“BAD MEDICINE” – a Luciafilms Original Film

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1 year ago

Love to see some hardcore scenes finally! Been waiting ages for this! I’ll be ordering every hardcore film you make!

Don1987 avatar
1 year ago

Anything new soon?

Mr.Bleh avatar
1 year ago

Nice to see Xiphos donning the Supergirl outfit again. Been too long.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Bleh

I agree. She is amazing as Supergirl.

The Suit
The Suit
1 year ago

I would have loved if the costumes and capes stayed on, but that cinematography and acting is superb.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago

Not sure what happened, but this site is much, much quieter these days than it used to be. I ,mss the liveliness.

1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

It’s because they over promise and under deliver on deadlines.

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Woodie

What? Who’s that meant to be about? I don’t think anyone’s done that

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

The Rye posts images of videos not due out for months, even years. TBFE dropped it’s future section because they got too many complaints on delayed vids. Some of those still haven’t come out,

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

Yeah I know Rye does that, and I also know that’s why TBFE dropped their future section (even though I wish they still had it) but that doesn’t explain why Woodie said over promises and under delivery’s on deadlines are the reason this site is much quieter, as that’s not the case

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

I really don’t know why things have dropped off, but I do miss it.

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

I don’t feel that things have dropped off. There was a quiet period before and then we got a bunch of both new releases and teasers for what’s coming soon. This post has been up for just over a week and has reached 150 comments

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Woodie

Wtf? It’s because the government is cracking down on paypal, piracy for this content is out of control, and costs for everything is going up.

SnidelyW avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

Left you a PM about this.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  SnidelyW

Where do I find that?

SnidelyW avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

Under Community, then Activity

phlfan avatar
1 year ago

Is anything being posted today?

phlfan avatar
1 year ago

Bad Medicine is truly a masterpiece, one of the greatest films in this genre. I’ve seen plenty of hardcore films, both in general and SHIP. The females generally seem jaded, even during the sex act. In this Xiphos came across as genuinely excited, which made it both unique and quite special. If she wasn’t she deserves an Oscar. I’d like to fund a sequel if the sex scene is as good as the one at the end around 23:00.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago

Just looked at Hands of Man II. Her breasts are much bigger here, but still gorgeous.

YugoVang avatar
1 year ago

what is going to happen to her next

1 year ago

just ….Holy shit… LOVE IT! if the Captain Marvelous movie has hardcore.. it’ll get my money too. Xiphos is fantastic in this.

datardlytales avatar
1 year ago

Xiphos is probably the best to do ever do it acting wise. They really sell their characters as feeling like a full person. Bye Bye Birdie is a masterpiece, and I think they probably could do mainstream stuff.

Out of curiosity, is Xiphos still out for more action heavy stuff or is their full return?

xiphosprince avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  DatardlyTale

Tentative return. Gotta get those commissions to bring me in.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Xiphos

Sent the email. Haven’t heard anything back

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Xiphos

Xiphos. You can do a great service. Lucia is having problems with its emails and not responding to inquiries and offers of commissions. If you can contact them through some other channel, even a regular email from you that they might pay more attention to, getting them to respond we might clear things up. They could even ask people to post here and then have they respond on this board. To be honest, they–and you–are missing out on money making opportunities, which I assume nobody wants to do. Anything you can do to help would be great and very much… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Xiphos

Just out of curiosity, is Lucia the only operation you’re willing to work with? I love their output, and like I said, I think stuff you’ve done like Bye Bye Birdie just feels different and Lucia feels open to a level of querness that gives a different quality to their work.

But they’re not really that responsive.

xiphosprince avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  DatardlyTales

Correct, I only work and film with Lucia.
They’ve been working on a few movies back to back, so they’ve been afk.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Xiphos

Are you in any of them?

datardlytales avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Xiphos

Thanks for the candid answers!

