UPDATED! “Public Disgrace 2” from TheRyeFilms

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ValourSatanas avatar
7 years ago

Just purchased this long and mega film today. I had a hard time downloading the second part of the film because the files are so darn big…! In the end, I couldn’t wait for all to complete downloading, and started watching the first part… My… This movie is simply brilliant, and it never stopped making my heart pound and the sexual destruction made my heart (and dick) ask for more humiliating damages on Superia Girl! I think maybe for the next custom of Public Disgrace 3, Alexis Monroe could be in a Wonder Woman suit and people all around the… Read more »

redmanx avatar
7 years ago

Come pay day this is top of my shopping list!

randy jackson
randy jackson
7 years ago

for once next time can we have the super heroine give the bad guy a tight bearhug

Wize Guy
Wize Guy
7 years ago

Rye – outstanding !! I read “most” of the comments and find all very interesting. Cost ? I look at producer, actor, genre, preview pics, then decide. I would have preferred skirt, p-hose, NO nudity but I saw all that was missing and I purchased anyway. I wasn’t tricked and I truly enjoyed the movie regardless of my preferences. I’ve always laughed when someone says “$1.12/minute” unreasonable !! No one has ever forced me to make a purchase (except my inner self) and I’ve NEVER associated the cost to how big the bag is. Shoots – I’d go to COSTCO… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Wize Guy

Glad to see someone posting a positive review… but to be clear, the price-sensitive comments are not insulting the content of the movie nor the producer/custom commissioner (though they may choose to take it that way). The reason there’s this much buzz is because people DO care. Taking a chance on $60 isn’t equally easy for everyone. And I don’t think it’s wise to overtly encourage such pricing to other producers that we know are quietly watching this thread with keen interest. Finally, are there actually buyers who consider the cost-per-minute of the movie? I think buyers more commonly measure… Read more »

7 years ago

Purchased the video. Alexis is great as usual and even better with the no skirt look, and that’s the main reason i decided to buy it. Unfortunately, her cape covers up her assets during most of the combat which was really disappointing especially considering the price.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Bc14

Perhaps in the next video, the villain could take her cape as a souvenir (the premise for its removal), and thereby allowing more visuals of Alexis’ assets.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

Just want to say that I appreciate Rye taking the time to read the comments and respond and Horse and a few others for keeping things civil and–especially in Horse’s case–providing context and evidence in arguing his points. it seems this may be a case of neither person being wrong. Rye has never seemed like someone trying to cash in fans, but rather he is someone who is a fan of the genre and went ahead and invested in his brand and has become a leader in the genre. And Horse seems like someone who thinks before posting and makes… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Thank you as well. As I have gathered from some of your posts, I understand that you are a fan of a longer “set-up.” Perfectly fine. This is why I feel that maybe the two-part thing is a good option. Don’t want to re-hash, but with hindsight, I’d say I’d buy “Never Say Never” part 2 and leave out part 1 (even though this vid is not the worst offender in the set-up department). And yes, to underline your point: nobody can say that Rye has mislead customers. He is upfront about what you get, more so than others, but… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Rye

As Sugarcoater already said, thanks for taking the time out in addressing some of the issues. Yes, I can totally see where you are coming from with the set-up. And again: Never Say Never, is great, even though it is not R 🙂 Also, again, thanks. I trust some of us now understand your argument for not releasing in two parts much more. Makes sense! Also: I fully appreciate that you would be willing to work with someone to find an alternative if they contacted you directly and can’t afford a full movie for full price. I hope you do… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Rye

Helen Slater SG is by far the sexiest superheroine in a major motion picture so far! Ditto on the comparison.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Todd

With that SG movie in mind, I think Rye should use Alexis in a SG film in which a fight goes down in a muddy environment (an homage to the Phantom Zone scene is “Supergirl”). SG is eventually defeated and dragged by her top through the mud, but only after a few shots of her flailing around in the mud. She could then be left unconscious to be found by someone who hoses her off, looks her over, then figures it’s his once in a lifetime chance to feel up SG. What happens next is SG reciprocates, letting the guy… Read more »

Good Knieval
Good Knieval
7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

As long as she losses the cape before she hits the mud

randy jackson
randy jackson
7 years ago
Reply to  Rye

love the bearhugs and its sound!!

