Alina Lopez – Spider-Girl (ON SALE) from SHL

Hey hench-people,
Wave 4 of sale October (checks calendar…) is HERE!
The final film of the fall sale is Spider-Girl: The Multiverse Monster. This film is one of my favorites and took an ungodly amount of things going right to make it happen. The sale price is going to be $40 bucks down from its standard price of $60.
The next 7-10 days I am going to be ungodly busy (personal life stuff, work, filmmaking stuff and pre/post production nightmare) so… I probably won’t be super active on the forums. I also decided to leave the previous waves of sales up simply because… I honestly don’t have the time to go back and turn off all the sales right now!
So the Spider-Girl sale should be good for at least a week, due to my lack of time to change anything clerically.
Also update regarding the Star Nine film, as I know you all have a bunch of questions: there are things I won’t comment on and reveal until we get closer to a trailer. I am purposely being dodgy about answering some questions and at least for now I honestly won’t have a lot of free time to respond!
I think I caught up on most of your emails etc, but, if anyone didn’t get a response… please reach out again! Don’t want to miss responding just cause I am busy.
Anyway, thank you all again for your support, your patience and I hope everyone is well.

$40 (down from $60)
Read about the release on the picture link below

Read about previous sale-waves and Star Nines upcoming film here:
Any new updates on upcoming movies/productions?
We know that Damien was trying to set up the shoot for his adaptation of The Killing Joke, and a couple of other shoots. And he was still working on the final edit of the Star Nine film. And we’re in the holiday season. So we may have to wait for a while to hear anything.
Thanks men
My apologies if you have already answered this, but are there KO’s in this film? It looks amazing!
I’m calling it now: the late Bob Einstein did the villain voiceover in this one.
I just re-watched Spider-Girl and the scene at the 25:40 mark is as close to perfection when it comes to heroine peril regardless of “genre”. I know that sounds like hyperbole and I know it’s been seen before, but it’s not very often you see a heroine struggle such a way and have their ability/gadget negated in such a graphic manner. The music, lighting and blocking all added to that one 30 second moment and the voiceover was only the clincher. PS, Needless to say, I’ve taken advantage of the current per-order and all I can say is WOW! There’s… Read more »
For anyone on the fence for this video, I would urge you to buy it. At $40 it’s a deal. Alina Lopez is absolutely gorgeous and, as always, amazing.
Thank you
Whens the killing joke coming out? Pre-ordered that awhile ago
I hope to have it filmed either this month or the beginning of next month, but as of now the film is in preproduction.
If the wait time ever becomes too long for you, you can always email me for a refund. I know it’s asking a lot to preorder something that takes forever to make
Cómo va ser el traje de Batgirl? Es de lycra?
Similar to the one from ‘The Prison’
Pública alguna foto
Looking forward to the Star Nine film or any film of yours. Your videos are always 100% worth the wait. Take all the time you need man!
Thank you for the support
Damien. You havent answered many of the questions about the hard-core elements of the Star Nine film on the other post!