1 year ago

I want to marry xiphos

jeqtreqt avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Sherlock

Get in line

jeqtreqt avatar
1 year ago

The things I would do to/let Xiphos do to me …

Last edited 1 year ago by jeqtreqt
jim avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Jeqt

I’d submit to her in a heartbeat.

1 year ago

this looks great but im a little worried that the ending is gonna be boring before i buy. “potential kidnapping” is always the weakest ending for me in these vids and the ending is important

was hoping this would be something like her giving in and enjoying it or becoming corrupted at the end or something

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  dylan

I’m just speculating with this but I was thinking that the “potential kidnapping” ending would lead into a possible sequel, as it says in the description “Will she escape before the mysterious benefactor arrives?” So maybe that’s why the endings left ambiguous. Hopefully someone can clear it up for you

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

I would love a hardcore sequel with her again.

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

Same here! Seems to be generally well received and this overall looks great

1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

kinda wondering the same as above. could someone who bought it explain what kinda ending it has in a spoiler tag? always good to know that before spending money on it!

1 year ago
Reply to  charlie

I’d be happy to, but not surr how to do spoiler tags on thsos site.

xiphosprince avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

Yep. We’ve already planned out an outline. So now we just have to wait for a commission or funding to make the lovely sequel to this story. I’d certainly love to see the sequel happen

1 year ago
Reply to  Xiphos

A sequel would be amazing. I hope that happens. Great to have you back Xiphos.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Xiphos

I’d be happy to consider funding it depending on the script and the price

xiphosprince avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

Send an email to Lucia c;

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Xiphos

What’s the email?

xiphosprince avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

contact (at) LuciaFilms.rocks

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Xiphos


Dean027 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Xiphos

Personally I already tried to contact them on this address some days ago, never had answer.

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Dde027

Only some days ago? There are several people on this forum who tried to reach them again and again over the course of months and never got an answer. For some reason they can’t solve their e-mail problems. It’s a real shame. Sometimes someone is lucky enough to get through. But I gave up last year after about half a dozen tries.

1 year ago
Reply to  dylan

really?! do we need an umpteenth, “giving in and enjoying it or becoming corrupted” kind of ending?! let these producers end it any way they want! it’s xiphos and it’s hardcore! instant buy! lucia can’t take my money fast enough!

1 year ago
Reply to  mrxstacy

stupid comment

they CAN make it any way they want, and the people giving them money can then say what they like and dont like about it. and i agree, i hate open endings for these vids.

1 year ago

I Bought this just and wow, what a video. Personally, i’m more into F/F video’s, but this one looked to good to pass up on.

Lucia films did a fantastic job with this and regards to xiphos, she’s always been hot, but god damn, she is hotter than ever in this video. I hope to see more good things from lucia in the future 😀

Dean027 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Ferrari93

Totally agree 🙂 And about the rare hardcore SHIP movies (if I put aside SHL), I prefer this story than the one from TBFE. Here we are really in a SHIP world (with good time proportion of each event) with the additionnal explicit and hardcore side.

1 year ago

I can’t wait for the Ariana Rogue film.

jobman avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  namvibe

It’s a typo, it’ll be Alicia Moon 🙂

ME92 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  jobman

Yeah saw that, hopefully Ariana will star in a f/f flick where she gets her due one day, maybe even in a sequel to the wonderful Guardians of Justice where she gets betrayed… Yummy = )

1 year ago
Reply to  jobman


Last edited 1 year ago by namvibe
ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  namvibe

What’s wrong with Alicia? I think she’ll be great especially with her last Luciafilm collaboration. I personally prefer Ariana Rogue as the dominant character but that’s just my preference

1 year ago
Reply to  namvibe

lol why would that be an oh no?

Alicia probably the best actress in the entire genre. what she did in Eternal Prison and Parolee 4 is amazing

1 year ago
Reply to  charlie

I’m sorry. I’m just sad that I didn’t see the movie starring Ariana.

