“0.57% Unknown” from The Battle for Earth

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5 years ago

Does Solaria die in this one?

5 years ago

Someone wanna email me this for free so that I dont have to buy it pls thx. Email: gphag@yahoo.com

5 years ago

Well, I’ve watched this enough times, I should say something about it. Lexi Belle — she’s sweet as cherry soda, and she knows the character and the genre. I love that she gets to do more with it this time out. Fans of Mr. Reeve’s third tour (all III of us) will recognize the homage — the villain tries to kill the hero with synthetic poison disguised as “a token of appreciation,” but ends up corrupting the hero instead. To the audience, the video makes the token’s effect obvious, but it’s not obvious to Solaria. She’s feeling the weight of… Read more »

mjr84 avatar
5 years ago

love lexi just bored of the usual malevsfemale scenario

b5gd6ng avatar
5 years ago

Typical formula.

Touch her = turn on. Start hitting her = turn off-off-off.

We don’t get to see anything hot without the poison that makes it meaningless. ho hum

5 years ago
Reply to  Biggest

Hello, are you new to SHIP?

b5gd6ng avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  rover

No. Quite old. From before the SHIP genre was bled into heavily by the ryona genre. So it’s so hard to find good classic SHIP. A few good new producers don’t want to use violence. It inspires wider creativity when the new stand-by “stand here waiting to get punched” is nowhere to be found.

5 years ago
Reply to  Biggest

Are you new to superheroes?

b5gd6ng avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

See above.

5 years ago
Reply to  Biggest

So, your particular kink deletes the fisticuffs from the mainstream source material and skips to… bondage perils? That’s cool, and we could stand to see more of it — I’d buy it — but you’re not gonna get that just surfing the catalog of a producer like this, who’s set up to check boxes for a broad cross-section of the market to cover this level of production cost — you know that, right? You could get it if you have it custom-made. Definitely won’t get anything with vinegar though; maybe try some honey. And wider creativity is available all over,… Read more »

5 years ago


5 years ago

This looks great!!! Can’t wait though for that upcoming Sonique crotch torture video! Yummers

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Jwong

Gotta say that the Sonique video does indeed look like it’s going to be good. But so do many of those videos in the ‘coming soon’ section.

Depo Man
Depo Man
5 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Never even knew they had a coming soon section.

I think we can put the “it’s hard to make $ in this industry” thing to rest lol.

These guys are pumping out videos. Surely they’re making a sick profit.

5 years ago
Reply to  Depo Man

I didn’t either. My mind is blown looking at how many are in the pipeline, and the quality of what’s to come. Dayummm.

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  rover

Holy smokes, for so long there hasn’t been any Coco vids but there’s actually so many upcoming ones.

Time to start saving money, lads.

5 years ago

She is killing it as Supergirl/Solaria. Also I noticed a small thing about her. Her voice has gotten deeper now. And I like it. It isn’t her usual high pitch voice.

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Robbie

She gained a pretty sexy 6 pack, too…seems Lexi’s been working out.

Skirtfan avatar
5 years ago

The costume is so important to me and this is the worst SG outfit going (IMO) and so I’ll reluctantly have to pass.

Kentman avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  shbeater

Same for me, in the blue classic outfit it would be perfect !

redmanx avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  shbeater

The costume is certainly different, but quite cute in a way, I love the flashes of her white lingerie.

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  shbeater

…except when it comes to Lexi Belle. She look absolutely fantastic in that outift.
I have NO issue with the white half-T and the little blue skirt.

5 years ago
Reply to  shbeater

Share the Love for the original style costume. Though the white t-shirt style isn’t bad, if would have been better with the alternate costumes skirt in this video. Or a red one. Mini skirts just don’t work on superheroines.

william avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Adam

the fact of changing the suit to one more suitable for fucking as well as making it transparent seems to me a bad idea. I would have preferred that they partially break the miniskirt and see the symbol on their chest as they take it.
and I agree the miniskirt stuck is not good for the action shots.

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Warlock

…pleats, baby. It’s all about the pleats….;-)

mid2018 avatar
5 years ago

wow these boots are so sexy

5 years ago

daily reminder that TBFE is the best studio

Don1987 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  therealdon

They are Awesome!

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago

The best thing for me about this is that she is wearing ankle boots. We need more diversity in boot types!

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  RyonaKing

Hahahaha! True that. Though I feel like at that point they’re called heels.

redmanx avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  RyonaKing

Her boots are quite sexy and for me superheroines must have sexy boots, stiletto heels preferably.

Don1987 avatar
5 years ago

Love Lexi and your work just wish there was face fucking 🙁

Oh well cant have everything i want every time

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago

I’ve long ago made the conscience choice of supporting anything with Lexi in it so no questions asked about getting this release. She is such a fantastic heroine in peril that almost everything with her has been amazing.

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
5 years ago

Welp. Time to go throw my money at my screen.

5 years ago

yeah. i bought this one within a minute of receiving email notification. i just dropped everything and went to town.

it has been quite some time since we got to enjoy a film that has such sexy dialog and performances. i have always been a fan of lexi’s , but this film really gave her the room to be flirtatious and confessional. i thought she and jackson and rock have great three-way chemistry. really liked the delving into the heroine’s personal relationships and her self-reflections and the psychological toll of the villains and the exposure to the toxic materials.