“Bionic Star: Vex Power” – UltraHeroix.com
Hi everyone! We are back with the popular bionic super heroine, “Bionic Star”! Starring Noriko Sato!
In this story: Bionic Star hunts down the culprit responsible for stealing the schematic plans to her powerbelt, the source of power to her bionics! She soon discovers that it is the criminal mastermind, Vex Vader that was behind it. She confronts him but is eventually over-powered and becomes his prisoner. She now has to escape and try to protect the secrets to her power!
She is knocked out via:
- She is pummeled
- blasted by lasers
- shocked by an electric prod
- carried over the shoulder
- chloroformed
- bear hugged
She is also chased, chained/bondage, escaping from traps.
Check it out now at ultraheroix.com