he the exec producer or something?

2 years ago
Reply to  Superfan

i think the point of the old man IS to be creepy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

maybe the old man is Rye himself

2 years ago
Reply to  mid218

Rye is David Maxwell actor!

saxman314 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  RyanD

LOL Rye is not on screen in any of these

2 years ago
Reply to  Superfan

One day you’re going to be an old man.

2 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Entirely irrelevant and furthermore who says I’m not already? He doesn’t belong in the film. It’s a boner kill.

2 years ago
Reply to  Superfan

Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

2 years ago
Reply to  Superfan

dont we all have a soft spot for a creepy old man?

2 years ago
Reply to  softgirl

One day we all shall be one of those.

2 years ago

lol nm didnt read the description fully

Last edited 2 years ago by bob
trufshuf avatar
2 years ago

Any idea of when the Starlight video is coming out?

2 years ago

Just purchased it… Great video and good plot… will support anything with pantyhose, chained up/ tied up, hardcore stuff and most importantly, NOT RUSSIAN.

2 years ago

How we don’t have her in a 90’s Batwoman costumed movie yet blows my mind!

saxman314 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Jointventure

I prefer the WW and SG costumes, but this does seem like a no-brainer lol

Sugarcoater avatar
2 years ago

Looks like a great video! I just wish the blood wasnā€™t requested as part of the custom. The bloody face look just completely takes me out of the fantasy of the superheroine video. But I get it: I can pay for my own custom and have it done without blood. Maybe for future videos the blood could be wiped off by the villain before the sex sequences? Just a thought to have both for those who want the blood.

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

Lol nah fam, when I am funding these things I am not too concerned about keeping “both” happy.

I’d argue most films do not have blood anyway. There is plenty of content without at the very least.

joyito avatar
2 years ago

yes please, there is already too much soft in this genre and the ones that are more “violent”, the productions end up being of poor quality or they don’t take history seriously, such as the productions of pkf studios, I want to see more of this type of stories (it is not an unbearable bloodbath to watch or of the gore genre either), in my humble opinion it is the logical thing that a heroine is visibly injured after a beating, if we see it in the movies in the cinema, for that we are not going to see it… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
2 years ago
Reply to 

Most films don’t usually have blood, though it seems a few more lately have added that feature. But as we are all looking towards new videos as we have all had access to the previously made videos, I just wanted to add my two cents for future projects. And of course, it all comes down to what someone commissions these days so it will be whatever it will be. From my end, I really wanted to buy this video but the blood just turned me off too much–it seems to be featured in too many of the sequences. I hate… Read more »

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
2 years ago

Just for clarity, I did not fund this film. I realized in retrospect my comment could be taken that way.

heroperilfanatic avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

@ Sugarcoater
You’re going to love my custom then with Alicia. I do not like the look of the bloody face either. Just a personal preference we share, I guess. Doggystyle and face-down ass-up scenes galore!!!

Sugarcoater avatar
2 years ago

Outstanding news! Thank you!

2 years ago

omg yes pantyhose and pantyhose destruction!!!

Reminds me of the shiny pantyhose used in this old Rye video:

2 years ago
Reply to  mid218

It was one of the best Rye films ever — the cuttest possible actress, imho.

2 years ago

100% worth the long wait. The whole cast did a phenomenal job. Fantastic job to Rye and the rest of the team!

Damien Woods avatar
2 years ago

Looks amazing (the pantyhose help lean my opinion)
Might have to get a copy!

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Collab pls

Damien Woods avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Jaghkir

Fun fact: historically speaking, we almost did
I am game if the future allows it

Damien Woods avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Rye

Well this year just got interesting!

Sugarcoater avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I will allow it.

Juanman8 avatar
2 years ago

Does anyone have any of Aliciaā€™s socials? Twitter, Insta?

2 years ago
Reply to  Juanman8

That’s kinda stalk-y. There is a reason why all these actresses/performances have professional alias, precisely because of things like your post.

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

She has an onlyfans dude.I am sure she wants people whiteknighting for her keeping her business away.

2 years ago

“whiteknighting”??? Seriously? That incel lexicon nonsense is as outdated as Trump’s presidency.
Asking for these actress’ online footprint IS pretty close to stalking. It’s one thing to go for the production houses they work for so to ask for a custom, but to check on them in eagerness, that’s kinda like cyberstalking. I’m not talking from some kind of moral high horse, i once fell into that kind mindtrap too, but i saw the error of my way. It’s a psychological baggage you really don’t need. There’s real life that far more important and better than to persue a fantasy.

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

Again, when you can explain how people wanting to support their favorite models/actresses is stalking I will be willing to consider your opinion.
These people aren’t asking for their personal accounts so they can slide into DMs, they want to see the public facing accounts which is the point of those accounts in the first place…to be seen. You telling people that it is stalking is just sad and pathetic. But you can continue to make yourself feel better if you’d like.

2 years ago

That was all over the place and said nothing. Other than digging yourself deeper, that is.

Juanman8 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

Im trying to see what other things she has available im not asking for her real name and address. How do you support your favorite models?

2 years ago
Reply to  Juanman8

You want to support her? Buy her videos. That’s where she earnes her keep, the more popular her videos are, the more they are bought, the more chances she has of being re-hired for other projects. And the greatest help you cna give is to order a custom with her. This is a market, you support her by being a customer. Welcome to capitalism, baby!

