“The Locked Basement” – New Production Company

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6 years ago

Use the following wrestling holds and you can’t go wrong.
prolonged bearhugs
prolonged pectoral claw holds
prolonged trapezius claw holds

Wrestler fights free from wrestling holds but villianess continues the attack and applies the wrestling holds again and again until wrestler weakens and passes out. Villianess wakes wrestler and continues the beatdown. Villianess should be a good size brute and the wrestler very fit toned and sexy.
Wrestler/fighter in a dark and violent storyline sound good to me! Can’t wait.

6 years ago

Low blows! JK. Pretty cool of you guys to solicit the community for ideas. But I’ll say this- I think that my favorite SHIP videos are the ones that don’t seem to exist for any particular fetish group. They satisfy certain desires without pandering to them, I guess? For me, this whole thing started because of mainstream entertainments that featured women in peril (Wonder Woman, Batgirl in the 60’s Batman show, the animated Catwoman in BTAS). I still think my favorite SHIP clips are the ones that take the essence of those shows and movies and just take it up… Read more »

macelroy81 avatar
6 years ago

hope you have hot girls with lots of belly punching, if so i`ll purchase your vids.
goodluck hope you do well

Coulumbia avatar
6 years ago

Megan et al. I’m sure everybody here wishes you and your team the best of luck in these first productions. To really help you capitalize on your time filming etc. I suggest you search among your friends for ANYBODY with production experience to help you get through your concepts technically. If you all are serious about making a go of this, and not just a passing fancy, you need assistance to get your vision recorded right. Script/story-line is very important, but if you can’t capture it (no pun intended) in the camera and competently edit it into a coherent and… Read more »

MAV avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Megan Guzman

You’re managing expectations from at least us, so we won’t be expecting an Avatar-level heroine peril movie. May make sense to start with some easier content to get some feedback and test your post production process. good luck!

6 years ago
Reply to  Megan Guzman

Hi Megan,

Do you have a website out yet? I’d love to chat with you in depth about your launch and how I can possibly help.

Coulumbia avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Megan Guzman

Here’s what I would try and do.. FIRST… have a WRITTEN SCRIPT to work from. Then make a shot list of everything you want to shoot based on that script… down to the cut-aways and close ups of faces, bodyparts or objects. Make the list according to how you see the script visually in your head (I doubt you have “storyboards”). It should be a “laundry list” of shots. Number all the visual shots in the order you wrote them as they appear “edited” in your head. (1-100). Then sort the shots according to any change in SET UP (change… Read more »

6 years ago

DARK AND VIOLENT PLEASE! Lots of screaming/crying and begging for mercy. Love your idea! I think someone already said it best – the best scenarios are when the “heroine” is caught without her super outfit. I like the victim to be in a skimpy lounge/PJs type outfit, like short shorts, tanktops, crops, etc….and BAREFOOT. It would be amazing if you did some capture-torture/home invasion scenarios on scantily clad barefoot victims. Can’t wait to see your first videos!

6 years ago

I really, really love this concept. Having no budget I think works in your favor. The early Rye/Punished Heroines videos are still my favorite exactly because of the low budget feel to them. Paris as superior girl getting fucked up by a demon in a hotel room is just as hot on a low budget as it is today with the slicker looking productions we see from the producers in this genre. So use it to your advantage. If you’re going to go dark and violent (which is what I prefer, and honestly, seems to be underserved lately except when… Read more »

Bearhug Expert
Bearhug Expert
6 years ago

Something they almost always miss , finding the superheroine in her “Casual outfit” time , at home , like at the pool in bikini , and Giving her a bearhug with her arms pinned in and locked in the bearhug , Squishing her while she’s just a woman with no Belt or outfit power , so squeezeing her for like two minutes actually makes her get Knocked out , then the rest of the story where she wakes up in trouble and goes superheroine and fights , and gets squeezed again , now seeing her (eg wonderwoman) get knocked out… Read more »

