Tiffany Chase Discusses Her Non-Profit Charity

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Ultimate Superheroines avatar

Just to add to her awesomeness, TIffany completed the 22 push up challenge. The vid is on youtube under this exact title. TIFFANY CHASE DOES THE 22 PUSH UP CHALLENGE 22KILL. She is such a sweet girl!

8 years ago

All right, I am not a “bleeding heart”, nor I am quick to give praise – quite the opposite. I’m normally a grumpy gnarly annoying git. But…well Tiffany, not sure if you read this, by this is impressive. What a woman…smart, articulated, kind, athletic and beautiful as if it wasn’t enough, and to think there’s a certain political narrative out there that would want us believe women involved in this industry to be evil incarnate. What a bunch of fools. Well done ma’am, well done.

Bruce Kent
Bruce Kent
8 years ago

What a beautiful message for her charity on this 4th of July weekend! I will certainly donate when I can!

8 years ago

It’s a fantastic charity. She deserves so much credit for sponsoring this