1 year ago

That was excellent. Glad that Xiphos is back and as Supergirl. Loved this movie from beginning to end.

tofu1985 avatar
1 year ago

Now help me out here. Did she get bigger or did parts get bigger. Not saying it’s bad just wondering if I’m seeing things

xiphosprince avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  tofu1985


1 year ago
Reply to  Xiphos

definitely upgraded in every way.

bug1701 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Xiphos

Was wondering about that myself. My first thought, honestly, was this was the result of your family getting bigger. Any truth to that?

Also.. SO nailed the Cute, Loveable, Honest heroine performance. So much so, that I think the first half of the movie was the best part.

Maybe i should ask for a custom, with Super Xiphos playing with a puppy for 30 minutes?

xiphosprince avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Adam

No truth to that.
I would absolutely love playing with a puppy.

saxman314 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Xiphos

@Xiphos you were fantastic in this and you look incredible.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago

This is one of the truly great films in this genre.

1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

I agree. It was amazing from beginning to end. Xiphos was excellent.

depo man
depo man
1 year ago

man, i missed blonde supergirl Xiphos! been so long! excited for this

Mnite83 avatar
1 year ago

Just purchased. Awesome job. I hope this opens a door for more hardcore contents in the future.

Dean027 avatar
1 year ago

I tried to buy this film, but SHG website is just (censored) … I understand they have had some payment pb but as this genre is a niche, to put too much difficulties in the order system is just understandable and cut a part of cutomers potential. Lucia, and other companies, do you have another system to buy to you directly? If you have no other way sorry but I can’t buy your movies as the prefund method of SHG is not possible for me (make a check to US).

1 year ago
Reply to  Dde027

Yeah, i’ve been having problems too. The problem is, if you have too many failed attempts, it then says that you can’t make a purchase and will have to try again in 24 hours, what the hells that about?

Dean027 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Ferrari93

I had an account but closed due to non activity in the last 6 months. So I have recreated the account, but now they need I send them a check to their US postal address to prefund my account. It’s not a pb of too many failed attempt, but pb due to their new rules.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dde027

Out of every site i have ever used, the shg website is the most complex in its rules in terms of actually trying to buy products from it.

Victor avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Dde027

That is the most ridiculous rule for a site I ever heard. If this is really their policy, they need to change it. You would think they would want to make sales to customers coming back after six months.

ME92 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  victor

Paypal is not an option? You have to prefund your account with a check to ‘verify’ it since it’s new? If this is the case, I’m pretty much fudged if my account ever gets closed and I have to open a new one since paypal is my only viable option from outside of the US. If so, wonder if ‘activity’ is based on sign in or purchase of videos.

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ME92

Yeah that’s the case. You need to have an established payment history with them (Purchased at least 4 videos) AND had an active login for 6 months to be considered for instant payment methods. If you’re new, you’ll need to send a check of at least $50 to pre fund your account

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
Dean027 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  victor

Here is an extract of their policy for “new” customers :

Instructions to pre-fund your login:
1. Write a check for a minimum of $50.00 US dollars made out to ‘Netcode’.
(If you do not have a checking account or do not know how to prepare a check, you will not be able to purchase)
2. Mail the check to us at the address below.
(Be sure to LEGIBLY include the email address you used to sign up to our site with the check.)

Etc …

ME92 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Dde027

@ Zomws & Dde; Wow, that sounds like a hazzle indeed, wonder why they made this a requirment? If that’s the case I’ll have to make sure I never get inactive, otherwise I won’t be able to buy a vid from SHG Media again and I probably have somewhere between 25-30 vids in total from there over the years. I know Alex Bettinger is very good at customer support with easy direct payment to him through his own paypal if any of his sites troubles you (had that happen to me before), but he’s independent and not under an umberella… Read more »

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ME92

They made it a requirement because they were hit hard by payment fraud in 2022 forcing them to implement it. I know SHL also has an independent PayPal to go through rather than all the measures in place for SHG. I’m unsure if Tbfe or any of the other companies have their own payment option or ever will but it just makes it inconvenient for ‘new’ customers to purchase whichever companies videos. PayPal is just the easier option overall but I understand why the steps are in place. It just stop’s potential customers being willing to purchase a video they… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