7 years ago

This purchase did not impress. No nudity at all, tons of “fake sex” and generally just boring.

7 years ago

The Parolee 3 had the same actress with the same outfit, topless nudity, ground breaking forced BJ, better setting without the shinny sliver panels, FIVE actors !!! plus a way better scenario for a grand total of 34.95.

7 years ago

Did not hesitate and did not regret it. EXCELLENT film. I was pleasantly surprised to hear “sex” sounds when the monster is pumping in and out of her. Part 2 was more my style but part 1 was great as well. Bring on Public Disgrace 3!

7 years ago

Also, the trailer cannot convince me that it worth $60

7 years ago

I’m not well-versed in all of the ins and outs of the SHIP industry. Piracy, production costs, etc. I don’t begrudge Rye his $60 price tag — if his movies are selling at that price then more power to him, and I’d do the same in his shoes.

The one thing that I DO know, as a consumer, is that there are other producers out there that are putting out comparable material at $25-$35. That’s who I’ll buy from.

7 years ago
Reply to  Bullz-Eye

Yeah, just vote with your money, too expensive for too little? Then dont buy it, get something else that’s more worth your money. Capitalism will sort it out.

7 years ago

I would pay 60 bucks if the leotard was off the entire film but.. oh wait..

7 years ago

OMG! $60 for a heroine movie?? You must be kidding me! I cannot afford it TBH. Normally, I would take one for $39.99

7 years ago

I bought it and here is my 2 cents. Alexis is amazing again as Supergirl, but this video offered nothing new from her previous videos to warrant a $60 price tag and there was zero nudity. I am sorry to hear about piracy, but prices like this for a simulated video are going to anger the fan base. As this is a custom most of the money I assume is paid up front. Long time fan of all of your work and if you want to charge prices like this it’s time to move to actual hardcore for some scenes.… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Rye

If the turnout has been great at $60 I’m more worried than persuaded, haha. I know this can just be written off as “complaining” but I’d rather have 20 shorter $30 movies than 10 $60 movies. I say that only because A) I like to support a lot of producers and releases overlap, and B) everyone likes their specific elements so these movies can be a gamble; there’s just no way to fully know if the flow and feel of a movie will have that intangible “oh yeah” factor that no two people might get from the same movie. Usually… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Rye

Rye, You are the KING. You just do what you do. I never understand why people complain here about prices. I don’t buy a Lamborgini because it is TOO expensive and not my taste. But I don’t write to them to tell them why I don’t buy one (and I don’t think they care). You are the apex of the market. I will keep buying from you, no doubt.

7 years ago
Reply to  bert2

How can you not understand why people complain about prices? I don’t buy a Toyota labeled as a Lamborghini at a Lamborghini price, though I like collecting Toyotas.

7 years ago
Reply to  rover

So you feel that the product was mislabeled? I didn’t see that at all. I felt like I got exactly what was advertised. Your sentiment is correct if you truly feel like you were tricked into buying it. I didn’t feel tricked at all.

7 years ago
Reply to  bert2

Complaints about prices or otherweise are a form of feedback, like praise. I would reckon it is maybe a good thing for a producer / creator to know why a product sells (the stuff you will point out when praising) or what people felt did not work or why people did not buy it in the first place. On the other hand, the comment by Rye that the turn out has been been pretty amazing does not help those who simply give feedback that it is too expensive for them, not a matter of “won’t buy”, but “can’t buy”. And:… Read more »

Good Knieval
Good Knieval
7 years ago
Reply to  Rye

It looks like that suit is starting to split! Does that mean we have a costume destruction video coming our way?

