“Angel v Miss Freedom” from NGC Championship

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8 years ago

looks more interesting than see the villainous character always win and destroys his opponent

8 years ago

Purchased and viewed. Angel is so sexy in that tight outfit. I just wish there was more action, it was over before it began.

Spandex Fiend
Spandex Fiend
8 years ago

@NGC You’ve already added stakes to the game for the heroines and the villains in the Championship to some extent. It’s been mentioned that they live in cells and that winning gets them a slightly better cell or better living arrangements. You could expand upon this slightly, if you’d like, to say that they’re treated better if they win but there is some sort of a penalty if they lose. Perhaps a gentleman comes in at the end that’s “rented” the loser for the night. It definitely already feels like the heroines are somehow being held and forced to fight… Read more »

Gerr (the fan of NGC)
Gerr (the fan of NGC)
8 years ago

Video of the NGC is still the best on the part of the sound. However, this video is not enough creativity in action. Anastasia perfectly sells suffering, she’s a great actress. I would like to see more action between the heroines, even if it is out of the format of 3 rounds. I really liked the realism in the old clips of the crisis. At the beginning of the fight Anastasia takes the blows patiently, because she has the strength to fight. She is active and violent. At the end of the fight the heroine is already weak. She was… Read more »

8 years ago

You could not go wrong with this match up. I put it on my second favorite NGC video right behind a members only production “Miss Freedom and Angel possessed” mainly due to liking MF outfit better. Great to see each lose, but more so Miss Freedom.

8 years ago

@NGC, yes the only thing better would be to see Celestia vs Miss Freedom.

8 years ago

My problem with NGC Championship is that there are no real stakes. At the end of the day, it’s a fight to see who will knock out the other person with no consequence other than pride. If they had some more extreme endings, even if its just alternative endings, I’d be buying more of these videos. Side note: I have loved the way how the main NGC site seems to have raised the stakes in its alternative endings lately. If there is one in which Angel finally receives the death she has long deserved (I think she’s both evil and… Read more »

8 years ago

Thank you for responding. And that is one of the things I have loved about the main site. The story matters. It builds. But, at the same time, the characters have never been protected by “plot armor.” It’s Game of Thrones-esque in that regard.

BobLoblaw avatar
8 years ago

Breadson is why I buy NGC. I especially like her with the grey catsuit and short hair.

More please.

TimCaine avatar
8 years ago

I just bought and watched this and I’ll say: Man, Anastasiya Breadson looks absolutely sensational in this episode. She totally rocks that classic grey cat-suit style outfit. … Gorgeous, just plan gorgeous.

By far the best part of this video is the alternate ending.

8 years ago

Wow, I’m just impressed how long these characters have now been around, and how good the actresses continue to look while portraying them. Good on ya! I do have a little suggestion for Next Global Crisis, though. There’s a British actress LouLou Petite who used to film for Brazzers, who several months ago began posting her own DIY sexy superheroine videos (Supergirl, Punisher, and a photo set as an original superheroine, Firestarter). With her short hair, she would be great for a Captain Marvel or Powergirl styled character. Might be a really good find to look into. Her youtube channel… Read more »

Jeff avatar
8 years ago

I must say I love the this one already!!! These are two of my favorites and this actually is one of my favorite types of showdowns I guess I could say. I honestly cannot wait to get this one, thank you NGC for allowing us the opportunity to vote to see who is the victor! Either ending would be the pretty great.

8 years ago

Why doesn’t Athena get used in the ring ? She is the least used in this series

TimCaine avatar
8 years ago

Seems like Ms Freedom should be able to mop the floor with Angel. Don’t understand why she’d need chloroform. Come on, Ms Freedom, where’s all that incredible strength you are supposed to have? This fight should be a lopsided destruction of Angel, where Angel is toss around like a rag doll.

8 years ago

I thought the whole idea was the women didn’t have powers in these fights?

Dr_Mabuse avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  dbud

The “overseers” have played around with the heroines’ powers throughout the series. Sometimes they have them, other times not. In the last one (Red Glory/Miss Suppression) they switched it up in the middle, and it looks like they’re mixing it up in this one as well. Personally, I’m OK with the heroines fighting without powers sometimes, just to see how they handle themselves when they don’t have anything to fall back on, but if they never had any powers it seems to me that they’re just women fighting with costumes. I’m sure that’s fine for some people, but I like… Read more »

8 years ago

Angel is so pretty in peril so voting for her loss. Cuz I care!

Maar13 avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  LordSnot

Yep, I did the same thing 🙂

8 years ago

I’m so voting for Angel to win this one. Always excited to see Miss Freedom on the losing end. Hope this has alternate endings!

8 years ago

Is it me but that a bit where Angel is pressing Miss Freedom’s head against a chloroform cloth on the ropes? If so…NICE

I’m going to get this one for sure 🙂

Orcaman001 avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  SG FAN

Well I hope you give us a nice detail description of the action in it I looked at the video 4 more times and I hope that this isn’t just a hug and chloroform fight
I mean this is supposed to be to if the top heroines in the NGC it would be a real drag if there isn’t any good battling sequences in this
I will probably get this but not right away

Orcaman001 avatar
8 years ago

Well this look like it should be a good battle, but I hope that it doesn’t end up like the other battle with angel that I am sad to say I was somewhat disappointed in I think it was the one with Angel vs Celestia (in that one it was a real sleeper, and kind of disappointing action wise, very little action very suttle wins! from the preview in the video I see similar moves , the sleeper , & a bear hug into unconsciousness , I really hope to hear more of this one before I go and buy… Read more »