So if the check policy is waived, you’d be able to pay through a card as soon as the account is created? If that’s the case, I’d hope they’ll allow PayPal as an option in the near future

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
SHG Admin
SHG Admin
1 year ago
Reply to  Ferrari93

Hello, if you are getting the “too many failed attempts” error, this means that your card was declined more than 3 times and the system will not let you make further attempts for 24 hours. The reason for this limit is two fold. 1. We are charged a hefty fee for every declined attempt so of course we would like to cap that amount. 2. If a transaction attempt has been declined 3 times, it is unlikely repeated attempts with the same information will yield a different result. We did recently have someone who experienced a delay when they funded… Read more »

SHG Admin
SHG Admin
1 year ago
Reply to  Dde027

Hello. Very sorry for your difficulty. The automated fraud system may occasionally give new users no instant payment options… This can happen in error. If you shoot us an email at our support address on our site, I will be happy to try and sort it out for you.

1 year ago
Reply to  SHG Admin

What is the email??

SHG Admin
SHG Admin
1 year ago
Reply to  Dude

Hi, its listed on the SHG-Media.com web sites contact page.

Dean027 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  SHG Admin

I received an email from you and now I can pay. Purchase done. Thanks

bug1701 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Dde027

Never had a problem with it myself.
Are you in Continental USA?

mongey avatar
1 year ago

Delicious!!!! Hope there is more!

tofu1985 avatar
1 year ago

Plz plz plz tell me there is a planned sequel, also starring Xipho

xiphosprince avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  tofu1985
1 year ago
Reply to  Xiphos

debooting pls

1 year ago
Reply to  jaghkir

No debooting

rape zombie
rape zombie
1 year ago

holy shit, hardcore from Lucia?

1 year ago

“Captain Marvelous” has me hyped, I can’t wait for a preview!

Dean027 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Thanatos

I’m also curious about the fetish list used in it 😉

1 year ago

Wow, Xiphos back as Supra-girl *and* hard core?! I can’t wait to watch this!

Supadupa021 avatar
1 year ago

Any more coco anytime soon?

rape zombie
rape zombie
1 year ago
Reply to  Supadupa021

I hope so, considering everyone is pushing boundaries, maybe we’ll get a hardcore Coco film someday.

AWS Man avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  rape zombie

Well, for the sake of my bank account, I’m gonna have to root against that. 😀

Last edited 1 year ago by AWS Man
senordescartes avatar
1 year ago

Do you need a script written free of charge for your new talent? 😉
Looking forward to new content from Lucia Films this year!

jobman avatar
1 year ago

For Huntress, did the other talent back out?

jobman avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  jobman

Definitely understand about the email troubles, even messaged on instagram

jobman avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

I commissioned the Pretty Bird and sequel

1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Will there be full nude scenes with Alicia?It would be an intresting one..

saxman314 avatar
1 year ago

Mother of god

1 year ago

it was good to see Xiphos back as the super hero. I like the Medical peril.
well done.

ME92 avatar
1 year ago

Like many other, hopefully this trend continues! =D

Tbfe did a hardcore one not too long ago too, and even though I’m really just into f/f movies, that one and now this one too sparks promise of seeing a hardcore f/f film as well in the future. Glorious comeback, and Xiphos looks great!

Oh and a Ariana Rough film where she finally is the victim you say? Hot damn.

Last edited 1 year ago by ME92
D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago

This one’s not for me, but a sequel to “Pretty Bird” with Ariana sounds promising.

1 year ago

It appears Xiphos is very wet on this set. And that pussy, so glorious.

Elevete avatar
1 year ago

yeah… lucia y es alergic to debooting scenes

Last edited 1 year ago by Elevete
saxman314 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Hahahahaha this is gold

1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Lmfaooo but in all seriousness how much do I have to put down to get a debooting

1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Oh, Lucia Films
Thou art truly a poet
Yet doth not know it

xiphosprince avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Elevete

But if I took off my boots, everyone would see my mismatched anime socks

1 year ago
Reply to  Xiphos

i prefer uniform fucking, helps the immersion. not just a blonde getting fucked but supergirl. finally, a good hardcore video with supergirl with big tits. so many with tiny tits cant get into.