7 years ago

I actually came in here to do one last look through before I bought it. Then I saw the $60 discussion. Now I’m sad. Kudos to those of you who can support this. I actually just can’t do it, since I’m on an hourly contract job at the moment. In all likelihood this will only encourage me to wait for the next $25-30 release, even if the quality isn’t quite as good. At $30-35 I was ready to buy, no questions asked. Best of luck.

7 years ago

$60 for Kacey Preston as Wonder Girl, I would pay all day everyday!!

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Archer

And if she added sexual peril, I would pay huge!

7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Me too!!! I dearly miss her!!

7 years ago
Reply to  Archer

I would not go that far, but I have come around a lot on her. Picked up “Never say Never” when it was on sale for half price (yeah, did that 🙂 And I must say, really great work from Rye and Kacey, especially part 2. I even did not mind that it had no sexual stuff (would have loved that of course). Would I have liked it at $60? Nope. Not without at least R rated contend which I feel would justify such price. Again, for me, the consumer. What a video costs to make or if it gets… Read more »

7 years ago

$60 is a little steep. But I like Rye stuff and I’m a big supporter of the genre. Sad to day for me it’s a must buy.

TimCaine avatar
7 years ago

I wonder if the price point has been set so high because I keep seeing Rye movies posted on “share” sites? I know these share sites take money right out of the producers pockets and I’ve been pissed off time and time again, when shortly after I purchase one of Rye’s films I’ll see it on a share site.

Next Global Crisis avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim Caine

I’m absolutely loathed to post on another producers thread. I did want to respond to this extremely pertinent point from Tim though. 1) If you price all pirates out of buying your video, you don’t get pirated. 2) By reducing the number of buyers, if you do get pirated you have a VERY short list of who is doing it should you wish to take legal action. END OF COMMENT.

7 years ago

God bless. Pay for your shit guys. The industry will die if you don’t. It’s already shrinking.

7 years ago
Reply to  Rizo

And I know the economic burden isn’t easy. But pirates have wrecked this market specifically. Hollywood can take hits. Our beloved genre can’t.

7 years ago

This sounds like a very strange strategy or am I missing something here, like irony? If you are serious, though, your suggestion is in opposition to how the recording industry and Hollywood have dealt with piracy. Remember, when Napster happened, Steve Jobs got most record companies to join iTunes based on a simple assumption: offer songs so cheap that people don’t want to steal them. Do people seriously still go on torrent sites to watch a TV show illegally? Considering all the junk ads and viruses. Or are we not on Netflix and Prime and what have you, because it… Read more »

saxman314 avatar
7 years ago

That model was great for Apple because it’s a mass industry. It was somewhat ok for the record companies because it stopped them from hemorrhaging quite as quickly, although revenue has still plummeted over the last 20 years. For the content creators, though, it has ended the financial feasibility of recording with the goal of selling your music. Records made today are passion projects or done to promote tours, exactly opposite of how the industry was in the early 90s.

7 years ago
Reply to  saxman314

Next you’ll tell us porn stars don’t actually make much on videos compared to what they make when they tour strip clubs.
Or that payment processing is good money. 😉

7 years ago
Reply to  saxman314

That is why I wrote, that the recording industry only applies somewhat to our genre and offered the comic book industry as another example. If you want to find out more how Marvel dealt with the whole pricing issue (they and DC were instrumental in turning comics from a mass market product into a speciality product) i.e. how their owners in the past raised prices to line their pockets (something that is still the case under current management I suspect) you want to check out the excellent book “Marvel Comics The Untold Story” by Sean Howe. And as an aside:… Read more »

saxman314 avatar
7 years ago

Yeah, I know this for a fact. This is my industry. Outside of a very select set of outliers with advantageous deals who are the promoted flavor of the week, touring is essentially the only revenue stream. The tech companies make a lot of money off the music industry, but musicians make next to nothing from recording due to the tech model.

