“Exposé” from The Battle for Earth

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7 years ago

love this film so much. please do more with lana: sequel, new character, anything! kudos and major thank you!

7 years ago

I have to ask, ho w are the low blows delivered. Because I know she does them really well!!

dbr000kerst avatar
7 years ago

So bought this as soon as it came out! was not disappointed. Big fan of Lana: Very pretty, amazing body, great actress! The nakedness added to the peril but wasn’t essential for me. For me the whole thing was just right. I liked that there was some storyline and more than one location. (If it was down to me all the movies would be story based). I loved that Lana’s character was feisty, didn’t just give up but actually put up fight and then really sold the peril! Allen IMHO, fantastic job and for those who complain about the cost…… Read more »

saxman314 avatar
7 years ago

Best heroine rape scene in a minute. Loved her ineffectual attempts to fight back and her whining.

7 years ago

Well I’m here only for the fights…and this is a little disappointing. Very short, and too generic in my opinion. Alpha Nightmare in this is way better than this one. Lana is a cutie as always, great peril seller.

7 years ago
Reply to  Palombo

Ah…that’s good to know.

7 years ago

This is expensive…and looks awesome so I will get it…come payday.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

Allen, please consider frequently adding the kind of action you had at the end with the heroine limping away with a disheveled look and torn up or discombobulated costume. It was awesome!

7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Agreed! I love those sort of actions

7 years ago

This movie! Let’s talk about it! Things I liked: – Lana Rhodes is awesome, and that type of costume works amazingly on her! (As indicated by the bottom middle photo). – Nice job establishing that the heroine is pretty on top of her shit, without having to devote a ton of time to showing it. – Great fight. Lana reacts to the hits super well. And she gets tossed around quite a bit. – The final KO in the first fight was great. Nothing overly elaborate, but it felt fresh. After he flipped her over, and she kind of laid… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Thanks for the well detailed review. It definitely gives me a good impression of what the video is like and is motivating me to buy it.

7 years ago

anyone complaining about price just get signed up on the discounts list i got it for 39.99usd so no complaints. Great film and cant wait for the rye film with lana rhodes in the costume kacey preston wore in never say never with skullions monster

7 years ago

I love Allen’s and TBFE’s movies. And I can fully understand his point of view. If it is the right approach, that is not for me to decide. BUT what does irk me (a lot, speaking as a fan and a customer) are two things we see over and over again from producers lately when certain issues arise in this forum (not only price, but also themes having to do with content i.e. “it is all the same”): 1: that producers feel they can decide, what topics are being discussed among the fans (their customers) and when such discussions should… Read more »

7 years ago

I think you’re missing some of the subtleties of what’s happening. It’s not just “they’re talking about the price! Shut it down.” I think the reason for the “alright, guys, calm down,” is because it’s getting kind of heated, and people are slinging around reasons and justifications for their arguments (on both sides), which aren’t really accurate, or fully accurate, making it kind of pointless. “It’s too expensive,” is a perfectly valid statement to make, but arguing “no it’s not because xyz,” followed by “your counter argument is invalid because abc,” when neither abc or xyz are huge factors in… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

I don’t see things getting all that heated. This is nothing compared to what I’ve seen on some previous Logan or RYE posts. That being said… since you do fund movies (albeit, not this particular one) and you actually put thought into putting In elements that you’d like others to appreciate? Do you get a financial return on funding a video for someone? Because then, I can accept the pricing going all out of whack. I can except that these producers feel the need to charge as much as a pornographic vhs from the 80s/90s… And before people get on… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Django

This place needs an edit button.

7 years ago
Reply to  Django

Not the same thing. You create your art, but I assume you actually create the whole thing. I (and other custom orderers) may write stuff, but that’s just a part of it. We obviously don’t do a majority of the work, nor do we have the means to do so, which is why we pay someone to do it for us. Custom videos are as much a service as they are a product. I don’t see it as a racket. I write some words, then someone else goes and gathers up (or maintains) the cameras, and sound equipment, books the… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

So, what percentage of the overall production do you think you pay for, if you had to do a rough estimate?

