Hey, everybody!
As you may know, we shot a Batgirl character Kira Fox in December, and we are aiming to get that movie out by month’s end.
That being said, we’ve got another shoot scheduled with her for next month! And this is where we have an opportunity!
Now, to tell you about this, I do have to spoil one tiny detail of her first film. The rest of this article may hint at the ending of the first film, so if you don’t want to hear about it, STOP READING HERE!!!

Alright. Spoilers (highlight the text below)
Batgirl lives, but is captured
Next month’s shoot will be a sequel, and for that sequel, I’m offering smaller scenes that will make up the larger whole. Here’s the caveat: They must be post capture ideas with different Bat-villains subjecting her to different perils.
So, instead of offering full customs for this video, which I think everyone can agree, are quite pricey, I’m offering 3-4 smaller vignette scenes at a cheaper cost. Those scenes could be something along the lines of:
- Captured Batgirl is forced to dance at Penguin’s Iceburg Club
- Mad Hatter using his mind control tech on Batgirl
- Two-Face flipping a coin to decide on different perils
- Riddler taunting her with riddles, and punishing her if she gets them wrong
These are just a few examples of the type of smaller scenes we’re looking at. The scenes can involve sexual content (simulated). The only villain that can’t be used is Joker, because we’ve already got plans for him.
If you are interested, you can send me your idea at
I’ll let you know if the idea is viable, and if so, give you a quote.
We look forward to hearing your ideas!

Twitter: LeeCarlProducti
IG: lee_carl_films
Hi i love sex my contact here
Bonjour je souhaite acheter la video mais impossible etant resident Francais, y’a t-il une autre solution ? merci
Any chance I can commission proper boots?
This costume is the best Lee Carl ever used. The cape is that long I love it! But as it’s always with long capes they gonna get ripped of when things getting serious. How I would have loved it: Kira laying on the desk, the cape underneath her spread like wings and the guy *** her. Wishes which will never be fullflled I guess…
Broken Bat: Part 2 of the “Prey” Series is now Live at &! Based on recent experience, the article may take a while to get posted, but hopefully it’ll be up sooner rather than later.
Hey Lee, is there any possibility to pay with paypal? I want to buy the movie but don’t have credit card??
this looks great! is there a part 1?
Love the girl, hate the clunky boots. Will still purchase.
I’ve hyped this up 10 fold, I’m very excited 🙂 Can’t wait
I’ll give everyone a good detailed and honest review when i watch it. I’ve got a few messages from people that have appreciated my detailed analysis and input recently
I’m glad that I can continue to do that and I think this really is the forum for superheroine contact, with these comments page
For those who’ve been waiting patiently, i’ve started posting preview pics to my socials. The movie should be out in a matter of days. In the meantime, I figured you wouldn’t begrudge me a NSFW preview pic.
More preview pics make want to buy the movie more, and also make me enjoy the movie more when I actually get it! Bravo!!!
Will there be sequel to Silverbat staring Alicia, as Silverbat as the in house whore of Arkham….?
Yeah i would love to see Alicia and Kira tormented together at the hands of Spicy 🙂
Guess I’m really late to the party and should write an email directly. But since my idea depends on a particular villain type being available I will also ask here Is a Bane type of villain available? It would be fun seeing him teasing Batgirl and making a bet of setting her free if she defeats him just for him to to toy with her and repeatedly drive her near breaking point. It could work better as a video rather than just a scene but I guess even 5 minutes could work for those who enjoy physical peril or fights… Read more »
❤️ Hi) My name is Paula, I’m 23 years old) I’m an aspiring sex model 18+) I like to be photographed nude) Please rate my photos at this link ➤
When we have trailer ??
Batgirl being brainwashed or hypnotized by either Mat Hatter or Poison Ivy sounds great as well as the other choices here. I like corruption ending myself as oppose to being killed. Lee Carl’s movies are very good and looking forward to them.
Yeah you would want Batgirl to survive this ordeal, though maybe she would rather just end it haha 🙂
That would be awesome, brainwashing her into being a foul mouthed and horny would be awesome
Its Official… Spicy will be making her Superheroine debut in Luciafilms next project. (thanks to Lucia releasing the images) By the looks of it it’s been a number of years since we’ve had two new girls Kira Fox and Spicy being introduce into the SHIP genre and community, having already shot/ or shooting soon a number of projects before anything is released. Its certainly a risk on the shoulders of a few producers. But there certainly has been a lot of buzz for both of these girls (certainly I’ve been a big push on that haha) .- Batgirl Episode 1… Read more »
where can we find the Lucia images?
