“Zatanna Defiled” from Superheroine World

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6 years ago

The truth always bothers everyone but this is the truth with unfortunately Alex recently failed

6 years ago
Reply to  Koukou

Failed to do what? You assume his life goal is to give you what you want? Maybe he’s succeeding at exactly what he wants to be succeeding at and you don’t happen to know what that is or be included in it.

Entitlement is silly. Take it down a notch.

6 years ago

Alex … Three months passed without production and if only one episode I think it’s the end .. It failed in the matter .. In the past we saw two episodes a month and now see … Let everyone

6 years ago
Reply to  Koukou


6 years ago
Reply to  Koukou

stop talking! we still love you alex.

6 years ago

Alex….xcw ????

6 years ago

You do not understand me I love xcw productions … but the problem that Alex failed recently in producing exciting rings and away from the use of artificial penis against girls … The rings became really boring .. In addition to the great shortage of production rings … Imagine with me One episode appears in two months or more … Alex has also eliminated many wonderful girls like randy moor, paris kenedy and jc marie ….

Jeff avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Koukou

Sadly it wasn’t his choice to eliminate those ladies, it was their choice to fully retire from producing films. I really miss them, they made xcw one of the best, but they really did a lot for us and we can’t ask them not to be happy with a different phase of their life if we are really their fans ❤️

6 years ago
Reply to  Koukou

the last couple videos have been awesome! angela is best girl.

6 years ago
Reply to  Koukou

I’m pretty sure he used to take the summers off because it got too hot to film. So a dip in production around this time of year is not new.

Plus if you check his clips4sale site you can see that he has original videos that are not featured on this site. The Karlie Montana as a nerdy ballerina being dominated by Angela Sommers video looks good.

ME92 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Jawa

It’s true about the Summer break, however, it’s been a dip in production for the last two years now, lol. I mean, how many Xcw episodes came out within the first year? 20? Certainly felt like it, but now we have like 2-4 a year, haha. I haven’t exactly been active on this forum myself in a while either so I can’t really blame him. Hopefully the future is bright 😉

6 years ago

Alex You failed failed to produce a single episode for two months

6 years ago
Reply to  Koukou

Alex, this is Green Arrow speaking: and you have failed this city.

Their are plenty of such videos from other you can get; if you go to Clips4sale.com and search for what you’re looking for. I’ve found a Superheroine video with Brandi Mae as the villainess being over powered by skinny blonde Supergirl and then she uses kryptonite to beat up and fuck Supergirl.

6 years ago

any news on xcw alex??? can’t wait for the next episode!

Alex Bettinger
Alex Bettinger
6 years ago
Reply to  viv32

Workin on it, and on some customs! Just need a little more time. Stay tuned!

Jordan D
Jordan D
6 years ago

Any word on when we will see a new episode of XCW?

sexquaana avatar
6 years ago

Any new xcw coming?

6 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Was just about to ask.

Looking forward to Dominator/Jewell story. Jewell needs a new, and more complete ravishing.

JackPuncher avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Captain

Captain is right. It is some time since we last saw GI Jewell and she is overdue for a ravishing. She is the current XCW Champion of the World so is entitled to a World Class Ravishing and the Dominator is the woman to give it to her. I do not know what direction Alex is intending from a storyline point of view but such a match throws up several possibilities that could take several further matches to play out. We have seen Dominator attack and injure Lucky O’Shea the original number one contender to the World Title so badly… Read more »

6 years ago

Any news for the next alex?

6 years ago

any news on the next update alex?

ME92 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  viv32

^ What he/she said, lol. Eagerly anticipating the next release here as well ;D

SquashSexyJobbers avatar
6 years ago

Why is almost every comment I make now say ” Awaiting Moderation ” & then never gets posted ?

6 years ago

someone please ban this 3D asshole, he contributes nothing of worth to this website and has been spamming votes in favor of his comments

6 years ago
Reply to  uhzoomzip

I wanted him to get banned years ago, but HM seems to like him.

6 years ago

Just gonna say something that’s decent and not a troll like the stereoscopic 3d troll and shitposter. Any idea when the impervia 3 shoot will start or is it done and getting processed and edited

6 years ago
Reply to  Ztc

So you cool with trolls getting their way with 4K HD superheroine porn, but when it comes to 3D; thats were you draw the line.

Thats called favouritism.

