“Wonder Jessica was Defeated by Invulnerable Man” from FemaleKicks.com

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Sh8kyj8ke avatar
4 years ago

It’s a fun video…Is it intentionally muted though?
I can understand a sound mix can be difficult, and if that is the case, I’m good…If I have a bad download, though…I hope I can get the proper sound…Thank you!!

BW30 avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Sh8kyj8ke

I have the same problem with the videos on this site. It’s a mac compatibility problem (at least for me). I downloaded elmedia player and played the video through that, and the sound worked.

Sh8kyj8ke avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  BW30

Ok…I’m on a Mac as well…So that could be it…I’ll see if a format conversion works or try the player suggested…Thanks!!

Sh8kyj8ke avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Sh8kyj8ke

Quick follow up:
The file conversion with Handbrake make it iOS compliant…So I’m good.
Thanks again!!

Sh8kyj8ke avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  JackJay

Yes, I am good now. Being on a Mac, I’ve needed to convert .WMV as well…Usually the .MP4 are good, but the conversion to an Apple TV format corrected the issue for my Mac and iPad.
I’ll definitely be looking out for your future videos…Take care.

4 years ago

Wow, that guy’s muscles have muscles! O_o

4 years ago

YES! Any time a beautiful Wonder Woman gets smashed you can count me in to buy 🙂