“The Veil” from The Battle for Earth

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Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

So this is my custom and I wanted to wait a week before I provided any comments or reviews. I wanted to let the film really sink in instead of jumping on that initial rush of satisfaction I got the moment I downloaded the film (which was 4am in the morning by the way. Yeah, I was so excited I couldn’t sleep. I was dragging my ass in work that day). Anywhere, he’s my ‘review’ bearing in mind that I’m probably biased some since this is my custom. Acting: Layla is just outstanding in this film. I mean truly phenomenal.… Read more »

shfyd avatar
7 years ago

Another masterpiece from TBFE.

Layla is spectacular as Sonique. Lots of cockiness, great fighting ability, takes the torture (and there is lots of it) very well, and looks oh so delicious…….perfect figure and so beautiful.

There is plenty of fighting and Sonique takes quite a beating, we get to see lots of her exquisite figure and her lovely face being haughty and looking worried. There is even a very viewable exchange between her and a hacker who is seeking out the villain. Lots of banter which I enjoyed.

Thank you again TBFE…..nailed it once again (for me at least!)

ValourSatanas avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  shfyd

Curious, (if you don’t mind spoiling it a little for me), are there plenty of cunt busting perils in this video?

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  SkarletTube

It depends on what your definition of plenty is. If plenty is the amount that occurred in say The Harvest 2, then no. However she does suffer quite a few in this video and Layla sells it as good as anyone in the business.

7 years ago

I’ve purchased the majority of vids posted on HM and this is my favorite video. Of course I’m a huge Sonique/Layla fan but this had a great feel to Sonique getting broken down even though the combat scenes were good but not Layla’s best. But overall Layla looked amazing, good lighting, believable villain, strong fight scenes. My critique would be in the last scene with Sonique confessing to the camera that it was a full body shot of her on her knees instead of just her upper body. I hope there’s a part 2 of Sonique vs Vail with a… Read more »

dbr000kerst avatar
7 years ago

I think Layla is the, if not one of the hottest chicks on the scene! And she can act too. Big fan of the bear hug too so second definite buy in a row for TBFE. Love her attitude and that she fights and doesn’t just wimp out. Can’t Wait!!

Kookie avatar
7 years ago

Picture 2 is probably the closest you get to see Layla’s pussy! Gotta love bearhugs

7 years ago

Love bearhugs. I wish more girls would wrap their legs more often. My only critique of Layla’s amazing Sonique gear is that beige bra. Blue or white would be less distracting. No bra at all would be distracting in a good way.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

Another good move is to grab the heroine by her uniform. Love seeing a heroine pulled to her feel or dragged around by her top, having it stretched out and show off her curves (and reveal some of her chest too).

7 years ago

I just have a question I’ve been meaning to ask. What is the eroticism of women being bearhugged? I see it in a lot of women in peril movies, and I almost put a bearhugging scene in the last one I shot, but I just don’t get the appeal.

7 years ago
Reply to  Lazxmw

I’ve often wondered the same thing. I usually skip past bearhugging scenes in videos.

7 years ago
Reply to  Lazxmw

I don’t get it either, but it’s a fetish thing you know… Some folks obviously like it and nothing wrong with that.

7 years ago
Reply to  Lazxmw

To me there it is incredibly sexy to see a heroine have the fight slowly squeezed out of her until she is motionless in the villains arms. If I were a villain, this would be my preferred method of subduing a heroine.

It is ten times better punching a beautiful heroine in the face or in the crotch. I don’t see much appeal in that. Bearhugging was popular in the old Wonder Woman TV show and I am happy Rye and TBFE vids continue that move today.

Mr.Bleh avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Peter

I agree. I can take some of the punching, but I prefer to see the heroine bearhugged, and (if I may add), with her arms pinned, as well.
Can’t explain why, but for me, its much more enjoyable if her arms are pinned…..don’t see that particular form nearly enough.
So Lazxmw, I suppose you can chalk It up to, “different strokes for different folks”. Some guys prefer a lot of blood and gore. I prefer a long slow bear hug with a lot of struggling that eventually fades to motionless.

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Mr.Bleh

Pretty much agree with Mr Bleh, DrMabuse and Peter above. I’ll just add as well that for me, it’s really just a show of physical dominance by the villain and it shows just how helpless the heroine is in the face of unbeatable strength, particularly when she goes limp in his arms. FYI, you’d think that last part would be automatic where the heroine becomes a rag doll after being held in a bearhug but it’s a lot less common than you’d think.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Peter

I agree with this. Watching a heroine slowly lose strength, her resistance ebb, and finally slacken in a villain’s arms is pretty hot to me. I also don’t really “get” watching someone punch a heroine in the face/belly/anywhere, either, but obviously lots of people love it, and (as some of the other comments say) more power to them. I tend to skip ahead in a video when it’s gotten to the “hitting” section. Whenever I see someone on this forum or elsewhere try to make the case that their particular kink is “logical” and others are not, seems like the… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Peter

You see, and I’m someone who loves to see heroines get punched in the face and the crotch. It’s so erotic because it shows complete dominance and power for the villian, and absoulety vulnerability and helplessness by the sexy heroine. Watching a heroine get punched in the face and seeing their cries and pleas, seeing their hair fling around as the villian pummels them is a huge turn on only heroine movies brings. Even better, watching a heroine get punched or hit in the crotch is extremely hot, and a lot of that is due to the relation of a… Read more »

bob ross
bob ross
7 years ago
Reply to  Lazxmw

i love superheroine’s being bearhugged cause for me its sexy seeing the heroines being squeezed tightly in the villains arms especially when they trap both of the heroines arms while doing it and seeing there chest press up the bad guys chest with great bone crushing sound effects they do but hey to each its own fetish ^_^