“Bad Date” from Lucia Films

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5 years ago

Can Mckenzie do full nudity films?

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago

This is a really enjoyable film from Lucia and a really amazing performance from Mckenzie. Despite what may seem like a gimmicky scenario (which is what I had feared initially), this is an action pack SHIP film that never felt overwhelming, never felt boring and was a surprise weekend treat for me. Lucia is continuing to produce some top quality SHIP films that continue to impress me. As with any film there are great things about it and not so good things about it. My main issue I found was with the execution of the moves during the fighting. It’s… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago

So totally off-topic but connected to Lucia (and other producers) in an effort to hook them up. Anyone try the app “Brave”? From what I gather, someone can earn some cryptocurrency to donate to websites of their choice. I certainly wouldn’t mind donating some to Heroinemovies.com, Lucia, TBFE, Rye and others. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Maybe, if this topic has any legs, a thread might be used to help donate funds to these sites and others?
Apologies for the non sequitur.

Thevoice avatar
5 years ago

This looks fantastic

saxman314 avatar
5 years ago

This looks spectacular. Instant buy. Gonna be a minute before I watch it, though. Haven’t been able to finish her last one because… reasons. LOL!

5 years ago
Reply to  saxman314

yeah. i actually have not finished this one yet bec. i can only get like 17 minutes or so b4 sweet release!

HeroineFall avatar
5 years ago

Another brilliant McKenzie film. Kudos to everyone involved!

Don1987 avatar
5 years ago

@Lucia you have been killing it lately, Mckenzie, Xiphos, amazing talent and i am a fan of the blowjob scenes!

Don1987 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

I would never want any of your talent to be harmed in any way, but oh man how i LOVE a rough messy blowjob!

JoeyJon avatar
5 years ago

Okay. I will buy this one too. Even though I just bought her last one a few days ago!!! Last one was really hot so this one will be good I bet

JoeyJon avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Yeah. It was fun to see her end up liking it…

HeroineFall avatar
5 years ago

I plan to get this later tonight, but if anyone has seen it can the advise on how long the sex potion is and how aggressive?

HeroineFall avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Heroine Fall

Portion… stupid auto correct, but hey! Kind of suiting? lol

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago

Normally I avoid these type of videos because I personally consider the scenario gimmicky. But Lucia’s earned the benefit of the doubt from me, the previews look great and McKenzie has been a great R-rated actress to watch on screen. So I’m going to pick this up.

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Oh but I did enjoy this! I enjoyed this very much. This was a fine film that went straight into the re-watch folder without question. I have much more to say for this one.

Ken320 avatar
5 years ago

I used to be against overuse of actresses, but for Mckenzie, all I want to say is keep them coming.

mantower avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Ken

I agree! I think the big difference is that, with all due respect, a lot of the other great actresses we have enjoyed watching in perilous situations have a fairly limited acting range and their reactions get a bit samey after some time. I have commented on this before when discussing Coco and Amber, two favourites of the genre who were definitely overused for a while there. But McKenzie has shown acting talent like no other actress I have ever seen in the genre, she really hits all the different emotions almost impeccably! A great find and I just hope… Read more »