“Revenge: Training Day” from Steve Noir

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8 years ago

Loved this one. One of the most brutal SHIP video I’ve ever seen. Some cameras angles are messed up (especially in the second part) but Elisa sells the blows in a super hot way and has a great voice. It’s more belly punches related, counted 5-6 low blows, but it’s really an amazing video.

8 years ago

What I really enjoy from Steve NOir are that the videos are full of strong emotions. The assailants always seem to be full of vendetta and seem like they have a back story coming up to the action scenes. And yet, not much dialogue even gets said. This one is full of intense action too and the reaction hits and sound effects really sell off the impact of the blows. Not to mention the blood at the end. In these videos, I think producers have to find a balance between realism and fantasy and decide what kind of end product… Read more »

8 years ago

Got it, loved it. I think I’d like to see the music running in the background instead of cutting out (or maybe offering a version w/ music and w/o like FightGirlz2000 does.) Also: 15 minutes or less seems to be optimal for these, after that I found my attention wanders. I know this was a custom but it’d be cool to see more of these come out that were faster and tighter :-).

8 years ago

Purchased and viewed. Sorry, where are all the low blows? Great cast, but camera work got pretty poor from the half way mark.

8 years ago

Are there some shirt pulling/grabbing scenes in this video?

8 years ago
Reply to  steve noir

Yeah, just purchased it! I really loved it 🙂 Wish u cud to do more of this in the future hahaha and to the guy who made this custom happen, THANK YOU! 😀

JackPuncher avatar
8 years ago

I am a fan of Steve Noir’s “revenge” and “gangthang” films and this is a welcome addition to the “revenge” series. All three actresses did a good job in their roles and Elisa in particular sold the taking of the beatdown well. Her assailants were relentless and allowed Elisa no chance to defend her self as they delivered the punishment. With the damage to Elisa’s outfit and the blood this was an edgier film then others in the series. I am not normally a fan of blood preferring the fantasy of the victim taking her punishment whilst retaining her glamour.… Read more »

8 years ago

When I saw the outfit in the thumbnail I thought ” o my, some hottie is gonna get gut-beat!”

Elkcreek avatar
8 years ago

Looks GREAT! How long is it?

HM avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Elkcreek

Hi, Elkcreek – the running time is 26:21.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago

Elisa was great in the Claire Stone films. This is a must purchase next week as I am on vacation with only my iPad. Blood is good.

8 years ago

Happy to see fake blood and bruising. It’s rare in a lot of SHIP releases and I hope to see more of it.

8 years ago

Any information wrt the fear girl one?

8 years ago

there are same strangulations ?

8 years ago
Reply to  steve noir

ok bought it

8 years ago
Reply to  steve noir

i like it and claire is really sexy…….of course ….would love to see same choke actions more …..but its of very good done …..special effects are superior so is video very good