On Luciafilms twitter or inst
I would like a Batman/Batgirl pairing. There have been a ton of great stories on the heroine project dot art that is really sexy. I used to look at a photo of Adam West and Yvonne Craig when I began to realize that this was my kink. Fetlife has a bunch of couples that RP as Batman/Batgirl and they would probably support it. I know that there are pretty vocal Robin/Batgirl fans but no one wants to see Robins cock when Batman’s is there for the taking
And leading off from my previous message about Male Talent, yes nowadays I certainly gravitate towards Lezdom F/F Content, but there are still a few scenes that I really enjoy with Male Villains… Actually Rock is a great example of this I had been aware of Rock as a male performer and watched some of his scenes for many years now (some from PKF etc) but unfortunately he’s been someone that I just haven’t been a huge fan of at all, not sure if that was because of him or maybe the site just wasn’t my cup of tea. But… Read more »
I’m enjoying reading the incredible ideas that people have on here, so many wildly different and entertaining situations, hopefully a few will be made into this EPIC second project. Also one thing that made me realise with the chemistry between Kira and Spicy… is how important a female villain is to Superheroine videos. SHL & Rye are very much Maledom and Male villains, and I get why that some producers would do that, its just taste and what have you. and I got very much into the genre because of SHL, on what Damien does. But certainly in recent months… Read more »
“So I think truly the benefit of Lezdom content is having a female villain to enjoy as well as the female hero. I think the chemistry and the dynamic can go into deeper and further places than Male Talent.” I absolutely agree with you on this. But unfortunately it seems not to be a majority opinion. And I’m not so optimistic with regards to the upcoming film by Lee Carl. It might be like “Fallen Angel” with a female villain who has several thugs doing most of the dirty work, so that only a small part is actual F/F (one… Read more »
“But unfortunately it seems not to be a majority opinion” – I think that was the case 5 years ago, Now not so much… TBFE over the last few years is certainly making more F/F than M/F. (with Kayla, Ophelia & Coco combining in a lot of production ) Luciafilms certainly since 2019 it’s been very much 50/50, and they have done alot of great F/F in the last year. Ryefilms is Maledom… well I don’t think we know what’s going on with that company at the moment, a bit of a mess is an understatement but they seem to… Read more »
“TBFE over the last few years is certainly making more F/F than M/F.” Not true. Only 4 of TBFE’s latest 25 releases (counting each of those with several parts as one movie) have been F/F – and that’s if you include “The Hard Way”, which features a gorilla… The other 21 have been either M/F or mixed. And a look at the future releases shows that it continues like this. “Luciafilms certainly since 2019 it’s been very much 50/50” Also not true. Only 5 of the latest 25 releases (again: those with several parts counted as one movie) have been… Read more »
To be fair I was counting a lot of the mix stuff that have a predominant F/F push as F/F… Like for example Starshame, the drive is very much from a Lucy standpoint the male performer is there he does a little bit of fighting he has sex, but thats it… the drive and control of the scene is very much F/F, with Lucy’s relationship with Alicia’s character being the central theme and dive. Same with wonder woman’s captivity, the drive is very much McKenzie and Lucy’s relationship and actions. That to me is F/F production. but I do think… Read more »
what happen next
To add to what has been posted: how about having Batgirl forced to do a striptease and poll dance at the club? But have her stay in costume–at least for much of it–as the allure of seeing the superheroine debasing herself and gesticulating in a slutty fashion would be really hot!
need a wheel of unfortune for our poor batgirl where a certain villain lets other villains spin a wheel that makes Batgirl do obscene stuff, of course it will have a hang man aspect to it, if they fail to guess a letter, a captured person gets the noose. If batgirl refuses to do the wheel of unfortune, a captive will get the noose also
or maybe the noose gets tighter and tighter if a villain fails to guess the proper letter, or the noose gets tighter to motivate batgirl to follow the instructions of the obscene wheel. The villain that wins the wheel of unfortune gets to fuck batgirl
The striptease and Dancing seems a popular choice 🙂 Hopefully to Spicy actually not to another villain… That would be my choice haha
Would love to see her dance at penguins club! Always been a dream of mine. The other ones sound interesting too, but that’s my personal favorite. She looks amazing as batgirl
Couldn’t agree more! This idea is also my favorite!
Oh man, I get this idea that Penguin should make her strip but after that he makes her put on slutty lingerie and forces her to dance in that.
Wow, she looks like she fits in that Bat Girl costume. From her hardcore content, it is noticeable that she is a plus-size girl, and I don’t care either, but damn, she looks like she recently got fit from that photo. I can not wait to see the video from her.
I know she’s relatively recently changed the stage name from Chloe to Kira Fox.
