UPDATED! 2 New Videos from Pro Style Fantasies & SuperHeroine World

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5 years ago

These were both hot but the apt vid was my fave of the 2. Angela is so much better than when she started and is one of my faves now. Christy is looking better than ever and good to see her back on the jobber side for a little bit. Karlie would be perfect ofr one of these too as a jobber of course lol.

5 years ago

Any videos with emily or angela are instant buys for me. the apartment video was one of the hottest tings i’ve ever seen, great work my dude! Still dreaming of emily vs angela in whatever, wish i had money to custom that :/. keep up the great work 😀

JackPuncher avatar
5 years ago

In watching The Slayer v The First I did find myself fantasising about possible future battles for Penny The Slayer as she works her way to facing The First. I do like our heroines to face handicaps in her battles and being double teamed is a favourite. What if Penny were to face two vampires working together as a co-ordinated team. Individually Penny would be confident against either of them but together the Slayer needs to be careful. We were advised that if a vampire feeds on the Slayer whilst the Slayer is not sired into a vampire the slayer… Read more »

ME92 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Jack Puncher

You know, the idea for a 2 on 1 was the exact idea on my mind after watching it as well. I’m supportive of this idea.

JackPuncher avatar
5 years ago

In Slayer v The First we see Christie Stevens as Penny the Vampire Slayer, who has been the Slayer for a decade easily stopping any vampire foolish enough to challenge her, facing off against Angela Sommers portraying a strong vampire who is more dominant then any of Penny’s previous opponents. Penny will be over whelmed and then subjected to sexual peril and abuse by the vampire. Christie and Angela played their parts well. I look forward to seeing Christie as Penny facing ever more challenging opposition as she works her way up to facing the most powerful vampire of them… Read more »

Skirtfan avatar
5 years ago

The Slayer movie has to be the biggest let down of all time for me. Talk about misleading the public! The captions imply quite a bit of fighting before she is overcome and sexually dominated. I was hoping I might get about 30% of good combat before the sexual scenes took over. Far from it. ALL THE FIGHTING is summarized in about 1 minute at the start Yes, 1 minute of combat (if that) with a talkover. I have never been so disappointed in a release by anybody. Anybody looking for some good slayer combat as performed by Paris, then… Read more »

ME92 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  AlexBettinger

I feel like I just have to chime in on this one to say that I, on the other hand, was plesantly surprised actually on how smooth it was filmed. The voiceover and the intro “flashback” fighting sequence was pretty well done in my opinion although it was indeed perhaps a bit unexpected. Because it was unexpected however, it worked so well for a 20 minute only film I think. If it had been, let’s say the same length as the other at 36 minutes, there would have been more room for fighting and build up I’m sure, so I… Read more »

Skirtfan avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  AlexBettinger

Thanks for the reply, but when there are 9 photos representing stills of the 1 minute fight sequence out of the total 34 for the 20 minute movie, that is misleading. I generally find photos give a better overall feel of what a move is going to like based on Rye’s and TBFE’s offerings.

5 years ago

Absolutely loving Christie Stevens’ body in 2019. She is a total fucking buffet.

5 years ago

so what will the exit sequence be in the next few months

Jeff avatar
5 years ago

Really loving these two, sadly I cannot get them at this time but hoping to get them soon. Really glad to see them back as well

5 years ago

Its a relief to see Alex back. Its been such a long time since we had an xcw video. Hope to very soon to see it make a return. I’ll never get tired of seeing Christie vs Angela two of the best at selling and two of the hottest. An xcw match up would be great. Any chance we could get and idea of your current plans for xcw its been a while don’t know if your carrying on the with current story lines or new faces coming in hopefully the cast u had are still available with some new… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  AlexBettinger

Great to hear cant wait for July. Never done a custom before been curious for a while how much is it? ive heard people mention the cost being from a few 100 dollars to a 1000 plus. If the video stars Emily vs Christie in the ring xcw style format whats a ballpark figure?

5 years ago
Reply to  AlexBettinger

I’m up for the xcw match. I’ll email you my idea as soon as i can got a rough idea of what i want just wanna give it some more thought.

Skirtfan avatar
5 years ago

Hmm. Don’t like this idea of having to buy both. I’d like the 2nd one but not the first one and so am unwilling to fork out $40 for one movie.

JackPuncher avatar
5 years ago

Great to see Alex filming again and I am going now to send the e-mail. In returning Alex is using the considerable on screen talents of Angela Sommers and Christie Stevens who both bring so much to their performances. It is a while since we have seen Christie and I have missed her personality and that distinctive half smile she does. These films seem to be a new endeavour with “Apartment Wrestling” looking to have potential with a distinctive style and a “Vampire and Slayer” adventure (a reboot of Slayer Paris?). Is it possible for Alex to comment on his… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  AlexBettinger

Any chance we’ll see the conclusion to the Dominator’s quest for the XCW championship?

ME92 avatar
5 years ago

He’s back, and with a bang at that! Good to see you back in business Alex, I’ve been waiting for your triuphant return ;D
I’ll definitely be buying one of these at least if not both, that’s for sure! 8)

ME92 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  ME92

Alright made up my mind, email sent 😉