Enjoy your 4K HD Superheroine films from Anastasia Pierce, hypocrites. You never once complained about the people asking for HD. Some double-standards you have there.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

No I have never bought 4k and there is no emerging or any kind of market for 3d maybe when the dad had it’s hay days but not now and who wants to watch superheroine content on a small 3ds screen 4k is actually coming now 4k is the big next thing not superheroine otherwise there would be mostly no 2d screenings of movies and only 3d and a few 4k which isn’t happening. No one cares about 3d apart from a few people trying to be hipster. If 3d was the big thing you would see rye and all… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Ztc

8K TVs are coming out in 2019, and a lot of countries will blindly have all their TV shows in 3D 8K HD in 2020; like Japan.

Plus all 8K HD TVs will be glasses-free 3D and have High-Dynamic-Range to prevent all problems (i.e. eye strain and headaches and nausea).

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

Let it go buddy. Let it go.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

Also hd is the normal standard now not 3d if it was big everyone should be doing it right now since 2012 but they’re not so yh

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

No one is drawing lines, just pointing out the obvious. If the 3D videos would make more money, they would be made. I don’t think anyone wants to make less money here.

6 years ago

Just trying to point out non-stop increase in stereoscopic 3D in both popularity and profit, which analysts say is only going to become more porfitible and popular in both the entertainment and technology sector for the next 8 years (from now til 2025). And if you do start making to also make a 240p format split into 9 minutes 55 seconds clips, so people can have a $100 to $200 option to enjoy downloading them from clips4sale to watch on the New 3DS & New 3DS XL in face-tracking glasses-free 3D. I just don’t understand that with all the data… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

Taking this request seriously, I can offer this: Being an incredibly niche genre of movies, and with more and more producers of content shifting to custom videos, this stuff is very much reactionary. It’s people asking for things, and other people making them. To date, I think you might be the only person I’ve ever seen request stereoscopic 3D. So whether or not it’s the next big thing is irrelevant. Nobody here seems to specifically want it. So with nobody requesting it, and there being a fairly high cost of entry, it seems unlikely to happen now. I imagine it’d… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Well said bbsucks. The genre is too niche for experimental technology to be utilized without some kind market analysis.

The only thing I can offer is that given that I already hate watching movies in 3-D I’m fairly certain that I’ll hate watching 3D SHIP films.

6 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Then why come movies in 2D are being fazed out of theaters ? Mission Impossible 6 Fallout is in 3D. And these adult films are being filmed and released in 4K HD; like Anastasia Pierce videos, isn’t that expensive to do ? And literally no one ever asked these adult film makers to make anything in HD, but they got around to doing it just for shits & giggles anyways. I myself have never owned an HD TV, and still have all my 19 inch Standard Definition’s TVs (SD TV). In 2010 Avatar had 71% of its American screenings being… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

And this, if you want funny charts with you know, actual numbers:


However, if you are purely looking to China, you have a point. They still seem to have a (growing) hunger for. These things go in cycles, you know. There is some talk that the next Avatar movie will be in a new 3D format which won’t require glasses. We will see, pun intended 🙂 Got my tickets for Avengers IW. One screening in 2D, one in 3D. So, there is that.

6 years ago

What about international numbers ? Since most American movies make more money outside of United States then they do from within. Plus I’m curious about numbers of recent movie screening numbers within United states….for example Black Panther (2018) & Pacific Rim Uprising (2018) & Ready Player One (2018). Lets not forget that all 8K TVs will be glasses-free 3D and that foreign countries are planing on having all of their TV shows in 3D 8K HD as early as 2020, like Japan. And that Color TV use to make people vomit and have their eyes hurt and give them headaches… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

I think you’re just wishing for something that isn’t coming. The genre is too niche, these aren’t being viewed in imax but on computers and TVs, and the upfront cost probably won’t account for many extra sales or people paying more for such videos.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

It is all a matter of perspective. When you say: the right technology i.e. NTSC, I’ll give you this (from Wikipedia:) “PAL usually has 576 visible lines compared with 480 lines with NTSC, meaning that PAL has a 20% higher resolution, in fact it even has a higher resolution than Enhanced Definition standard (854×480).” So we in Europe have it pretty sweet. But joking aside: you are aware that the only reason why cinema chains invest in these new technologies is in order to compete with TV. If you look at the North American BO year to date, you will… Read more »