Bearhug Expert
Bearhug Expert
6 years ago
Reply to  Megan Guzman

I don’t know whether to be Excited or to be grateful of how kind your reply was , I wish you great luck on your path

6 years ago
Reply to  Bearhug Expert

The casual outfit thing with the bearhug and eyes rolling out and that slow ko seems super attractive to me as well , although I believe other kinds of bearhugs are also hot when they go with bikini and that kind of ko , I agree that arms locked in type is something we need to see more , but other kinds are cool too

6 years ago

Keep it simple in your first series. So you can learn how to work with the talent, cameras, etc. Getting the lighting right and reasonable sound. Build on it, as you said. That way I think you can develop something that stands out from the rest. Something with your own style, it might be refreshing to many out there. All the best!

6 years ago

First off, I think its safe to say you are not going to please everyone, all of the time, no matter what you do, or what you end up presenting. I would study this genre for a minute and get ideas for the overall “product” you plan on releasing (all aspects like costumes, effects, acting, storylines, etc etc), Consider the things you liked and didn’t like, then consider all the things you have to actually work with. The videos in this genre seem to revolve around two primary superheroine aspects, the heroine power, and the heroine humiliation and defeat. Those… Read more »

Stee avatar
6 years ago

I want to see a heroine at full strength take on a bad guy and LOSE in a FAIR FIGHT because the bad guy is just stronger and a better fighter. We NEVER see this, it’s always that stupid kryptonite weakening or losing a magic belt or something stupid like that. On top of that, I want the bad guy to cheat or constantly use LOW BLOWS even though he is winning (just because he/she is evil).

aria manea
aria manea
6 years ago

I’m always inerested in some kryptonite weakening, as far as I’m concerned.

6 years ago

Short actresses VS. Tall actresses. Like 4 foot 11 inches and shorter VS. 5 foot 10 inches and taller. Muscular actresses VS. Skinny actresses. Even have it it where the skinny woman is somehow overpowering the muscular woman. Seeing as 8K HD TVs and computers are being release next year, its best not to play the HD arm race and just settle for a 1080p HD 3D camera…..especially since all future TVs & computers will be Glasses-Free 3D starting with all 8K HD TVs. Also get voluptuous actresses too, for example Daphne Rosen & Kim Kardashian (I’m not saying to… Read more »

Dante avatar
6 years ago

how bout a heroine getting her soul sucked out either via a kiss or by taking it from her chest by hand. the heroine would just struggle and moan before going limp

6 years ago

Don’t do the inner dialogue. It’s cheesy and stupid. If the heroine’s hair is on her face, have the villain clear it out for her. It works for his character and the shooting. It won’t make sense that the heroine who can’t defend herself can somehow have the strength to tuck her hair away. For more reference on violent fights, check out the fight scenes from “Banshee”. I’ve always wanted any movie maker to make a fight scene like them. Not necessary the same professionalism level. But try and make it less sexual and less “cocky heroine”. And for fuck… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Max

Please, don’t say “we”. It’s your personal taste.

6 years ago
Reply to  Hagarb

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who thinks like that. Maybe not you but I bet there are others that wish some kind of improvement could happen.

6 years ago
Reply to  Max

Some kind of improvement has been happening. And some of what you call stupid is a FETISH. That’s what this is — a FETISH community. How would you feel if people called your fetish STUPID?

Dial it back a bit next time, cowboy.

6 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Imagineer, Seeing how we spend a lot of money on videos where Women dressed as super heroines getting beaten up and sometimes raped for some people’s pleasure, I’d say a lot of people would say “stupid”. Do you think I care what they think of me? Or this secret community? No. Heck, “stupid” would be considered a mercy. The worst part is you or I could be shunned by society. It’s not like we can be open with what we like. So by all means, call whatever I like “stupid”. We’re adults here, not teenagers with feelings. And this is… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Max

Agreed. The 3 main generator of content are NGC, The Rye and TBFE. I suspect NGC, older Rye america (not the current one, just the same as TBFE) and the Rye UK are more your speed. The sexual stuff they bring out has been lame, Americans (the xxx industry specifically) think that if you show tits and ass people will find that erotic but it’s just so insulting to think that this worth spending money on. The only sexual content that this genre ever put out that I like would be the harrasment the victim (Stella Rae) recieves at the… Read more »