7 years ago
Reply to  saxman314

Right! I trust that you have more insight into this particular industry. And I have met some musicians in my life who have told me the same thing. They however also admitted, that their overall sales for albums had never been that great and it is always with the tour that they make their money. What has simply changed is the delivery system how we get our music today. In the past you went to Tower Records, now it is iTunes or what have you. Both take a cut. Now you can say, but iTunes asks for 30 per cent.… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Rye

I am sure you would be right about that! And far be it for me to tell you what to do. Can’t even guess how much work goes into making these vids and I am truly thankful for having producers like yourself and TBFE, Mr. Hero and others around. Greatly appreciated. But, and these are purely my 2 cents, if you put out a product, that purely justifies its price by being twice as long i.e. the price for two 30 Min. vids., you must know that a) not everybody has this much cash ready on hand at once i.e.… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Rye

That’s what Patty should have done, split her 150 min film and release a few months apart and double the profits.

7 years ago
Reply to  Curious

Or Peter Jackson who made 3 movies from a very short book, or the producers of the Hunger Games movies who cut the shortest book into two movies. Or Harry Potter 7 and 8.

Man, that idea is fantastic. I wish Hollywood would just do that! Hope there is no filler in those movies 🙂

saxman314 avatar
7 years ago

You are absolutely paying for the cost of stolen merchandise when you buy from a retailer. If they have to budget it, it has to be paid for. If it has to be paid for, the customer supplies the capital. Obviously.

7 years ago
Reply to  saxman314

You are missing the point I was trying to make: it is the manufacturer’s / retailer’s responsibility to keep shrink (theft) at a minimum. If they don’t and happily charge it towards their paying customers, they will price themselves out of the market. Sounds familiar?

Next Global Crisis avatar
7 years ago

Sorry I don’t understand the comparison. Are you suggesting this niche bears a relation to Hollywood? For the record, the points I made above certainly may not be the reason for this price point, they are just probable by-products. Hollywood blockbusters have huge numbers of people sharing them. In this tiny genre there are probably 2 or 3 people who might pirate this video. If none of those people can afford to buy it then the video doesn’t get pirated. That’s point 1. Point 2 is merely a recognition that the number of people actually starting the pirating chain is… Read more »

7 years ago

Still feel you arguement for point 1 is a strange one, because this will not keep pirates away, because they are sure to re-coup their investment i.e. via ads on their site or fees from their subscribers. Further it will enlarge the pool of those who cannot afford the vid and may check out “cheaper” options to get it. But, ok. And I am NOT defending pirates. As far a YouTube is concerend: I feel they have become better in removing content if the rights holder will complain. This is what any producer should do. Legal action is a different… Read more »

Next Global Crisis avatar
7 years ago

Perhaps there is a breed of pirates I’m unaware of. Uploads to YouTube are a tiny issue for me, it’s other tube sites and more to the point old fashioned forums where the pirate poster has no paying subscribers and no income stream to recoup his investment. I’m aware of one utter shithouse who does it but that’s all. Trust me, I’m having stuff taken down almost every day and I’m sure I don’t get it as badly as some. In the vast majority of cases the pirate poster gains nothing tangible other than perceived respect from total strangers who… Read more »

7 years ago

I totally agree with you that people who put up pirated stuff on sites for profit (or for free) endanger the livelihood of any creator and can ruin an industry for both, the creators and honest, paying customers.

I think each creator (and customer) must eventually make their own decision of how to deal with this.
Peace out!

7 years ago

In complete agreement with you here. The worst hit by these pirates are small producers such as yourselves in our genre. But a lot don’t seem to understand this and it’s really dismaying when they post on tube channels that are killing entire industries. So prices go up and criticisms abound. It’s truly lose lose if feels like.

7 years ago

Just because somebody watched a pirated video does not mean they would have brought that video if the pirated version did not exist. Piracy does not directly translate into lost sales.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mindstorm

Obvious bullshit is obvious.

