Alicia Vikander Cast as Lara Croft in “Tomb Raider” Reboot

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8 years ago

I am big fan of the tomb raider franchise since the beggining and i cant be more happy with Alicia Vikander. She could portray a really smart Lara Croft and she will give her a lot of more attitude than Angelina ever did. It will be a stronger character. Also she is beutiful. Today none wants to see 1996 lara croft. It was ok back then because there werent a lot of female heroines but her look is prehistoric. She has to look like an explorer not like playboy bunny. Her boob size doesnt add anything to the character

Thedeath avatar
8 years ago

When’s learn. Look at marvel. Superheros portrayed the right way. Very true to source. Recognisable characters. Embrace the image first of all. You ask people what lara croft looks like and they’ll about the character in the first 5 lara croft games.

8 years ago
Reply to  Deathcake

True. But this will be based on the reboot of the game. So: a very different Lara taken from the scource material i.e. new game. And most characters in the MCU are rather loose interpretations of the comic book characters who – in the books themselves – are often adapted in a different way from writer to writer. Brubaker’s Cap was nothing like Remender’s Cap (Steve that is).

8 years ago
Reply to  Deathcake

I don’t actually think that’s true. The first 5 Lara Croft games are getting old. People who know those games aren’t necessarily the demographic they’re going for. Traditional Tomb Raider games stopped selling, too, almost making them completely give up on the idea. Then they did the reboot and it started selling really well (best selling Tomb Raider game there has ever been). Basing the character on the new revitalization of the franchise that younger people actually know about seems like the best idea they could have. And on that note, I’m not convinced that this is a terrible pick… Read more »

Thedeath avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

It wasn’t the character though. The games were getting stale, not Lara Croft. They could have had the same game as the reboot, with the same character. They created a new game and character and used the name lara croft.

8 years ago
Reply to  Deathcake

Maybe I’m remembering the older games differently, but I didn’t feel like there was much of a character there. She had very little personality, which I think Angelina Jolie pretty much portrayed in the first two movies (mind you, she looked very nice while doing so). There’s probably very little I can say to convince anyone, but I think the rebooted character was fantastic. It made her vulnerable and human, while still asking some pretty bad ass things of her. The games are pretty brutal, too, in a way that I don’t think they could pull off with an empty… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Deathcake

About how Marvel is Marvel is true to the source material: it really depends. Having seen Civil War now twice, I can tell you one thing: their version of Spider-Man is totally unlike any version of the character from any version of the comic books (and so is very definately the new Aunt May). And yet: most people who have seen Civil War will agree: this might very well be the best movie Spider-Man ever. Go figure!
I am personally very amazed how different the new version is and how great at the same time 🙂

8 years ago

she really doesn’t look like she has the body for lara croft. like it or not that’s part of the character, and even if they don’t focus on it extensively and make it a hyper sexy movie, she should still have the look, especially as a girl raiding tombs mountain climbing etc. this girl just looks like a generic model instead of an athletic person doing badass things.

8 years ago
Reply to  anon

They are going with the reboot apparently 🙂

8 years ago

So two thumbs down because I either wrote that they will go with the reboot version of the game i.e. a younger Lara or because you are not open to this idea? Conservative much?

8 years ago

Hey Horse. You’ve mentioned the thumbs up/down thing a few times. I think you might be taking it a little too seriously. Two or three votes up or down isn’t really saying much. I think the thumbs thing has value in providing a way for forum members to voice their opinions without having to write something. Often that just means a few votes one way or the other, but it can identify outlier opinions or posters who consistently draw the ire of forum members, like Big Zee. If someone starts pulling in 5 or 10 downvotes on a consistent basis,… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Ha, not too seriously at all. Was just amused how ill informed some people are. They cast an Oscar winning actress (who has appeared in a number of movies) and people complain that she looks nothing like Lara without bothering to find out more about the planned movie.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago

Ah, you must be referring to Judah.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Bert, the more thumbs down votes, the better. Please keep them coming at a fast and furious place. Buying any vids lately or are you just watching trailers and making your normal shrewd and genius comments?

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

“Bert, the more thumbs down votes, the better.” Purposely trying to generate down votes is trolling. That’s a bad thing. Trolling annoys people. “Please keep them coming at a fast and furious place.” That could be read as an accusation that I vote more than once on your posts. I do not. “Buying any vids lately or are you just watching trailers and making your normal shrewd and genius comments?” You imply that I don’t buy videos. You’ve said this before. It’s a completely baseless accusation. I buy plenty of videos. Honestly, I have no idea how to deal with… Read more »

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Hey Bert, your solution is to not read my posts. Good luck on that one.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

I guess internet forums are perfect for someone like you. In person, annoying people for the fun of it will get you punched in the face. Here, all we have is words, and since you are impervious to shame there isn’t much anyone can do to make you stop. It is sad though. You’ve proven to be the least liked poster on this forum and yet you keep doing the same annoying stuff, like a child misbehaving just to get some attention.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

You do know how to scroll past my posts without reading them? If not, I am sure that there are a bunch of 4 year olds out there who can teach you how.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

Perfect example. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t say that to my face.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

Everyone’s solution is for you, Zee, to stop trolling. Maybe a bunch of 4 year olds and your blow-up doll can teach you how. 🙂

8 years ago

Eh, I would have preferred if they just got Camilla Luddington to be Lara. She does great work in the rebooted video game franchise and think would fit in the movie nicely. Could even weave the movie and games together but whatever I suppose. Not overly “Wowed!” with choice but will wait and see how it turns out.