Maybe that was something to do with it the fact that her look and style had changed quite considerably in the last year. she wanted a new name to respond to the new shift
I have no idea, just a brainwave really
A lot of people have talked about how Customs has been a death nail for the SHIP community, but I actually think it’s been the reverse it’s actually taken this community to the next level Because what you’re doing is creating an even better product with more ideas from talented individuals, you know these incredible producers like LeeCarl, SHL, Luciafilms, TBFE etc… have their own remit, have their own style certainly to decide which projects they want to take on that maybe fit their business model. But then you take customer ideas that have fleshed out scripts and that have… Read more »
I agree, as long as people stop with all that pie business.
But seriously – having done customs with Lucia, Rye and a few others, it has been definitely fun. It’s been creative and I think producers MOSTLY enjoy it.
Wow, what a perfect body – Kira looks amazing. If she is consistent, she’ll become a new star in the SHIP firmament. But as for Customs, yes I agree, they have been nothing but a good thing. Because of customs, we have been able to produce 12 videos that we wouldn’t have done otherwise, one of which is now the single most popular entry in our entire catalogue (Custom 4: Poderosa vs Pagliaccia, based on the “Mind Over Muscle” scene from Superman). It also allows us to keep our actresses a bit busier. And if one budgets one’s time correctly… Read more »
I feel like we’re in a Silver Age of Ship. Just like the comics, the budgets are better, the costumes look better, the acting is better. The girls are still hot, and they were hot in the heyday, too, but many of the production values are just better than our golden age. The golden age will still be great, and I’m not saying either one is better than the other because there would be no silver age unless the golden age happened first.
Yeah I absolutely get that… I mean I wasn’t around during the golden age that people label, I certainly come from a very recency bias… but I have watched videos from very much the past, and I also try and look at things objectively. Ultimately I just say what I see, and I don’t think there’s much argument that things are just getting better and better… I absolutely understand that things might have shifted from 10/15 years ago and that’s understandable trying to survive and getting longevity. The taking everything on board, I just think the recently things have been… Read more »
I do hope we get to see Spicy (Girl that plays H.Quinn), Kira and Alicia play together at some point in a Video in the future.
And Thats coming from me but also one of the girls involved said it as well 🙂
I hope Spicy is in this second part episode a good amount as well 🙂
story ideas sent
I’ve been looking forward to this one for a while! We need some more preview images!!!
I hope at least one of the vignettes (or another upcoming movie) have a Poison Ivy/Batgirl scene.
what is her name
❤️ Hi) My name is Paula, I’m 23 years old) I’m an aspiring sex model 18+) I like to be photographed nude) Please rate my photos at this link ➤
Heres a Few Images i found online, Hope you don’t mind me sharing them… I’m just so excited for this! (from the first episode)
And another
And One Last One 🙂
Where you getting these?!
Nice, Lovely pictures 🙂
I don’t where he got these but Kira has some pics and a vid of her in costume from her own twitter page. Seeing her move in that Bat costume is amazing.
The images are from SpicyFXXX’s (Harley Quinn) instagram reel, you can view it by going to LeeCarls instagram page and going on their tagged section. I’m also really looking forward to this one
Would you be open to a Batman/Batgirl pairing? Maybe Poison Ivy forces them to hook up?
She’s beautiful
I love the look of Kira Fox 🙂 Beautiful
I hope we get some scenes that aren’t in the mask, you can’t hide that beautiful face under a mask! Just something wrong about that 🙂
I see she does do hardcore (real penetration on other porn sites) hope to see her do that on a SHIP movie for one of these site in the future
But overall, great find and hope to see lots more of her
This is making me very excited. As someone who thinks Kira Fox is going to be EPIC for this community, you got to give LeeCarl credit for finding her. I’ve only corresponded with her a few times, I feel like shes someone whos born to be in this genre just like the best of them. She seems from what she’s said… that she enjoys the genre and wants to do more. I hope other producers like Luciafilms approach’s her and can collaborate with her as well. I know there is sometimes producers that like to keep Talent to themselves, I… Read more »
Is Lee Carl the shorter, heavier guy in Enthusiastic Participation?
Kira is Amazing
Lee Carl already created, in my opinion, the BEST Batgirl heroine peril film ever made with Ashley Lane in Dark Maiden. Cannot wait to see what he’s cooked up with Kira — she looks absolutely perfect! And at the mercy of a villainous Harley?? INSTANT PURCHASE.
This is one of the only new releases I have been excited about in this genre for probably the past 6 months, love to see new talent in great costumes.
Me too
Looking forward to this.
That is interesting to see happening.