“Bionic Star: Giga Shocked” at Ultraheroix.com

Hi Everyone,
We would like to end the year with our newest and very popular heroine, Bionic Star!
Bionic Star encounters a creature that feeds on power and now has its claws set on our bionic heroine and her powerboat! It initially drains most of her energy and now stalks her to finish her off! In this battle, they exchange laser blasts, physical combat and energy drainage. Our heroine must endure laser attacks, physical combat, gassing, electro draining, bearhugs and knockouts in order to survive and defeat this creature. Check it out at : https://ultraheroix.com!
I’m also curious to see if fans prefer the skin tone or red tights for this heroine?
Also, check out a little project we’re developing for mid 2024 called “The Night Sparrow Project”. I’ll discuss it more in a separate news post but to give you an idea of what would like to do is to give you more content in between major video updates and you fans will be the primary contributors.
Check it all out at https://ultraheroix.com !
Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
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Having the opportunity to read everything in one place is a delight for me; this is my very first, brief visit.
Thanks, I hope you visit again soon!
Awesome video! The actress does an amazing job as Bionic Star! I’m so excited to see the “Clash” episodes in 2024! I’m extremely excited to see this next exciting project “The Night Sparrow Project”. This looks so amazing and very interesting. I can’t wait for 2024. Keep up the awesome work.
Thanks CarlShephard! I’m glad you enjoyed this recent adventure of Bionic Star! We definitely got some great stuff coming in 2024!
Does she do custom videos?
Hi Phlfan, unfortunately no. We don’t do customs. Thanks for asking.
Great character, terrific actress. So glad to see an Asian character, I especially liked her helplessness, and so much of it. Love to see low blows and face hits. Also toplessness, if at all possibly. Really enjoyed this vid.
Great video, the actress do a great job as Bionic Star, with a very good costume and fight scenes. It will be interesting to see in a future video a fight of two heroines against a very powerful villain like in wonder brawl or ultra clash to continue the Clash saga with Crimson Cat, Agent wonder, American Amazon and Lady Ultra.
Congratulations in The Night Sparrow Project, it very interesting to see the new superheroine and the potentials of the fans to participate in the story
I’m glad you enjoyed it Rrp! I really like Bionic Star and I can see her pairing with other heroines against powerful villains and monsters!
We are going to see great stuff in 2024 and that includes the continuation and conclusion of the CLASH storyline,
Thanks for the props with the Night Sparrow Project”. I think it will be cool, unique and gives the fans something to enjoy on a regular basis! Its success will depend on the participation of you fans!
Thanks again!
can’t wait to see more of CLASH!
Hey man, another fun video, keep doing what you’re doing! Also, props for the costumes, not just for the heroines, but your villains all have some pretty unique looks as well (this one looked like an EDM Edward Scissorhands, ha)
Thanks Ceej! Creating the heroines are fun but I really enjoy creating a cool supervillain too! Just like in the big leagues, you need a really good villain for the hero to make the production good!
So I went back and read up on the Night Sparrow project, it sounds like a cool idea! Always like to see new ideas in the genre. Looking forward to hearing more about it and seeing how it’ll work.
I love how this site features various women of color as superheroines. Gives the genre more variety and sexy looks.
Thanks !
the costume is great, especially the gloves. the content is a little soft for me but if low blows were incorporated into these i would be more inclined to purchase.
Hi El Goodo, I appreciate the comment and I’m glad you like the costume.
Check back soon, we’ll have some spicier and low blowing stuff coming in the new year.
I decided to check it out because it’s at an affordable enough price point. It was a good video. Adding a little more in terms of bearhugs and selling the backbreaker better (was a bit of a disappointment how this was done, to be honest) could have added a lot. but the actress is really good, i like the costume, and overall was worth the purchase. Like I said before, spicing it up a bit would certainly help (without even having to go into very “adult oriented” content, adding low blows, longer bearhug sequences, things like that)
Thanks for giving this a chance! I understand and we’ll work to improve the stuff you mentioned. Thanks again!
In terms of spice, will there be more debooting and physical fondling? Or is it more PG13 material?
We’ll be working with Bella Lux, Enchantress Sahrye and a few other special ladies to go that spicier route with those features you mentioned for a few upcoming videos.
can’t wait for this! definitely agree with goodo – i know you don’t want to do anything too explicit but the more you decide to push the boundaries a bit, i think that will definitely add a lot to your already awesome videos
Thanks Depo Man, I think we’ll definitely be pushing in 2024. Thanks again!
Good news. I’d definitely like to see those features with this heroine.