7 years ago
Reply to  Django

I have no clue. I don’t know what the actual value of a lot of the services stuff that I listed above would be. I don’t know what the cameras cost to buy/maintain. I don’t know how beefy of a computer it takes to edit this stuff. I don’t know how much time it takes to work with a model’s agent… or if they even deal with agents versus the model’s directly. I don’t know what the day of shooting is like. I don’t know how much extra footage there is to edit. I have no idea what goes into… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Well, in opposition to your speculation that you’re not covering most (if not all of the cost) I could speculate that you are and that is going to get us nowhere. If you’re happy with the result, that’s all that really matters. This whole thing has left me with more questions than answers. At the end of it all, everyone is going to do what they need to do and for me, that is not pay $40 and up for a movie that I’m not even sure I’ll be content with.

7 years ago
Reply to  Django

Yeah, I mean, at the end of the day, services are hard to price out. How much money is it worth to have someone do a task that you can’t do? What is the value of a task or series of tasks? It’s all kind of arbitrary, and it’s either worth it to you or it isn’t. When you pay for a taxi, it’s easy to think of the price in terms of gas and car maintenance, but harder to consider the value of the time and convenience. When I hire someone to come paint my house, I’m paying for… Read more »

BigZee avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Do you know how much the actors are paid for a day.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

Depends on the actor.

BigZee avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Django

My producer charges me for the actors/actresses, some of the props, meals and locale and in one case for a train ticket from Lyon to Paris. He might do his own editing but I am not sure as the subject never came up. He provides me with the itemized list so that I know exactly what I am paying for. There are no super heroine costumes in the productions, just every day clothes,some of which come off during the film. We do discuss in detail which everyday clothes, for example, what a female CEO, hotel owner or journalist would wear.

7 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Your points are absolutely helpful and well expressed. And yes, we are assuming a lot. You certainly know more than I do since you have ordered several customs and hence do have a better understanding of the price structure. And yes, I know this is a “sensitive” genre i.e. if by chance one personal fetish somebody might have, is not shown in the way this person would want to see it, this customer will be disappointed to say the least. And again: I totally appreciate what these producers are creating for us when in the past a weekly 3.5 min.… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

An interesting historical analogy that I found worth reading. However, I do wonder to what extent the analogy connects to this genre, and whether the sales change was entirely due to the price change (it seems like it must be, if that was the only change in that time period, but couldn’t the caliber of the characters and what was happening in the comics have been a factor?). Is there a way to measure that? I think a key difference, as I see it, would be the inconsistency of releases, the models used, the peril involved, and a few other… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Ha, I think you are overthinking the topic. Which is also something I and other in this and similar threads are “guilty” of. People vote with their wallet, or like Sam Walton (you know the guy who founded a little supermarket chain and knew a thing or two about moving merchandise) used to put it, simply with their feet. You could of course argue, that the Marvel books were way better (I made that argument with the current DC line), but this happened at a time when there was a clear decline in the output from Marvel. The first glow… Read more »

Red Panda
Red Panda
7 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

bbuscks, it wasn’t too long ago when it was revealed that everything TBFE and Rye were doing were customs, and it was rather surprising. Why? Because Rye’s videos still seemed very much like Rye videos, and TBFE seemed like the usual TBFE videos (and from my pov, they’re totally different from each other). So what are custom customers actually getting? If both are doing customs, shouldn’t some RYE and TBFE videos be virtually indistinguishable from each other? Are there custom customers ordering from both?

7 years ago
Reply to  Red Panda

They’re not mindless robots. They still work with the customer a bit and put some of their own flavor into things. Plus, you can’t watch a movie and know exactly where the producer ends and the customer begins. Take Expose, for example. I thought there was a really cool moment, where the heroine was beaten down, then the villain flipped her over and she weakly stared up at the villain, wearing an expression of fear and helplessness, knowing the villain’s fist was about to crash down on her and knock her out. I have no idea how much of that… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Thanks for sharing your insights. Very interesting.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

Very well stated Allen, and politely so.

