“Bad Date” from LPC Production

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johnsmith5800 avatar
4 years ago

I think if the people of this video changed their focus a bit, they might have something for us. The woman’s hot and looks great in spandex. The guy seems to be creepy, an asset here. In other words, they have what they need to make good superheroine videos.

I took a peek at their page, and much of it is in German. I don’t recall many superheroine videos coming from German-speaking countries, but I encourage them to try. They might offer pleasant surprises.

SumoLegend avatar
4 years ago

I love lamp.

Beast avatar
4 years ago

You shouldnt judge a fantasy

Genuinely perplexed
Genuinely perplexed
4 years ago
Reply to  Beast

I’m not judging anyone. I’m simply questioning it’s relevance in this particular forum. A date rape fantasy and a heroine peril fantasy are two separate things and while the two CAN certainly overlap, this does not appear to be the case here.

“A young girl has a date.”
-the ad for the film in question

Genuinely perplexed
Genuinely perplexed
4 years ago

When did a date rape fantasy involving a leotard attain the classification of heroine peril?

4 years ago

Yeah….strange movie really

BigZee avatar
4 years ago

Date rape is probably ‘crossing the line’ in terms of appropriate content.

4 years ago

You guys all pay for and watch videos of Superheroines who get chloroformed, restrained, beaten up, raped, and often snuffed…Lucia Films, SHG, SHL, Steve Noir, Primalfetish, Bluestone.

Your margin of judgement confuses me.

BigZee avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Ho-Kay

I guess we all have different ‘red lines.

Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Ho-Kay

My guess is that the difference is having the female be a superheroine creates a clear distance between fantasy and reality, whereas a woman on a date blurs the line.
To your point, we have several superheroine videos entitled “Super Bad Date” that involves date rape.

BigZee avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater


Mr.Bleh avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

So you’re saying the young girl is NOT a superheroine in disguise?

BigZee avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

If it’s a superheroine, I am OK with that. Preferably she would start the combat, have the advantage for a short while before beaten down and then subjected to other extra curricular activities, LOL

Damien Woods avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Ho-Kay

@Ho-Kay … ‘you guys’ I am sorry but are you not one of us? one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us

4 years ago
Reply to  SHL

@SHL Oh I am absolutely one of you lol. Shamelessly and unequivocally one of you! I am one of the many who enjoy a wide range of the content that is released by all of the amazing production companies; which is why my comment was directed toward the few people who, for some reason decided to blast LPCranker for his content.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ho-Kay

Some people are pissed when a pizza parlour sells anything other than pizza. *shrug*

4 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Disingenuous analogy, maybe if the Pizza Parlor was instead a Pizza Discussion Board or a Pizza Review Aggregator, you’d be more precise? People might not love a spaghetti place trying to get in, even if they argued that it’s all Italian. I mean there are people here who specifically just want to see people randomly carrying women on their shoulders, or people’s unzipping their boots. I don’t get it but that’s their entire thing. So why should we be surprised when the board isn’t always in favor of opening up to a broader style? I for example absolutely love 75%… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  rover

We’re not surprised, I’m just disappointed that you’d disingenuously ascribe individual opinions to “the board.” Synchronized strokes?

4 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Nice try, Comic Book Guy.

4 years ago
Reply to  rover

Right back atcha, slick.

Genuinely perplexed
Genuinely perplexed
4 years ago
Reply to  Ho-Kay

I’m not judging anyone. It’s just not a heroine peril film and if my understanding is accurate, that’s what we all come here for. I don’t care what you want to stroke your shaft to if nobody got hurt and everything was consensual. However, if in 6 months, 3 out of 7 heroine Movies posts were about “a young girl has a date” then Heine movies wouldn’t really be about heroine Movies anymore. A damsel in distress is NOT the same thing as a heroine in peril. Frankly, I don’t think it belongs here and that’s the only point I… Read more »

Genuinely perplexed
Genuinely perplexed
4 years ago
Reply to  Ho-Kay

Honestly, the differences are glaring. A superheroine is powerful and confident. When she’s getting her ass kicked she’s focused on turning it around and typically making calculated efforts to do so, albeit in various states of consciousness and efficacy. She’s not flailing absurdly like a terrified schoolgirl. When she affects pain she doesn’t squeal and whine like a little bitch.

I’m not judging anyone. They just aren’t the same thing.