“Agent Jessica in the hands of the Mafia” from FemaleKicks.com
- Punch
- Cuntbusting
- POV – of attacker
- Knockout
- Drooling

Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 23 minutes
Language: English with English subtitles
Custom clip request:
Outline: The Mafia is getting bolder, and it is now sending punitive expeditions against undercover anti-mafia agents. Agent Jessica is an undercover hacker working to map the Mafia’s digital practices and connections. Jessica’s internet signal is traced to her place. She is surprised and beaten up to send a message to the anti-mafia police. As a first warning, Jessica is only body punched, mostly stomach, but also some crotch / groin attacks.
Clothing: Jessica is dressed in such a way her stomach is fully visible, from lower belly to ribcage. The gang can be dressed as they please.
Jessica’s acting: Reactions are the most important parts of my custom videos. It is very important that Jessica doesn’t exaggerate pain, in general. In particular, it is important that she doesn’t moan or whimper. Jessica’s reactions are usually great. I particularly like her reactions to crotch kicks and punched. It would be great if she can use those for stomach punches, too.
The perfect concept would be:
(1) she contains her reactions as much as she can, but the reactions eventually show (as in Jessica’s 6 hard punches).
(2) as the punishment takes its toll, punches unchain reactions within her body, her sounds and faces showing her “internal struggle” (as in Jessica’s 6 hard punches).
(3) as the punishment is closing, she has become a ragdoll, and her reactions become instinctive and untidy, but never loud. Sexy sighing would be most welcome.
Details for different reactions are in the scenes.
Mafia gangsters acting: They are mostly silent, and they make no fight noises. All or most of their stomach punches go to Jessica’s upper stomach, above her navel and below the arch formed by her ribs. The punches make actual contact (no harm to Jessica) and stay in for about a second, not bouncing.
Camera: The camera is mostly moving, most of the time close to the action (around 1 meter), making regular close-ups of Jessica’s stomach and face, and changing positions. I make more suggestions for each scene.
Sounds: If you use a camera microphone, the camera should stay close enough to capture all of Jessica’s noises, including the less loud ones. Dialogues in Russian, with English subtitles (but this is not really necessary). Please no music, and please keep the sound effects very low-key and natural.
Part 1. Roughed-up.
Camera fades in Jessica being held by two gangsters while Rose is standing in front of her punching her in the stomach. It looks she has already been roughed up for some time. The sequence should be:
(1) Rose punches her in the stomach (in different ways, but mostly uppercuts to her upper stomach).
(2) Jessica takes the impact (slumping over, folding, doubling, etc.).
(3) Jessica grunts or gasps.
(4) Jessica is allowed to recover her breath (but no more than 6-8 seconds).
(5) Jessica is straightened up and punched again.
When Jessica’s legs start to falter, the gang pins her up against a wall, and continue the same drill of spaced punches and full reaction cycles. Jessica becomes dizzy, then groggy, then she can stand no more.
The gang finally lets her slide down to the floor, close to fainting. She manages to mumble “my stomach” (in English). But they show no mercy. They force Jessica to sit on the floor with her back against the wall, pinning her hands to her sides. Rose places a fist against the pit of Jessica’s stomach (right in the hollow below the arch formed by her ribcage) and starts punches into it. Jessica convulses, eyes shut, mouth open, unable to produce sounds, only the natural sighs coming from her mouth, until she becomes unable to breathe in at all. It is important that she doesn’t moan.
Rose lets her go and Jessica falls on her side. Rose told the boys to lift Jessica up and pin her against the wall. Rose puts her in position for crotch/groin punches with the help of her fellow gangsters. She starts to punch repeatedly on Jessica’s groin, one hit per second, until Jessica loses conscience (as gradually as possible). The punches make Jessica gag and choke (her reactions to groin punching are usually great), but it is important that she doesn’t moan. Camera fades out in Jessica knocked out.
During all of Part 1 it is important that the camera remains close to Jessica, capturing all of her sounds and making frequent changes of position and close-ups of her face, the stomach punches and her body wrapping around the punches.