Just because one pirate is an only-if-it’s-free snowflake does not mean there are no pirates who’d spend more money to get the material if it wasn’t so easy to get for free.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim Caine

This might be why customs are becoming the norm these days. It guarantees a certain amount of return regardless of piracy.

7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

The worse piracy gets, the greater the share of costs the patron will have to bear, to the point that they may object to it being given away for free. It may get to the point that the product isn’t offered for sale to the public at all, but only to members of a private club, or only with DRM.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim Caine

That makes more sense and explains the high price! It’s been around forever, but fuck piracy! Cheap asses ruin it for everybody else.

7 years ago

I’LL PASS! Definitely not a fan of the high price point. Not sure why it’s so high if this was just someone’s custom with production already paid for. I don’t ever remember a SHIP movie costing this much. I think I’ll wait to pick this one up whenever they have those annual sales.

7 years ago

Especially considering the fact that it’s not really offering anything that hasn’t been seen/done before and its all simulated erotica.

7 years ago

While I understand your hesitation on the price, I would like to remind you that custom-customers don’t pay for the entire production. Producers of customs still invest quite a bit into each video and do need to recoup expenses on them. It’s absolutely not all profit for them.

7 years ago

Sorry to criticize for 1 time, not the movie, but the price. It’s really expensive, I won’t purchase it for this reason.

7 years ago
Reply to  ODILE

I’m usually a defender of higher priced videos, but even this one makes me a little uncomfortable. $60 is pretty steep. I’m still giving it a shot, but definitely going to be watching it with an eye for “is this that much better than everything I’ve ever bought before?” and “does this extra time add anything that makes it worth paying for?”

We’ll see!

7 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

So… I’ve watched part 1. I don’t have time to watch part 2 at the moment, but I will say that if part 1 was a standalone video for $30, I’d be perfectly happy with that. It’s worth it. And part 2 of Rye videos are usually significantly steamier. So I’m optimistic about the value of this. But $60 is still a lot to drop at one time and just FEELS bad. I know people often bring up the idea of separating things out and selling the parts individually, to the point of exhaustion, and I don’t have any insight… Read more »

7 years ago

aaand it’s $60 yh gonna wait a week or two especially since the pound dropped again making it more costly

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

It’s up!!!

7 years ago

$59.95??? wow.

Bruce Kent
Bruce Kent
7 years ago
Reply to  Charles

Yeah, I can’t pay sixty bucks for one clip just because it’s an hour long or so. Too long, too much….

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Bruce Kent

I would never tell anyone what to do with their money. As for me, I’m a sucker for Alexis as SG so I bought it. Absolutely loved it; Alexis makes such a great SG. I would just want a bit more dialogue, and a bit of a curl to Alexis’ hair, and have SG talk dirty as she finally comes to like what’s happening to her. Perhaps also add a bit more full-body shots as SG is taken. But Alexis as SG is a must-buy for me every time. Love that she is willing to take on the sexual aspect… Read more »

7 years ago

what’s the actress name?

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

A further idea for a Public Disgrace 3: what about having two guys having their way with SG at the same time? This could be a combination of Public Disgrace and Super Addict. Have SG finally give in to the two guys taking her from both sides, letting herself totally go with it–even admitting to herself that she let herself get into this predicament because she likes it so much. In order to have what she wants, the villain(s) could insist SG first do a pole dance. The strip-tease lap-dance was awesome. It would be cool to see Alexis as… Read more »

7 years ago

Just wondering what HDD would you guys recommend? Im thinking of getting a WD My passport 4TB before this is out, so I dont have to rely on cloud storage like onedrive.

randy jackson
randy jackson
7 years ago

need some heroines getting front bearhugs with both arms pinned

7 years ago

Love the look here without the skirt. Alexis rocks it!!
Perhaps this can be the trademark look for her as SG?
More adventures with more storylines please.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Peter

