“Black FemmeKat” from Kick Ass Femmes

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8 years ago

Nice video, JJ looked very sexy in that gold catsuit and they both sold it well. Personally though I’d have liked to have seen her put in a few more holds, maybe a bear hug or back-breaker

8 years ago

DO NOT BUY FOR LOW BLOWS. The video says low blows on the website but there aren’t any.

JadeOwl avatar
8 years ago

Sorry for the late review, but allow me to congratulate Kandyman on a job well done. All of you who know me are well aware that when it comes to F/F I’m a big proponent of evenly matched fights were the outcome is not readily evident until very late in the bout. Even with that bias on my part I thought this video was excellent. JJ really knows how to sell taking a beating. And Diva most certainly knows how to deliver one. I look forward to seeing what else Kandyman has in store in that treasure chest of a… Read more »

8 years ago

Since I was unable to get a custom from NGC with Miss Freedom it looks like the best next thing would be one with Vixen. This episode looks like a must buy beatdown video.

8 years ago
Reply to  Raiderman

Vixen is one in a million! truly one of the all time greats…. in my unbiased opinion. You can always discuss a custom with us at admin@kickasskandy.com

Stee avatar
8 years ago

Is Pringles a sponsor of this episode?

8 years ago
Reply to  Stee
