“Arrogant May is Defeated” from FemaleKicks.com
Clip includes punches, kicks, knee kicks and choking.

Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 13 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles
Custom clip request:
This is very similar to the “… failed her Mission” Videos particuarly Jessica failed her Mission because she was really good. Her strong behave, Body reaction from the blows and moaning was perfect for me. I Hope May can Play similar Performance.
The Story ist Short: May wears the Black Dress with open Hairs. She is very strong and thinks no one can beat her in a fight. She is sitting on a Chair like a Queen and is working on her Phone when he comes in. He tells her that he is here to arrest her ( May is a Mafia Boss). She just tells him to go away. But He says he will take her with him at any cost. May puts her Phone away, stands up and is approtching him. She tells him that its impossible for her to lose against anyone because she has Bionics in her Body. The Guy don’t believes her so she stands before him and gives him some free shots against her to prove it. He gives her 3 Belly punches but May only shows a little reaction from it. After that He gives her 2 Head punches and again a little reaction from her. He is confused and she smiles ” My Bionics Not only make me invincible….”
She puts a Hand on his Throat and lifts him Up ” …they also make me stronger” and she throws him away.
” Go … you are No Match for me” but he stands Up and refuses to go, after that both are in fighting Position and the fight beginns.
In the first part she beats him up and is superior. She enjoys the fight is mocking him and he is going down multiple Times.
But after her strong start , May already gets the most punches. He starts punching her Belly and Head over and over , May moans from every Hit put the Bionics are saving her from any real Damage. And she is still superior because of her hard blows, 3-5 punches of her are enough to really hurt the Guy. I would say she gets 80 % and he only 20%
The fight goes on like that, at the end he can put her against the Wall and gives her left and rights straight into her Belly. After many punches she surprisingly puts a Hand on his Throat and is looking at him ” You really think you can beat me, how cute!” and now she puts him against the Wall ” Let me show you how its done right” and now she starts punching His Belly! After only 5-6 punches he goes down and she starts chocking him with a Feet. May smiles and thinks the fight is over ” You are done” but he can free himself and stands up again. May ” Why are you keep resisting? You must see by now you can’t beat me” He tells her that after all she is just a human and at one point her Bionics will fail her. May only smirks about this and is ready to Attack him.
The fight goes and at this point he already can avoid all of her attacks. She is always attacking him and he punches her without a break. May can still take every blow but becomes upset over Time, because he keeps resisting her. After a while she tries really serious to take him out. At the End of the he gives her some hard Belly punches and she stumbles Back, She is looking surprised ” This can’t be… i am feeling the Pain” He tells her to give up put this only enrages her and she attacks him.
But at this point she is only is his punching Bag. Over time she becames weaker and weaker. She looks exaused, moans more painful, is unable to attack and even loses her fighting position. He shows no mercy and keeps punching her, nearly at the End she goes down. He goes to her and puts her left Hand under His left Leg/Knee and the right Hand on His right Leg/Knee. On this way May cannot defent herself like Jane did it on her failed her Mission Video. And now He starts punching her Belly, every Hit is now very painfully for May, we can clearly see and hear it.
After several punches we can hear a “Stop” from her, but he keeps going.
After more Hits she says ” Please, Stop” but he still keeps punching her. After that she says ” i am begging you” and He finals stops his attack and is looking at her. May is completely broken, from her strong behave is nothing left anymore.
He releases her and stands up, she turns to her side and ja holding her Belly. She coughs and spits some Blood on the Ground. We can See there is some Blood in her Mouth too. The Guy is schocked seeing this ” I have gone to far, i am here to Arrest you, Not to harm you. I will get you a Doctor” and He leaves quickly the Room. The Last Shots are on May, lying on the Ground with Pain She never experienced before.
Well thats it, please make shure the Dress Looks nice during the fight and that She moans, after all she is still a human and No Machine. And only use a little Blood at the End.
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May is gorgeous! I would love to see more videos with her vs Jane who is my favorite girl at your studio.
I’m waiting for the next female low blows video from you, hopefully with the girls above, but there haven’t been many new updates on your site lately. I know you guys are probably still going through a tough time, hows it going? Are you catching up with filming? Do you have much coming out soon?
Thank you!
Sorry for delay, we have a lot of problems. Now I and Jane live in another country.
At the moment, Jessica, Nick, Mike and a new actress (Stacy) are on my team. I’m teaching Mike camera work remotely. He, Jessica and Stacy filmed this week, I’m happy with their work. They can make films without me, I was convinced of that.
May lives in another country too.
Kevin and Tim not in my team anymore.