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

You understand she can and does make income from more than SHiP customs, right? Hell there are ways to support her directly and not through a producer like The Rye. As you said…welcome to capitalism.

2 years ago

I’m in no way deluded that she is not a porn actress. But if you want to get into her other economic activities… well, that’s presspassing into her private life. I really don’t need to say more, do i? By now you should had alreeady got the hint, and keeping up an argument looks pretty badly on you. Just saying, friend.
Think it like this: would you want others to check on your own private life like you want to check on hers?

Last edited 2 years ago by Deckard
HolyMolyDude123 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

That is the whole point that you are somehow unable to grasp. They make socials that are not private life. They are public/professional accounts. You are just spouting out nonsense. Your ignorance is actually impressive. At this point trying to have a discussion with you is meaningless because of how naive you are.

Juanman8 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

Wtf do you mean check on her pvt life why do you think porn stars have socials with their stage name? After following her you can find out that she sells many vids outside of superheroine stuff.

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Juanman8

@Dakota_Moon_ is her Twitter
@dakotamoonj is her OF

Juanman8 avatar
2 years ago

Thanks man

Dr G avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Juanman8

Her IG is dakota_moon_

Dr G avatar
2 years ago

Thanks to the person who requested this one for including pantyhose ! šŸ™‚

2 years ago
Reply to  Dr G

Pantyhose wasnā€™t in debooting scene though and just one boot :ā€™(

Dr G avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Jaghkir

Thanks for the info ! I’m just glad that someone asked for a custom with pantyhose with TheRye as it has been a while since someone requested this from TheRye šŸ™‚

2 years ago
Reply to  Jaghkir

Yes, and? Why is that even supposed to be an issue worth mentioning?

2 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

Cause you always get the boots fam and when we see debooting itā€™s like a celebration soā€¦

2 years ago
Reply to  Jaghkir

I really don’t get the debooting thing. I wouƧd understand why a character would kick her boots out before a fight for the sake of making the fight easier for her. Does that also counts as debooting? Is debooting something like a form of humilitation kink? For myself, i don’t like the concept of humiliation unless it’s in-story, like if ann arrogant character is badly defeated in a fight, and for me the defeat itself is humiliation enough. All the rest of just pure sexual fetish, and for that i think porn is the place for it.

Omni024 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

Me, I don’t get the pantyhose thing. Like, Superheroine costumes are ripped enough as it is, but the way Pantyhose runs – like in everyday life – It’s like what’s the point? I would rather see a bare legged heroine. And there’s something about pantyhose, the way it feels, It’s too weird to touch. So yeah, I don’t like pantyhose. I want the skin to breathe. I do get debooting, though I don’t know why that’s so popular either as It’s just taking off the girl’s shoes. Feet themselves are not very attractive so not sure why people like it… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Omni024

It’s kinks, man. They are illogical. It’s not that a person has a kink that bugs me too much, we all kind of have ours, mine is pretty girls with long hair. What really gets my goat is when people make a huge fit because their peculiar particular personal brand of kink is not depicted exactly like they want it to be in the exact proportion that rocks their jollies. That’s just absurd, verging on the obsene. Damn annoying too! Foot fetish is a very common fetish. That’s cool. I suspect debooting comes as a combination of both foot fetish… Read more »

2 years ago

Best Alicia Moon performance to date. Thank you all.

Nic cage
Nic cage
2 years ago
Reply to  Oldie

Give us a review

2 years ago
Reply to  Nic cage

I second this.

Elevete avatar
2 years ago

This is real quality.

joyito avatar
2 years ago

Alicia C Moon reminds me a lot of Alicia Silverstone and that adds a special value to her

2 years ago
Reply to 

Now that you said that, i can’t unsee it. Added appeal.

2 years ago

Debooting you say? šŸ˜‰

2 years ago
Reply to  Jaghkir

I saw the debooting sceneā€¦. The pantyhose was taken off at the end and only one boot and that comment about it was like wtf. I do love rye films and the lack of debooting is understanding as the people who buy donā€™t really like it but it really just feels like debooting is like kryptonite to the audience. I just hope we get one where it doesnā€™t have to focus on the feet but the aspect of humiliation to the heroine. Also Iā€™ll pay extra for it lol

2 years ago
Reply to  Jaghkir

Seriously, it’s not funny anymore. It’s now boring! It’s getting pathologial by now as well. You got issues, mate. Get a grip!

Last edited 2 years ago by Deckard
2 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

Go to your room

2 years ago
Reply to  Jaghkir

Seriously, you are letting your kinks getting the best of you. You are getting irrational and boring. Get a grip.

Last edited 2 years ago by Deckard
HolyMolyDude123 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

And you are crying about it. both pretty sad.

2 years ago

Touched a nerve, is it?

Nic cage
Nic cage
2 years ago

Looks promising but I think Iā€™ll wait for the reviews to come out . The photos are lacking the sexual perils

2 years ago

Not crazy about the heroine being killed in the end ( would prefer them, leaving her destroyed or brainwashing her) but I love Alicia C. Moon’s videos.

2 years ago

This looks SPECTACULAR. Can’t wait to buy it this weekend.