7 years ago

Allen, thanks for taking the time to give us such a detailed explanation on the topic of “price concerns”. I do not speak for everyone but many of us here have been buying SHIP films for as long as you have been producing, probably even longer. That sort of makes us professional buyers and you the professional producer. As such, we already know the ins and outs of the product that we buy and are well versed with the process and pricing involved. What still escapes me is that since illegal sharing of films has resulted in you only taking… Read more »

7 years ago

Allen, thank you again for the insight, much appreciated.
Shame about Lana, she’s a rare find, then again.. you guys ARE quite far up north.
Personally, i prefer a lengthier film with a longer build up.
I certainly appreciate your efforts to stay at the top of your game and it certainly shows.
Please continue with the commitment, as the saying goes… Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten.

7 years ago

I figured that my last comment would get deleted… and that’s fine. I’ll just say that people sticking their heads in the sand and ignoring such issues, doesn’t make them go away. It’s always better to have an open discussion than to just pretend something isn’t happening.

Forrest Fenn
Forrest Fenn
7 years ago

For anyone interested in the content of the video…. it has a 45 second low blow scene pretty early on that is one of the best I have seen in a long time if that’s your thing. Actress sounds good getting hit, hits sound impactful, dramatic music in the background, and a little camera shake worked well to me.

7 years ago

Looks like a decent video; but at that price ill wait a few months for one of the 40% discount offers.

that’s your opinion, others may see it differently.

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

Once again, the ‘War of the Prices’ is rearing its ugly head into yet another forum. This topic has repeatedly come up time and time again for the past couple years and I figured that it’s about time that I bust a couple of these myths. WARNING: WHAT FOLLOWS IS AN EXTREMELY LONG POST (sorry HM) BUT I THINK MANY OF YOU WILL BE SHOCKED BY THE RESULTS. Over the years I’ve collected quite a bit of SHIP material. Many of them from TBFE, The Rye and especially NGC with scattered remnants from other producers. . I think my collection… Read more »

BigZee avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

While the subject is not relevant to my purchasing habits, nevertheless I must commend you on this very comprehensive analysis, well written and quite easy to understand. This is an exceptional piece of work.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

Agree. And no. No purchase from me.

7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Solid analysis.

I notice Rye and TBFE videos always get questions about the quantity of specific fetish elements — e.g. below: “How much of the actual 38 minutes is her getting beatdown, struggling, crawling around, etc?” — so I think at least for their past/present customers the answer to your last question is Yes. The recurring complaint has been that length and cost go up but don’t include enough of the “good stuff” and have too much setup.

7 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

A recent trend that I’ve noticed has been use of peril montages, which, (IMO!) really suck.

Decendingskulls avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

What? No, sorry. I don’t think this makes sense. Length of video can come down to editing. What actually changes the cost of production are things like how much actors cost, how long filming takes, explicit content, stuff like that. The lenth of the final product is not relevant. A price per minute ratio would only be reliable if every production had the same overhead. But they don’t. What does any of this matter to you, the consumer? Well you are paying for quality, not quantity.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

I agree with DescendingSkulls. Time, beyond a certain point, is irrelevant. One could use slow motion repeatedly to lengthen a video, or spend 15 minutes showing two villains talking about their plan. There are many ways to lengthen a video. What matters to me is the caliber of the actresses, quality of the costume and setting, degree of action and peril, and skill of the acting. Time is of no matter so long as I get at least 20 minutes, or that the brevity doesn’t interfere with the plot.

7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Good analysis. Usually the ‘cost-per-minute’ argument is a way for producers to frame rising prices in a positive way (Logan was a fan of it). It’s an analytically appealing way to try and measure things, but it doesn’t (and we can’t) quantify the “enjoyability” of a film. What we can assume is that almost all of us are looking for certain ‘elements’ in a fetish film. I mean, it’s a ‘fetish’ film. Whether the film is 10 minutes or 40 minutes is less important than how well it uses whichever elements it contains. I speak for myself only but I’m… Read more »

BigZee avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

While I am not a buyer from TBFE, its videos seem to be of the highest quality. Pricing for their custom orders seems very reasonable; the costs seems to be partly based on the length of film. Does this impact the pricing to the public?