1 year ago
Reply to  bob

How do you feel about a bottemless Supergirl getting fucked? Debooted and pantyhose removed?

1 year ago
Reply to  Xiphos

You’ve done it before though xD

jeqtreqt avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Xiphos

I’m here for it

AWS Man avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Elevete

Are you confused about the concept of a custom video? If the customer who ordered it isn’t into debooting, do you really expect him to add it to please strangers on the Internet? Maybe it’s time to grow up and accept not everyone’s into the exact same fetish elements you are, and that’s OK.

Last edited 1 year ago by AWS Man
1 year ago
Reply to  AWS Man

I expect to pay more for it if given the opportunity and also the feet is the #1 fetish in the world and a lot of people are into it but my quarrel isn’t about that it’s that we find debooting to be humiliating for the heroine and it adds to the movies. Why do you think NGC does it in some videos and it’s not considered porn? I accept and respect everyone who puts their hard work into making these movies and that’s why I asked how much do I need to put in for a debooting to it… Read more »

1 year ago

How can I get in touch with Lucia films??

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Dude

Theoretically by e-mail, but… see the statement above. It’s a bit like playing the lottery.

1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

I sent a DM cause email wouldn’t go through

Nic cage
Nic cage
1 year ago

No pie scene? That’s a shame

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
1 year ago

So you’re telling me Lucia has finally dropped a new film, and it sees Xiphos return, and it’s hardcore, and they promise much more content on the way, and we have at least one more McKenzie film on the way?

My cup runnith over and my wallet weigh less.

1 year ago

Ripped pantyhose! Holy moly LuciaFilms has finally spoken to the hose fans

1 year ago
Reply to  33sp

Its always very sexy when the fiends are able to penetrate the mighty SG’s hose and boldly go where no one has gone before!

1 year ago
Reply to  AnnoyingWASP

absolutely! pantyhose always feels like the last line of defense to protect heroines’ most vulnerable areas

Dr G avatar
1 year ago

Xiphos looks great as Supra-girl. There’s pantyhose, restraints and gassing so that this one should be good 🙂

Last edited 1 year ago by Dr G
1 year ago
Reply to  Dr G

Where do you see pantyhose lol

Dr G avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Jaghkir

It shows on the screenshots and the movie content description has nylons ( ie pantyhose).

1 year ago
Reply to  Jaghkir

It seems she had them early on and they got removed from her.

1 year ago

Wow, this looks really good. Is there alot of struggling and trying to get away, from the heroine? It looks that way judging by the trailer.

Dean027 avatar
1 year ago

An explicit film from a good SHIP company. Thank you Lucia. I hope to see more film with great SHIP stories and special effects mixed with explicit content. And I really talk about a mix of all (generally we have one, or the other, but rarely all)

Dean027 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Some of the actresses of the SHIP world do or have done porn aside. So I think these ones are/can be confortable with this idea. Even if it doesn’t turn into hardcore, just let more explicit views will add a more natural way in the movie. Sometimes camera angles or actors playing are not well during the scenes where they are trying to hide the explicit thing. I totally agree with you that it must be done with the confort of your talents. I 110% agree. It was just my tought to give a little more spicy content in the… Read more »

1 year ago

Hi Lucia. This looks amazing
What’s the right address for custom requests?

Dr G avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Jantor

You can try this one to see if it works:

Last edited 1 year ago by Dr G
Dr G avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Dr G

Ignore the – character in the e-mail address as I’m not sure why it is adding this.

Dr G avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Thanks !

bigums avatar
1 year ago

(Please let this be a trend. Please let this be a trend. Please let this be a trend.)

RoseGold avatar
1 year ago

I’m standing up and yelling encore.