Absolutely agree! The skirt is good for the beginning, but it gets in the way of showing off Alexis. Plus, having it removed can be used to mock SG. I would love to see the villain ask her why she has such a low-cut outfit, and mock the way she lets the back of the uniform essentially be wedged between her cheeks. Is it because she likes being a tease? And then the villain could take her, saying “tease this!” And still hoping at some point to see her dumped in a pool or sexed up in a hot-tub by… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

That all sounds very expensive.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Yeah, it might be a bit expensive, but over the expenses of a few months I think the extra expense wouldn’t be noticed. And perhaps it could be a two-parter. Perhaps with Coco as Batgirl and a model of Rye’s choice for WW, I would love to see what he could do with a sort of Lady Justice League-type of heroine peril. (I have a trolling fan of mine giving me the pointless gesture of thumbs down on anything I post, but other than one troll, I’m curious to here from people if there would be any interest in Coco… Read more »

Jeff avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

I would like to place a second vote! Sounds like an awesome idea to see in action!

7 years ago
Reply to  Peter

that sg uniform sans skirt looks amazing on her! i like how she wears civilian clothes in part of the film, particularly the tight black mini skirt. it does well to accentuate her figure and also give us some tantalizing panty peeks. it contrasts to the usual bouncy, cheerleader-styled skirt sg wears, of which i m not a fan.

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Peter

No skirt, no buy for me.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  SHBeater

To each their own, but I would add to the no-skirt coalition and say that Alexis’ body is further highlighted with the lack of a skirt (and it makes sense that it’s not there as SG is wearing a black skirt already).
Perhaps the healthy medium is to have the skirt removed at some point before the villain takes the heroine. But I love the removal of the skirt!

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

I also love seeing skirt removal so seeing a movie split 50/50 skirt/no skirt at least satisfies everyone to a degree.

7 years ago

It would have been even more compelling to me if there had been some female nudity…

redmanx avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  FHL

None at all? Alexis has been topless in all her movies in the genre so far. What a waste if she isn’t in this!

7 years ago

When is the release date?

7 years ago

Costume is coming apart at the seams.
Potential for some costume tearing for the next vid

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  JoeD

What about having a villain rip the bottom of the outfit for easier access to SG? The final scenes could be of SG limping off the set after having been ravished, leaning on whoever rescued her, with the fabric just barely covering her midsection as it hangs loose (the villain having taken her miniskirt and cape as souvenirs of his time with her). I think there is an added humiliation component possible with SG having to be saved/helped out by some guy(s) who can clearly see what happened to her. Please do consider something like that for another Alexis as… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

i like that idea. i pitched something similar years ago, but still no takers. it is as if no one cares to fully explore the aftermath of these violent and humiliating encounters. (yes, i was a day-1 punter for “nightmare” vidz.) i suppose “hell” came closest after the demon had finished all over coco’s superia uniform and she slinks in abject humiliation, but i think your suggestions, like having the heroine hobbling off with the assistance from bystanders are even better! here are my scenes: 1. superia gets tossed out to parking lot. jizz soaked crotch barely concealed by wet… Read more »

7 years ago

Can’t wait

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

This looks really good. Alexis Monroe looks smoking hot!

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

She does indeed! Makes a fantastic SG! And I love that the skirt is missing.

mongey avatar
7 years ago

rye keep em coming this is great stuff!!!

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

YES!! This looks freaking awesome!!!

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Rye


7 years ago
Reply to  Rye

Thanks Rye. Can’t wait. For a future vid, could you please add a scene where the “S” logo gets covered (not entirely) with jizz and then she is forced to wear it as a humiliation. That would be hot

7 years ago
Reply to  HeroineLover

I would love to see this as well!

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Zorq

How about having cops show up in the last scene to answer a distress call, then help Supergirl to her feet. SG, humiliated, is wiping off the fluid from the S-logo (but only ends up smearing it all over her) as she staggers to her feet and limps off the scene. The final shot would be of one of the cops leering at Supergirl’s exposed backside.