“Beautiful Bodyguard Part 1” from Hotfighters
Sonya is a beautiful and kind strong woman. She is the bodyguard of a rich and powerful man named Alec. One evening, Alec received a call threatening his life. But Sonya is always there and can protect him. The killer made his way into the house. A very difficult battle ensued. Both fight at the end of their strength. It is not known who will win. And will Sonya kill her employer. The movie has an alternate ending.
Yo can buy this video then click this link: Beautiful Bodyguard Part I
Duration of video 17 min

See more videos at: Hotfighters.com
Weird question, but why does one of the villains in Beautiful Bodyguard III have a Ukrainian flag arm patch on his jacket ? I would have thought that you would have made an effort to avoid having politics in your films. Thanks !
Are you too fragille for that?
You just think too much, its just jacket, they make movie just for entertainment, no such things as what you think
It’s not good to mix politics with movies. Some people might not like this and won’t buy the studio’s films.
There is no such thing like you think, i never find any studios mix politics in their movies, like i said its just for entertainment and without any purpose have ukrainian flag, be smart my friend
Speak for yourself.
I did.
Remember that then.
Sorry, i was ment to reply to another fella. Sorry about that.
No worries ! Have a good day !
There was no political overtones here. This is simply the requisite that is available in our country. We didn’t think it would offend you.
Fuck Russia. You wear whatever pro-Ukrainian logos and symbols you want! š
He just stupid, just ignore him
I’m surprised that you did not think of this. Most producers that I know would never have risked this. Using normal dressed villains would have been smarter.
I have all 3 parts of the Beutiful Bodyguard series and they are all fantastic!. I can’t wait to see the bodyguard transform into a superheroine and still lose the fight. Great work!
Impressive, i think the actress is real martial artist, i wish can order custom with her, she looks very sexy with this kind of costume
its true, i find the bodyguard costume looks sexy and she have perfect body
I just find this martial art studio, the actress looks very hot and pretty, i wish to see they produce superheroines video, more beauty in peril
Most of their videos are femdom, which i think is both per request of their clients who order custom videos from them and also by their own original content. They do have some videos where the girl is in some kind of peril, biut they are a great minority.
I’m not interested with femdom, but sure they have hot fighter there, i wish to see more content
It’s not femdom, its ‘girl power’. Femdom has the wrong connotations.
What the difference? girl power or femdom, both is female dominating male, i like both fighter beat each other rather than one side fight, but this video have good quality of fight
Too much female superheroine exaltation and not enough abasement.
A distinction without a difference in regard to the style. In this business it’s called femdom and that’s it.
That’s wrong. It’s ‘girl power’. I did not realize that you are an expert. Sorry about that. Seriously when you use the term femdom you are describing S&M or BDSM and that’s it. Same goes for the term model, it’s actress. They are acting, not modelling. To be in this business, you require. actresses and not models.It’s demeaning and that’s it.
Dude, it’s the term used in the industry. Deal with it.
i think so, whatever they called it, that really doesnt matter
It he name stuck then i think we should use it. At the very least avoids confusions and it normalized the concepts. Means everybody understand each other then using the terminology.
Another worth video to buy
Brilliant work Hotfighters! I love Belly punching. Sonya is so beautiful. Please make more belly punching videos of her. Waiting for 4th part of beautiful bodyguard series with more belly punching!
Is there any sequel for the series? how do you know that there are 4th part?
As far as in know, so far this is a 3 part series. Wouldn’t be too surprised if there would be a 4th part.
I mean to say I want them to make 4th part also and continue this series. 3 parts already made. I do not know whether 4th is being made or not.
Do you the one who make the script? great work, i hope you continue more series with her as bodyguard
I’m felling tempted to one day ask for a custom in the Bodyguard series.
Thats cool, i will waiting for that day
Why can’t Lara Croft still look like this?
Your post made me think that Sonya would certainly make for a great Lara Croft. Well spotted. You would order such a custom?
I find this very interesting, the idea is good, this is not just belly punches thing, yeah video maybe have many blow to stomach with realistic reaction but its normal in fight and i can see thats not just belly punch scene but fight scene. I like video with storyline and not just scene, the actress have great body, beautiful face and great martial artist technique, she play bodyguard and she protect her boss with high loyalty, she not weak, she just fight very tough opponent and she having hard time before she can do epic come back to win,… Read more »
I have bought some videos from this production house and i like them quite a lot. They are really well made and they have very talented girl fighters.
They are nice and approachable in dealing with them, which seems to be quite a common trait among all ukranians.
