Steve Noir’s “Gang Thang 5: Tool Girls”
The latest installment of Steve Noir’s Gang Thang series features the return of the lovely Star and the largest female gang yet to dish out punishment in a Gang Thang video (nine girls!). Gang Thang 5: Tool Girls is now available!
Agent Star has all the evidence she needs to put away the all-female “chop-shop” gang that is stealing the cars of the rich and powerful in her city. Unfortunately for her, that gang is onto her — and they send a crew of nine of their toughest, meanest car thieves and mechanics to destroy the evidence. And destroy Agent Star.
Star has some moves, and holds them off for a few moments, but she can’t escape before the crew of nine “tool girls” overpower her, and start doing a little bodywork on her chassis. Brutal body blows, with fists, heavy boots, and rubber hammers, plus a liberal dose of verbal intimidation and humiliation. Gang Thang 5: Tool Girls drops the hammer on Agent Star, once and for all.
Purchase this video at Heroine Movies
Does anybody have this video and is willing to share it?
Hey Bob, are you talking about an outfit similar to the one she wore in heroine “in the gut”
This Star lady is an awesome heroine…She is attractive…Georgeous…She plays an awesome victim in the Gang Thang series…I think for the next one…she should return as victim in an office beat-down…she in a blazer, shinny blouse, and skirt and the gang of 10 pummel her for getting ready for blowing the lid off their embezzlement ring!!
No, she doesn’t die. Sorry. She just ends up gasping on the floor. I apologize for the “once and for all” line. I was just trying to sound dramatic.
Shoot me an email:
Anyone knows if the heroine dies in this one? Seems implied by the synopsis, so I thought I’d ask.
Also: How can I reach Steve Noir to order my own Gang Thang? I’d like to do an all male beatdown of a superheroine (who the assailaints discover is a superheroine upon beating her down and tearing off her plain clothes cover.)
I could see it where the heroine has the advantage at first, takes out 3-4 thugs, make it seem like the heroine is going to win, then the rest bum rush her, and the thugs get the upper hand. The heroine fends them off for a little bit, not without getting her butt kicked all the same, but eventually, the KO’d thugs get up and join in on the beat down and the heroine loses. I’d be cool with something like that. As long as the KO’d thugs stay down for a considerable amount of time while the others. I… Read more »
For all you fans who like guy on girl action just go to the top of the page, click on video down loads in the middle. Then look to the right under “List by Studio” in the red bar and click on Steve Noir. It has a few guy on girl videos especially “In the Gut” which has Star against 4 guys. This video it is what inspired me to do all the GangThang’s over the last year. It would never have happened unless I came upon this awesome site which I did by accident while internet surfing back in… Read more »
Any low blows in this one?
Fight Lover- I think you also would have to look at the perception of what you are trying to sell. I dont see these types of heroines knocking out anybody anytime soon unless it were superwoman. Then only kryptonite would be able to defeat her. Besides the thugs might try and wake up there companions during the fight. Also it is about attacking in numbers to where they wont get knocked out unless it was 1 on 1 at a time. I like to try and go for maximum violence. These gangs in these customs always seem to be on… Read more »
GangThang1 – I agree, it would be hard to pull off if the room they’re filming in is not very big. What I’ve seen in GIGA/Zen Pictures Female Combatants movies is having the defeated henchwomen slumped over a table or box, this way, they’re still level with the camera, there’s no need to angle up or down. The new Picture Palace of Peril store did that too. It might look silly if ALL the thugs fell slumped over the side of a table/counter/box, but a couple of them like that, and a couple of the on the floor, with the… Read more »
Well Fight Lover I guess with that you would need the overall shooting space to just have 3 or 4 thugs laying unconcious on the ground. You got to have the camera placement and enough space for the girls to move around withought stumbling over all the bodies and ruining the takes. Also trying to get the bodies in the picture you might have to shoot low or aim to the ground distracting from the action. Having the bodies and the action continuously in the same shooting you have to pull the camera back in which close ups might be… Read more »
Yes, but the heroine should knock out at least 3-4 thugs before the stronger ones start taking her down. Since she’s a superheroine, I would expect the KO’d thugs to stay down, and should be seen KO’d in the background.
Ok since you refuse to do the male gang vs female video, then I have some other input as well.
First off, I totally agree with Fightlover and Ximi on the heroine actually fighting back a little bit and actually holding her own for a while during these videos despite the odds, but eventually losing.
Also can we get some bigger villains? I want to see some bigger women push the heroine around. Big women hate small petite women anyway so it makes a nice little trope.
@GangThangFan1: I have to say, I have a much similar taste to yours. I couldn’t be as far off the canonical “goody two shoes” ideals, but I do agree that a whole huge gang of male thugs beating on a girl would feel somewhat weird, wrong even. Subconscious conditioning, maybe. I also prefer to leave explicit sexual elements out – there are countless porn videos out there for that. Last but most importantly, it is great to see a video featuring a girl in a nice outfit. I have been saying this since long time: all the stuff most producers… Read more »
@GangThangFan – Just a thought, I know you stated above that you don’t want to go the stripping/ravishing route with a girl/girl vid, but I think some humiliation and taunting would go a long way as far as highlighting just how overwhelmed the beatdown victim is. For instance, in this vid (which was great, btw) I noticed that her skirt rides up during the skirmish. This would be a great opportunity for the antagonists to poke fun at her panties, even some wedgie action, etc. I, for one, find this totally hot. If you don’t share my sentiments, no problem,… Read more »
Those are good comments there ashuk. If you look at some of the preview pictures above there are some wide shots during filming. I guess when you shoot wide you would have to look at the picture quality to. Are the faces clear to! If you have a modern computer with like a crystal clear quality screen and maybe high def that would look amazing. I guess computers can even hook up to flat screen TV’s. That would probably feel like your in the room with them.