6 years ago

What about 4D (3D + DBox) & 4DX & MX4D. They charge $29 for MX4D in America, and 4DX is said to increase in popularity; so their raising the ticket prices of those screenings. They don’t have to upgrade to MX4D which is $2 million to renovate one room with 104 seats, but they avoid the more easier cheaper options of upgrading they could have done; like Dolby Atmos & Dolby Cinema & reclining chairs. When it comes to smaller media like porn, you could say the same about not needing HD. And why is there all this investment in… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

Dude there is always 2d. 3d was a fad . In Europe and in London in England in the UK there’s more 2d then 3d screenings

6 years ago
Reply to  Ztc

Why come you don’t mention any country thats not England nor great Britain nor united states ? Both 3D movies and superhero movies are very popular everywhere else. Plus Talkies & Color & Surround Sound was just a fad. I wounder what happened to all those fads. And if 3D is a fad, then why do we still have it sonce 2010 ? You guys are withholding information. Talkies succeeded in the 1950’s, and color failed in the 60’s but succeeded in the 70’s. 3D failed in the 50’s but has succeeded in the 2010’s. Can someone point out something… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

That’s a sales pitch for a research paper — of course it’s going to say the market is hot and you don’t want to miss out, that’s how they sell you the paper. And it’s not specific to entertainment, nevermind fetish entertainment.

This seems like blatant thread hijacking, with a double helping of post rating inflation, for a weird personal tech-fetish crusade.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

All of this may be 100% true (actually, you have a few of your facts wrong, particularly about Sex & Zen 3D but that’s not really that important. Let’s assume it’s all true), movie theaters and relatively low budget niche custom heroine movies are a very different market. Sex and Zen 3D had a 3.5 million dollar budget. This movie probably had a budget of a couple thousand dollars.

Getting back to the topic of this video. It’s pretty good. Angela Sommers is always awesome. Even in 2D!

6 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

I never said this video wasn’t good. But think of it this way; theres probably at worst case scenario: 10,000 different people who purchase 3D videos from clips4sale….now if even 10% or even 1% of these people bought Alex Bettinger’s video at around $30 each; thats an additional $3,000 to $30,000 a film at worst case scenario, which can be put into the budget for more actresses shot in a film and such. More revenue to work with. And the current 3D videos on clips4sale are just plain same-old same old films, while Alex will be offering way more better… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

Where are you getting your anticipated sales numbers for 3D superheroine peril videos? And how can you anticipate the number who actually want 3D?

6 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Clips4sale does have a lot of costumers who buy 3D porn. And if Alex Bettinger did his films in 3D he would expand his audience. And the numbers of costumers i mention isn’t anticipation, i was just giving an example. But what can be anticipated is that people who buy 3D films, buy them for being 3D lesbian adult films, snd therefore they pretty much sell themselves to said audience/costumers.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

I am sure all the producers in this peril genre will take note and soon they will be releasing tons of peril stuff in 3D. Maybe even in 4D. Just wait.

And on a side note: I have never even considered buying a vid from C4S in 3D. Wasn’t even aware such vids exist. Can you provide a link to the numbers you are referring to.?”A lot of customers” can mean 100 or 1,000 or 10,000. So, please let us in on where you located such info.

6 years ago

The number of people i said were buying 3D films from clips4sale was just an example i was giving, not a literal figure. I guess its hard to convey that in text.

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

So in other words, it’s just made up. Couldn’t someone else then throw out the number that 1 of ever 100,000 sales is one that would be 3D?
An argument can’t be made using purely made up numbers.

HM avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Kaizar

@Kaizar — as others have observed, I think you’ve made your point on this topic (and the one about casting muscular women) multiple times before. Since re-posting the same comment over and over qualifies as spamming, and other commenters are clearly annoyed by it, I think perhaps you should refrain from bringing up this topic again.

6 years ago
Reply to  HM

at my local Cineworld wood green cinema. There are 2 3d screenings left today at this time and that’s just for ready player one the rest altogether are 25 2d screenings left counting all films again today. At my local Vue cinemas wood green there are 15 screenings of films altogether all 2d not 3d sorry but 3d is not growing it is overpriced and ruins the quality of the film’s unless it’s IMAX that is the only good one. Even that has 2d in the uk

6 years ago

Will you ever use mucular actresses brawling and fucking skinny actresses and vice-versa, like Brandi Mae or Goddess Rapture or kaligunz/kali gunz or that actress who played the Queen in “Eclipse Merciless Hunter” from SHG. ?