6 years ago

Good back and forth fighting with the heroine slowly weakening and being overwhelmed is what does it for most here

6 years ago

So, conceptually, this sounds pretty awesome. And I would absolutely love to see some supernatural elements thrown in there, I’ll always be an absolute sucker for that kind of stuff in my wrestling. And this is more…..advice I guess than an idea, but as long as the cast takes whatever is thrown at them seriously, you should be able to pull whatever you need to off. I look at some of the UltraHeroix vids where the cast is fighting what amounts to halloween decorations, but they play it serious and it just works.

TheSqueezer avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Megan Guzman

Hello Megan, now I know about your stuff and looks interesting to look, my scripts are more focus in fighting F/F or F/M, female win, also I write scripts to friends who love other stuff like women in peril, kidnapped, held captive, tortured, etc, not worry about any outfits, when I order my custom videos, if the producer haven’t them, I send them (full set include outfits, boots,tights, etc) same like I do with my favorite website who shot my custom videos, and already I have 2 custom videos ordered with them and 1 will be ready soon.

6 years ago
Reply to  Megan Guzman

I LOVE the concept, especially since I’m even more of a fan of indie female wrestling than of the superheroine genre. The whole luring part immediately sets the right tone for me. Personally, I’m a sucker for anything that involves plenty of back abuse and stretching. This can be done in a variety of ways aside from the standard backbreakers and torture racks. To name a few: abdominal stretches, kidney punches, knee drops, etc. But I’m sure you have plenty of your own ideas to start with so I just want to wish you very good fortune as you learn,… Read more »

MAV avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Megan Guzman

Sounds like a great concept! Always wished that AJ Lee, Lita, Trish Stratus, Torrie Wilson, or Sasha Banks had that capture/torture angle written into their storyline at some point (I mean John Cena did smh).

6 years ago

MvF and FvF combat. Beatdowns to include one sided, Peril, AOH beatings etc.

6 years ago

K this is a pretty decent idea, I think lol Remember pull fiction? The Bruce Willis character has to go down on a certain round, I don’t remember which round in particular. Now imagine a superheroine having to fight off some sort of debt, (the reason why? Possibilities are endless) but being defiant and not going down she defeats her opponent. Costing a mob boss alot of money. Scared for her life now she tries to leave town but it surrounded (somewhere, I dunno pick your spots) where she actually has to fight for her life because she chose to… Read more »

Beyond good and evil
Beyond good and evil
6 years ago

I like the whole Dead or Alive style in this particular genre. Tournament style fighting. The one who loses well you can imagine what will happen to them.

6 years ago

support ! love to see the sexy costume ladies sexual torture by some old and ugly fully dressed women in video !

6 years ago

I would like to see a heroine is dominant but than trapped. Chloro is my favorit but i like to see in the chloro scene all the heroine, not only her face. And i like to see the way the heroine go down after the chloro.

6 years ago

Just a whole lotta super fit girls in leotards getting their genitals played with against their will. Thanks in advance!

6 years ago

Hi there. I am into the more violoent stuff (In the vain of Steve Noirs Gang Thang Stuff). My preference is usually 3 people at most and usually all of them are women. I’m not into the bearhug or grapple stuff but more into the punching, kicking or any form of striking. I usually like it when the fight is between 2 women of contrasting looks, beliefs and ideologies. I think establishing the character and giving everyone an idea of what they are about makes the beatdown more satisfying. This may sound a bit sexist but I find it more… Read more »

6 years ago

for sure lots of bearhugs.. and not so much as the typical ones. more where the person being hugged manages to get free.. maybe do it back or get in it again as the fight goes on.. and spandex!! got to have shiny spandex..