Just one more small-ish thing…with 9 girls (10 total) in the making of this video I would have liked to have seen them all at once during the surrounding and beating the hapless victim. In other words more wider camera angles just to get a sense of the enormity of the situation. For instance you could hear lots of gloating, verbal humiliating and evil laughing off camera, would be nice to actually see this verbal bashings as the same time as seeing the pummeling. Minor issue, but just my two cents..
22GangThangFan1: yes having the victim girl fighting back is a great idea, that’s why I like this one better than the previous. Of course, fighting back again and again only to get beaten down more and more š
First I want to appologize to G. You are right. That is Stella. But I have noticed she goes by a different name for the site and the GangThang videos. I have seen her use Stella in other superheroine sites that she has performed in. I guess we were both right on that one. The longed blond haired villian is Steffi. I had to go back to an email Steve Noir sent me to to reverify the names. And the beautiful Selene was the lady who portrayed catwoman in GangThang Gotham. Stella, Starli, Steffi & Selene. Try and keep… Read more »
How about the reverse? The superheorine beats all the thugs, but after knocking out a few, the stronger thugs get the upper hand. Eventually, the heroine wins (or loses, but not before taking a few of the thugs down with her).
If there was something like that with these kinds of films, I’d buy it immediately.
Totally agree with GangThangFan1.
About the reasons a f gang would wanna beat up a girl that pissed them off for any reason or other.
And there are definitely other MvF sites out there and this niche market is very successfully tapped like AshUK said.
As long as GangThangs keep coming, TAKE MY MONEY!!
Does this contain many face blows? I’m sure there’ll be one or two but I like to see a few to balance the stomach punches.
Hi there,
VERY big fan of your work, have purchased every episode. Genre was crying out for a gang theme such as this, congrats on being the pioneer of a new sub-genre, niche market successfully tapped. I too prefer FvFffffffff beatdowns, although a mixture of MF baddies could also work I guess. I too would support a heroine-themed episode, such as supergirl or wonderwoman destroyed by a bunch of leather-clad villainesses and gench women, maybe a queen vampire and her minions? either way the more leather-clad the better š Keep up the great work!
Stella is the dark and curly haired one. Idk I don’t feel like debating, I just think I’d be cool to see things get mixed up for at least one installment.
First of all G is Stella the one with the long blond hair who is always the villain. I think i read something about this sexual tension between Stella & Star for the GangThang 2 description. I don’t know why that is. i never noticed anything like that in any videos and I sure did not script it. Unless there making out or doing some long breast & crotch fondling I wont notice any accidental sexual stares or touching. I am so totaling only into the beating and the victims reactions. So hypocritical is a strong word to use. Also… Read more »
Excuse me if I’m mistaken but in the gang thang that Stella starred in, wasn’t there sexual elements like groping and fondling? I don’t see how that would be any different with men. Also I think you saying having men instead of women is poor taste is a bit hypocritical and doesn’t really make sense considering they’re doing the exact same thing?? I respect your preference to keep it all girls but after several installments maybe it’s fair that the people interested in having a gang of guys can have at least one installment? I know that’s what’s been keeping… Read more »
As all 5 of these GangThangs are my brainstorm ideas so I do read all the reviews as well. I am NOT into guys beating up on women for several reasons; 1. Personally I just think it is poor taste. but to each their own. 2. With men it tends to get sexually oriented. There will be groping of the genitals and breasts. Ripping of the clothes off and expose nudity. Then the simulation of sex. If you are looking for that then just go to a porn site. 3. In order for the woman to at least fight back… Read more »
Ohhh, Diana Prince. SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!
Agreed with the above posters about a gang of men delivering a similar beatdown to this one to a heroine in her civvies.
Nobody to my knowledge is doing m vs f where it’s an entire gang of men. At best you might get three thugs. I’m with the others here who’d love to see a heroine in civvies getting cornered and then taken apart, as they tear off her clothes to reveal her costume underneath. I’ve never bothers with these Gang Thang vids till now as they do seem all the same and the novelty if seeing gangs of girls picking on one of their own wears off pretty quickly. But I know many do love these set ups and Steve appears… Read more »
Keep the female gangs! Plenty of others doing M vs F.
This one seems a bit more interesting, seems the girl tried to fight back a little at least at the beginning. The other ones judging from the preview, the girl is just a passive punching bag.
I kind of agree with rangerian. These are awesome, high quality videos, and I hope to see a superheroine themed beatdown soon, but the other Gang Thangs seem pretty similar to each other, so I don’t see a reason to get them.
That said, you get a superheroine beatdown (or the idea mentioned above of her in street clothes getting knocked around after it’s revealed who she is) than we’re talking.
A superheroine in regular clothing being torn apart is a hot idea! Especially if it was a gang of guys š Stella as Invincible Girl in her alter ego vs 9 guys. Holy shit that’d be sweet
Said it before and i’ll say it again, superheroine vs gang of evil dominatrixes and/or businesswomen if at all possible!
Either way cannot wait for the latest installment, best series of its genre ever anywhere, and i mean anywhere!
No one does girl on girl gang thang like steve noir. Cause everyone else does guy on girl.
You can find guy on girl anywhere. And I do mean you can.
A gang of 9 girls! Looks awesome.
You ever plan to send your gang after a superheroine? Especially if they were to find her identity and tear her out of plain clothes to her costume. Armed with sledges and crowbars!
What’s different about this one?
^ Likewise
Say Steve, would you ever consider doing a gang thang with all guys instead of girls? Now that’s something I’d buy!