OUT NOW! “Super-Kandys” from Kandy Crisis

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Jacques avatar
5 years ago

@NGC, thanks for your reply. Actually I was referring to KickassFemmes.
All the back and forth on this thread is a great motivator to purchase the video.

Jacques avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

The video has a number of terrific attributes starting with presence of Vixen and Eden especially her abs exposure. Their ability to sell peril was great. The AOH sequence with the belly punches was one of the highlights. For those individuals (such as myself) who are fans of KAK and KickassFemmes will probably be disappointed as their awesome combat choreography including acrobatic moves are absent. I will stop here as this video may be a custom , that being the case it is not fair to be critical. It is up to the one commissioning the film to decide on… Read more »

RobHinx avatar
5 years ago

I think I may be in the minority here (although I’ve just seen Mr. Bleh and Beast’s comments so maybe not!), but I enjoyed this Super Vixen & Super Eden are both superb and there was a nice Super Woman/ Super Girl vibe between them. The main in thing is this release is how the Supers are affected by the Kryptonite and the two girls did a great job of selling its effect. It seems to hit Super Eden the hardest, I loved the way her confident swagger turned into a stagger and the way she held hand up to… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Rob_Hinx

Yes, I enjoyed this one as well. I guess I understand why others weren’t so thrilled with it, but it was pretty much exactly what I expected and I thought it was fun and well-done. The girls both look great in their Super-variety outfits and as Rob describes, their acting as they are weakened by the green rock is superb.

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago

Bough it. Love it. Everyone MUST have this one!
Plenty of action. Plenty of peril.
SO happy I got this one!
Thanks KC!

Richpartist7@gmail.com avatar
5 years ago

Not enough ots carries lately,any in this one?Two gorgeous women knocked out is great but unless you fling them over a shoulder,there’s just something missing.

Richpartist7@gmail.com avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Richard

No answer which means no,which means not buying.NGC has some of the hottest girls but doesn’t do great things with them,pass

majcvd49 avatar
5 years ago

What happens in the bad ending?

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

…bad things.

5 years ago

I loved this one. Big fan of Eden, Great bad ending and great good one too. I dont know who invented it but Is incredible how effective the kryptonite still is for this kind of movie. Its incredible also how superman never tried to do what the heroines did in this video lol. I really appreciate the bp and bearhug action!

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Beast

Eden looks like she just stepped off of a Paris runway….and changed into Supergirl.
Absolutely stunning woman.

Absstar avatar
5 years ago

Ok, here’s my 2 cent on this latest “Super Kandys”. Unfortunately, I agree with RyonaKing on his review! In fact, unlike him, I’ve only enjoyed 1 brief moment in the movie! And that’s the AOH bellypunching. Way too short, no slow motion effects, no closeups, and virtually no response from the heroines! I’ve always like the heroines end up in the receiving end and losing the fights. Good thing there’s an alternate ending to this movie. I’ve rarely purchased anything from this company as well as their affiliates at NGC as well as the others, simply because they just refused… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Absstar

That Lindsey Lamb was a 12/10. I’d have dropped some series $$ to see her in even slightly more PG13 stuff. If she’d have hooked up with TBFE, look out.

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Absstar

belly exposure and beatdowns?

ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago

For someone who is really loved kickassfemmes and KandyKrisis – The Hit List, this really isn’t something I’m looking for. It’s a more even battle between the two male villains and the two heroines. Personally, feels like 70/30 in preference to the heroines. Like, the girls get chained with their arms up and they get punched in the midsection a few times with barely a response. And very soon they get the upper hand again. And then gratuitous beating for Alaric. And a victory pose over alaric. I’m just not into this, man. I kinda knew it already, from the… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  RyonaKing

Thanks for the review, is there even a bad ending? And if there is is it any good / how are they knocked out?

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Dannyboy

Yeah, there’s an alternate ending. The parts I described I liked all take place during the alternate ending. Vixen get’s single hand choked against the wall (no lift) and then get’s knocked out with a right cross while dazed. Eden gets knocked out with a bearhug, belly to back.

5 years ago
Reply to  RyonaKing

Guess I will pass on this. They are missing out on such an opportunity to give us a more heavy peril release with these super hot ladies. It’s hard to resist picking it up just for Supergirl in a leather skirt and high boots, but I wanted to see them take quite a beating before possibly turning the tables.

Mike J avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  RyonaKing

Thanks for the review, this was my fear when I saw the trailer. I’ll have to pass on this one.

toshiki avatar
5 years ago

So is the F/F element completely off the table from now for Kandy Crisis (or any site these lovely models are featured on)? It’s why I used to buy these videos.

mantower avatar
5 years ago

Actually I was wondering something similar, there hasn’t been a Kickasfemmes release in over a year. Is that line of videos discontinued?