8 years ago

Another reboot why? If it’s as bad as the first Croft movies this should lose millions.

8 years ago

I had heard it was going to be Daisy Ridley from the new Star Wars. Was looking forward to that. Oh well, Alicia is a good choice too I guess.

Bruce Kent
Bruce Kent
8 years ago
Reply to  John

I don’t know anything about this… My goodness she is beautiful. I am SO attracted to Daisy Ridley as well, she will go far!

marat avatar
8 years ago

If you have any doubts about her doing action sequences, see her in ‘Ex Machina.’ She is beautiful, and a terrific actress. Can’t ask for anything more. In the interests of full disclosure, I didn’t see any of the Jolie ‘Tomb Raider’ films. But I can definitely be interested in how this one will come out. (Promise me they won’t get Zack Snyder to direct.)

8 years ago

She is highly talented and smoking hot. Makes sense!

8 years ago

IDK Horse

It seems that there going with the lesser known n actresses for these heroine roles. I mean Gal Gadot has very few credits to her name, I probably would not have heard of her had it not been for the Fast and Furious movies. Alicia I probably wouldn’t have heard of her if not for the Academy Award. To ne honest I haven’t seen her in anything. Not gonna get too excited about this.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Judah

Yeah, don’t get excited about this, how about being optimistic instead?
In the meantime, no doubt you will be digging for dirt.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

Seriously don’t you have anything better than to stalk me. Cheeeezz…still holding a grudge cause I exposed your darling hero for the scumbag that he was. Hahaha your pretty pathetic.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Judah

Just keep doing what you do best, dishing out the dirt. Keep practicing for your upcoming audition for the sequel of the Nightcrawler.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

Big Zee and Judah: Have you ever read The Desidorata? Highly recommended.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  bogie

Yes, I know about it, quite a classic with the right message. Nevertheless I suggest you listen to the Don Henley song”Dirty Laundry”.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

LOL, OK, I’ll give it a go BZ, though I’m more the Sinatra type.

8 years ago
Reply to  Judah

Judah, man, only because you have not heard of her does not mean she is less well known. She is a rising star and has been the stand out in a couple of movies in which she starred as the female lead not some side character. When I read the announcement I had the opposite idea: why would she want to do it? She has a ton of offers right now. On the other hand it makes sense to get her face more in front of the blockbuster crowd and have a major movie every 2 or 3 years if… Read more »

8 years ago


I guess to a certain degree your right. I just saw she has a role in the new Jason Bourne movie. BTW did you catch the Killing Joke trailer. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Judah

Score one for optimism.
Re The Killing Joke, an R rated animated film will be an interesting challenge to attract certain segments movie audiences. If you decide to see it, how about doing something constructive and review it objectively for the rest of us? Hopefully you won’t be too preoccupied with mud slinging.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

Seriously dude. You need to get a life instead of stalking me and other SHIP actresses. You really are something you know that. You get the most votes down and still your at it. Are you really one of those weird creepy stalkers who sits in front of your computer 24hrs just kicking ur lips drooling and stalking? You got to be the creepiest dude I have met on these forums. Still mad you can’t get what you want out if this genre because most don’t see as you do – poor baby – hahaha…still mad I brought down your… Read more »

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Judah

Are these rhetorical questions? Who are we talking about? Give a listen to Dirty Laundry by Don Henley.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

Small Zee-nado, why don’t you come to your senses
Come down from your high horse, you reek sour grapes
You may be paining, but Nightshadow will calm you
‘Cause when it bombs you will come to…realize it’s ju-uh-uh-uh-uh-ust … fate


BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Seer

Wishing someone to fail, it doesn’t get much lower than this, unless of course one is a muckraker. Do yourself a favour, buy videos and review them, constructive criticisms preferred if you really know what that is.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

Nightshadow fail will happen on its own, no ‘wishing’ involved. Besides Zee, I’m only kidding about it bombing. To be a movie that bombs it actually has to be a contender, aka a movie released to theaters, which will never happen, so…just a joke.

The only wish would be for you, Zee, to get off your high horse, but that’s not gonna happen when one like you claims your blow-up doll is your wife. Zee-ro grasp on reality! 🙂

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Seer

Very mature response. I see that you favour pessimism over optimism. You might want to consider a vocation of muckraking as well.

8 years ago
Reply to  Seer

Don’t be too hard on Zee. He’s invested many hundreds of dollars in the movie, and he deserves to see that burka-wearing heroine take part in an unintelligible story in deserted west Texas. I mean her facial expressions alone should be worth…oh yeah, the burka. But the story, the story…wait, is this movie a custom?