I suppose my reasons for not buying this video can be seen as a bit petty, a reason which, if not for a detail i’ll describe below, would be an instant classic for me. But the reason for my not to buy this video is that the bodyguard only takes bellypunches. And i positively hate fem/fight videos where the majority or only hits the girls get are bellypunches. I find bellypunches to be boring and ridiculous, especially when the majority of the fight is made of those. or if the girl protagonist only gets those. It’s such a waste given… Read more »
This is video with plot movie, yes most of hit is belly punch, but not only about this, there are good fight, punch in face, wrestling moves, and any other, you can try buy until last part you can find at the sites, this was very awesome in my oponion
Friend, i don’t doubt at all the quality of this video. I take what you said about it as the undisputed truth. It’s just tthat i have a huge pet peeve against fight videos where the majority of the hits are bellypunches. I can’t stand that, no matter how good the video is. I don’t need a F/F or M/F video to have a story, but if it has one, bonus! Like i wrote in my previous post, it’s a pet peeve of mine, a quirk of mine. I hope they produce another video where the facepunching count will be… Read more »
You should order video yourself, you can choose your own rule, your idea, face punching or anything you need, you can choose not to buy but you can’t complain about what you dislike because there are many people like this kind of element, i myself dont like belly punches, i like some kind of groin attack, but i will buy because this is worth to buy and i will try to order my own custom because i think this production was great, great actress, great quality, reasonable price of custom, real martial artist and they can shot many content, anything… Read more »
You’re right. Unfortunately i’m not wealthy, therefore it is not easy for me to order a custom video which would be acording to to my own specifications and tastes, as i often can’t afford the prices for them, you know what i mean? As such, i’m limited to buy videos instead of ordering.This means i’m forced to the whimps of the people who can afford ordering videos to their tastes, to the tastes and preferences of richer people, who seem to have peculiar kinks in regard to female fight videos.
I believe not all people ordering video is rich people, i’m not rich people, maybe i can only order 1 video in year, i work and save some money for it and this studios have reasonable price but i wont force people taste to my taste and said richer people taste is bad, weird or have peculiar kinks, just because there is no thing that i want to see, you wrong if you think like that, every people have their own taste and i respect that.
If one day you realise the repeatideness of most F/F and M/F videos, and the repeteadness and amoutof the same kinks/fetish being displayed by finished products, you will realise that yes, the F/F-M/F video world is dominated by a few costumers who are very wealthy and who order custom videos by the dozen every year and inundate the market with the typ of videos that match their kinks. And ALL rich people are kinky, it’s a natural consequence of having enough money to satisfy every whim of yours without hurting your personal wealth. It would also happen to me and… Read more »
I dont have money to order custom, but i still can buy any videos i like, i like these video very much, thank you very much for someone who make this great video, i want to see more like this, for someone who bad talk, insult, protest any kind video just because there are no kind fetish he need, just ignore it, if he dont want to buy but many people will buy
Good for you that you are satisfied with the status quo as it is.
I prefer good story telling, psychology, tough girl. A real break from the nudity type films. Good work. Sonya is a great martial artist and would love to see more movies like this. Hopefully some peril ones
The nudity type i over-represented, if you ask me. I also love pure fight videos with no plot, just the fight, but the nudity fight videos gives of a slimy feel to the fights that i find unwelcomed, it cheapens the genre and brings it down.
When a fighter girl is as pretty as the Bodyguard performer, there is no need for nudity to sell the sexy, if you know what i mean.
I agree with you
she’s not a very good bodyguard
I think she’s Perfect bodyguard, i hope there will be more series and i’ll make sure buy all the series
She certainly has perfect looks.
That’s kinda the point of this video’s story, i suppose.
Fantastic piece. Has an actual story (in English) and the actress sells every hit she took very well. She takes alot of belly hits and sells the hurt by doubling over, clutching her belly throughout the film. Before eventually taking out the bad guy. From the other films, it appears she is an actual martial artist. Looking forward to more.
Offtopic, but does anyone knows where the new clips4sale thumbnail is from? With the blonde girl with mask and bra?
Hello, what video are you talking about, do you have a link?
ļ»æIgnore him, he just randomly ask same question at different post
I’m calling it….that is suntan or nude colored hose or tights under those daisy dukes. Very hot look, the daisy dukes, combat boots, hose, gloves, choker, midriff exposing shirt. Taking it back to the days of 80s and 90s beat em up and fighting games.
I hope so.
its like their 3rd or 4th site, why do they keep changing them?
I think those from similar name studios have connection but actually from different studios, this one is very good studios and good content, you can try look at their site
We have been working under our own name for more than two years. We know that there are many studios with similar names. But they all belong to different owners. We are friends with some of them and once shot joint videos.
Amazing Creation, great job, want to see more video like this, welcome to the party
Welcome aboard fellow female fight fans/producers!!
Yes, absolutely. I love seeing new F/F video production houses, giving us the benefit of diversity and choice.