5 years ago
Reply to  mantower

KickassFemmes will be back soon! We just thought we’d concentrate on KandyCrisis for the time being but i’m shooting a new one on Tuesday funnily enough.

mantower avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  kandyman

Nice one, looking forward to it!

toshiki avatar
5 years ago

The fact that there hasn’t been an FF-centric Kandy Crisis since 12? Which was how long ago?

Kandy Crisis was the only series in which we could see the members of your gorgeous roster be dominated by women as opposed by the guys. I’m probably going to die of old age before I get to see Vixen crushed by, say, an Etna type as featured in 11.

Jacques avatar
5 years ago

I was always under the impression (mistaken?) that FvF videos were custom only productions. Trying not to be a ‘sticky beak’, are you guys related like relatives for example?

toshiki avatar
5 years ago

You react really badly to criticism. No one’s accusing you of having an agenda or malicious intent or lying or conspiracy. Jesus, these are fetish videos not political acts. I don’t sit around thinking about this stuff. All I’m saying is that it’s unfortunate that you lot appear to have lost interest in producing much FF content. That’s it. Nobody’s accusing you of the JFK assassination. You’re getting your back up for no reason. You asked me why I think you’re not doing FF anymore and I answered. And I said there have been no FF-centric Kandy Crises since 12.… Read more »

mid2018 avatar
5 years ago

To be fair Next Global Crisis is responding to you respectfully. You are the one who’s getting upset for no reason here.

5 years ago

Any carries in this one?

Absstar avatar
5 years ago

Unless I missed out on past videos, I’m soooooooo glad your guys have finally have one of your heroine wearing belly exposed WITH abs!! I’m sooooo getting this one as soon as it comes out! Really hoping your guys would come out way more videos like this!!

pulphead avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Absstar

Finally! Thank you !!!!!!
I agree 100% with Absstar. Please consider this kind of costumes more than catsuits.

mid2018 avatar
5 years ago

Are they not wearing NCG’s signature shiny tights?

5 years ago
Reply to  Mid2018

This look is very much KC signature 😉

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago

Hmmmm… Super Kandygirls sounds pretty cool, and I’m definitely going to get this. Still, I hope this doesn’t mean the Kandy/New Dawn plot is getting lost. The Kandy Crisis plot has lurched around a bit, starting off as a revenge campaign against the girls by an aggrieved henchman, which led to an underground kidnapping network, which led to a corrupt prizefighting tournament, which led to a rescue mission for a captured AJ (unsuccessful, I might add), which led to New Dawn on the verge of crushing the Kandygirls, which led to the hint of a comeback for the Kandy organization.… Read more »

5 years ago

looking forward to the crisis about wonder vixen

5 years ago

As long as the heroines get stomped, I’m all for it. The girl power videos don’t do anything for me.

5 years ago
Reply to  dkm

I agree with that. But it would be interesting to have the best girl power video ever made in the first half, and then have the best heroine peril ever made during the second half in one vid.

5 years ago

Love this!!!! Loved the wonderstrike release too

Mike J avatar
5 years ago

I’m on the fence. This almost seems like a Girl Power video for the most part, with maybe just a lose ending to add some peril. I’ll probably wait for some reviews to see the ratio of girl power to peril.

5 years ago
Reply to  Michael

What ratio of heroine power to heroine peril do you personally want to see?

Mike J avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  depowerer

I really only buy videos for the peril and the knockouts, so back and forth fighting isn’t really my first choice. I’d rather see more one-sided peri, in the villain’s favor obviously. Basically girl power in reverse lol.

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago

Lately it seems like Kandry Crisis is moving closer to Kickass Kandy. What I mean is, the girls seem to be equal in power to the villains. Kickass Femmes and the older episodes usually featured one-sided domination by the villain.

I’ll still get this one though because I’m such a fan of Vixen.

redmanx avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  RyonaKing

I miss AJ, the former leader of the Kickass girls, she was awesome, so hot!

5 years ago

I think you’ll find far more peril in these than in traditional KAK though.

pulphead avatar
5 years ago

Abs and belly exposed – check, Eden – check, peril – check, girl power – check This will be amazing !!!!!

Krishnam Jhunjhunwala
Krishnam Jhunjhunwala
5 years ago

I hope this one has a backbreaker too like the previous one… Big fan of those outfits though…

5 years ago

Finally…been waiting a good while for something like this. Kandy is missing out on a fortune not putting their ladies in super heroine costumes and throwing in a few peril/beatdown vids once in awhile.

5 years ago
Reply to  Redmountain

It’s not all about the money! although it would be nice to be unfathomably rich. The reason for the KC collab is to venture into territories like this where KAK may not currently be.

mantower avatar
5 years ago

This looks super interesting :). Those outfits are incredible, man those abs…. I hope there is a peril ending as well!

mantower avatar
5 years ago

Thanks, that’s me off the fence and right into the ‘buy’ camp! That Supergirl outfit with the leather skirt and thigh highs is basically the best Supergirl costume I have ever seen. And then there’s Eden, who just looks spectacular each time she steps in front of the camera. Buy! Buy! Buy! 🙂