7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

People have the right to complain! Hardcore movies from the same genre are longer and cheaper than videos from these producers!

Red Panda
Red Panda
7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I think the length doesn’t matter as much as an adherence to some sort of act structure (perhaps I’m a story nerd). So 30 minutes is perfectly fine, as long as it has the 3 basic acts: Act 1: Establish the heroine as…heroic. Almost nobody actually does this, which might be the most important act, because the entire story rests upon this foundation. Heroine should be shown as intelligent, powerful, untouchable, and the end of act 1 is the heroine actually showing some weakness for the first time. Also, it helps to show the villains as weak and pathetic, because… Read more »

7 years ago

Lana is so hot. Chloromance and Nightmare Alpha are good as well.

7 years ago

4 out of 5 for me. Loved the struggling and the liquid all over her breasts scene. Would have liked a longer stimulation struggle scene with some more dialog, which builds on the struggle. But I loved it nonetheless. Great costume and actress.

Keep it cummin!

7 years ago

Damn the beatdown looks good, glad to see Lana beaten up again, she’s amazing, loved her in Alpha Nightmare!

Mike J avatar
7 years ago

How much of the actual 38 minutes is her getting beatdown, struggling, crawling around, etc?

Bruce Kent
Bruce Kent
7 years ago

Death ending?

Kookie avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Bruce Kent


shzam avatar
7 years ago

Wow, just bought and watched the film, great job Allen gotta say felt like the custom was made just for me. Only thing i would have added was a more dramatic unmasking scene with Lana actually awake and dreading it. Lana was great, loved the comparatively slow start with the news reporters and “everyday life”, really built the scene. The fighting while not the best I’ve seen was really good, the electro scene had some nice effects though it did seem to degrade the quality of the video a bit (sorta felt like the slow mo cleavage shaking should have… Read more »

dbr000kerst avatar
7 years ago

How is the Thursday target looking? (Still hoping).

dbr000kerst avatar
7 years ago

Fantastic!!! Really looking forward to this one!

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

Not that I think Lana Rhodes isn’t good (honestly, I haven’t brought a film with her in it as yet) but I really hope that this doesn’t mean Belle Fatale is no longer performing, particularly as Blue Swan. With the exception of maybe Layla Rylan, Belle is the best seller of peril in the genre right now. It’s been probably a year now since her last appearance and I hope TBFE has a film coming out sometime with her.

7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

If you haven’t seen a movie with her try that one where she’s in the link and black outfit. She sells it very well I that one. I can’t wait for this one and I loved belle

Kookie avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  StickyFingers

Nightmare Alpha! Great movie

7 years ago

Is there going to be a Sofi Ryan video released in the near future?

7 years ago

Any possible ETA

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

Is anyone else having difficulty seeing the previews for this on their phone or is it just me?

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

No issues here

7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Yeah. Loading extremely slowly. Even the pic on the headline page doesn’t load.

7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Images don’t show on my iPad but they do on my iPhone.

7 years ago
Reply to  Drzod

Updating my iOS solved my problem.

Heroineburgh avatar
7 years ago

This looks fantastic! Stella looks great in it from what I can see, as well. Lana does make an excellent Swan..but is Belle Fatale done with the character? Will Belle come back and do other vids for TBFE in the future or is she finished? Just curious.

7 years ago
Reply to  shevek

Yeah agree, new actress seems fine but do wonder if Belle would come back for future ones.

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

Challenge accepted!

7 years ago

Oh my.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mell

yes indeed! love the scene where she’s stumbling in the dark, unmasked and in public and love the flashbacks of her defeat. can’t wait! eta, please?

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  mrxstacy

Yes!! Love that weakened and defeated sequence of the heroine, barely still in her costume, limping off.