Dandelion & Burdock
Dandelion & Burdock
6 years ago

Some shirt grabs scenes 😉

Mr.Bleh avatar
6 years ago

The picture this puts in my head is the classic “shortcut-through-the-dark-alley” scenario.
I like this idea. Way to go, guys.
Personally, I’d like to see bearhugs and “reverse prayer” tie ups happening to hot chicks who can put up a fight.
I also picture this with a “Grindhouse” kinda look to the whole video.
Pull that off and you guys might have something.
Good luck.

6 years ago

There is a story on danger babe central by the master. It’s called Wonder Woman fuck wrestling. Would be the perfect thing to adapt into a video.

SquashSexyJobbers avatar
6 years ago

Would love to see Heroines in Pro Wrestling matches where they are outnumbered and pinned in cocky ways to end the matches

6 years ago

Hand to hand combat. Punches and kicks to the face. Knees to the face and body. MMA and toe to toe fighting. Well choreographed fight scenes. Serious and dark.

kained avatar
6 years ago

I love when a heroine is made to fight impossible odds. Many ways to do this. A fight could start fair, maybe challenging for the heroine, then become 2 or more vs 1, or the villain cheats somehow. She could fight back, but eventually the deck is so stacked against her she gets squashed. Humiliation, verbal taunting is all good. A heroine being made to be a slave is one of my favorite types of peril. Whether she’s controlled by tech, brainwashed, or has agreed to be a slave as part of a forfeit for losing. Plenty of opportunity for… Read more »

deathrider avatar
6 years ago


As you can see a lot of movies you see have a lot of sex, rape stuff. I’d like to see you move away from it and focus on girl power (good fights), capture, torture. So something similar to Zen Pictures where the Heroine kicks all the villains at the start then they get captured. If you see https://www.heroinearena.com/ with the Thorn series that’s an example.

deathrider avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  deathrider

Another thing I would like to add is the belly blows when the heroine is AOH suspended, humiliated.

6 years ago

Hi there. Congratulations on this new venture! I for one, am elated at the thought of more variety to chose from. I have particular tastes in the heroine peril genre. I love seeing a large wrestler manhandle a gorgeous super-heroine. In particular, I love seeing the wrestler perform gorilla presses (aka. overhead press) on her. I always request this move in the all the customs I have commissioned thus far. I have previously contributed towards projects, on the understanding that this move is included a few times. If you are interested in this, I would love to hear from you… Read more »

Guerro from Guerrero
Guerro from Guerrero
6 years ago

Hire Coco and you will be fine, Alex David’s videos with her are terrible and I still buy them

6 years ago

She can’t deliver the dialogue well but her physical acting and selling are awesome. It’s either she is trained or she is a natural at this (she should try pro wresting or………football/soccer. Neymar could learn a thing or 2 from her)

TheSqueezer avatar
6 years ago

Well I write scripts to custom videos and also I order them to my favorite website, but first I need take to look your stuff before, wrestlers and fighters, some perils, super heroine, secret agent, evil woman, etc me write any script to my custom videos.

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago

I think the key for his niche here would be the outfits. Have heroine outfits of quality material (not the cheap Halloween outfits).
Then, of course, the caliber of the model comes into play.

MAV avatar
6 years ago

I like the fighters/wrestlers lured out angle. As far as the action goes, I think belly blows are liked by all, and maybe also anything that stretches out the heroine (I’m the resident AOH fiend here). I hope you produce darker toned vs. tongue in cheek scenarios and as far as costumes go, I’m on the side of the spectrum where the skimpier the better to show off the heroine’s physique, but there are others here who want the heroine in a burka (relatively speaking)

6 years ago
Reply to  MAV

Belly blows aren’t liked by all. I don’t think any specific thing is liked by all.

It’s probably more useful to reach back into the site’s history and see what the recurring themes are in what’s actually produced and what’s gotten broadly positive responses — then look for interesting ways to check those boxes. Trying to uncover profitable boxes that nobody’s tried to check before may prove to be quixotic.

6 years ago

Wow, not even a single screenshot!

6 years ago

For fight moves, I’d definitely like to see heroines getting low blowed.