Throughout Part 1 the camera changes positions following this pattern, if possible:
- Jessica being punched, seen from above, camera about 1 meter above her head.
- Jessica being punched, from the front (as per her puncher’s eyes).
- Jessica’sstomach being punched, camera placed about 1 meter at her side.
- Jessica’sface reacting to the punches (from the side).
- Jessica being punched, seen from below, camera at about her knees’ height.
- Jessica’sface reacting to the punches (from below).
Part 2. Tortured on the couch.
The camera fades in Jessica sitting on a couch, her hands spread along the top of the couch. Two members of the gang are sitting by Jessica, holding her arms so that her midriff is exposed. Rose is punching her in the upper stomach, carefully choosing her target. The punching sequence repeats that of Part 1, with 6-8 seconds between punches, and full reaction cycles by Jessica. Jessica is already exhausted, and she gets close to fainting. It is important that she doesn’t moan. A slight line of water keeps forming on the side of her mouth, as her internal liquids can be contained any more.
The camera follows this pattern, if possible:
- Full scene, taken from Jessica’s front, no more than 1 meter away from her.
- Close plan of Jessica’s stomach, seen from her side.
- First plan of Jessica’s face.
- Full scene, taken from the back of the couch, no more than 1 meter away from her head.
When she seems to be close to shutting off, she is let go. She very slowly wraps around herself on the couch, only able to wince and sigh (camera makes a close-up of her body and face). It is important that she doesn’t moan.
The gang takes a moment to observe the situation, then they grab Jessica and sit her butt on the floor, with the small of her back against the side of the couch and her head thrown back on the couch, looking up, so that her body is arched open. Rose continues the stomach punching with no explanation and no mercy.
They take their time, aiming at the pit of the stomach and solar plexus (in the hollow above her navel, formed by her ribcage), giving her a short time to recover (5-6 seconds) after each punch. Jessica’s helpless position makes the punches all the more devastating. She tries to stay on top of the situation, “absorbing” the punch into her, groaning almost inaudibly. But after a full minute of punching Jessica looks on the brink of fainting.
Throughout this scene the camera changes positions following a pattern comparable to those above. The process is slow, with faint sounds captured by the proximity of the camera to Jessica, and relying a lot on Jessica’s capacity to act how she slowly faints.
Part 3. Tortured on the floor.
The camera fades again in the sounds of Jessica’s weak reactions. She is lying down flat on a mat, or on the bare floor. The gangsters are kneeling by her side, pinning Jessica’s arms above her head. Rose is keeping Jessica’s legs open and punches at her groin/crotch. Jessica is completely overwhelmed by these punches. Her eyes are closed, only able to give short “oh” choked groans with each punch (no moaning). Then the groans give way to sighs (but no moaning), as she passes out gradually as possible. A bit of drool (water) has formed off her mouth.
Camera takes for this part toggles between the following takes:
- From above the scene, picturing her from groin to face.
- Close-ups of Jessica’s face taken from above and from the side.
- From behind Jessica’s head towards the rest of her torso.
Then Rose sits on her lap and starts to dig punches below the top of her ribcage. Jessica comes back to consciousness only to briefly try to flex her muscles, then says “not in my stomach…” and yields to the strength of Rose’s punches. As Rose punches her upper stomach non-stop, Jessica can only produce short choked “oh” or “ah” reaction and then a soft sighing (air coming out of her system) as she relaxes her strained muscles and breathes in. But please no moaning. She is only awake by the force of her will. It would be great if she can act some “ooff” reactions also (air getting stuck in her cheeks and puffed out).
The camera takes this part of the scene toggling from different angles, always close to Jessica:
- From Jessica’s feet towards her torso.
- Close-up of her stomach being punched.
- Close-ups of her winded face.
- From above the scene, picturing her body getting punched.
- From behind Jessica’s head towards the rest of her torso.
- Final close-ups of her face drooling.
It will be great if this last scene is long and gradual, Jessica producing soft sighing sounds until the very end, never being completely silent.
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