“The Kickass Bang Theory” from Kick Ass Kandy

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Ghost999 avatar
4 years ago

This video is awesome. Much kudos to Kandyman on it. The clip just hits the right notes for everyone. Hope it sells well. What I loved was Eden missing the patented cartwheel kick. That alone made the video worthwhile. I think that the way she was KOed after missing her move was kind of weak but the video just makes up for it in spades with the follow up. And the alternate ending was sublime. What would have made that perfect where the bad guys blocking the cartwheel the move and punishing the heroine while she was trapped upside down.… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
4 years ago

I got this one as well, and while I really liked it, I’m not as enthusiastic as some of the comments here. Definitely liked seeing Eden on the receiving end of a debilitating back breaker and bearhug, and it was nice to see her on the ropes for a good portion of the video, but I prefer the tricky KOs like those in “The Pink Kickass”. That one had a dynamite ending as well. Still, I’m very glad I got this one. It’s great to see videos where the good girl(s) run into loads of trouble, but still handle themselves… Read more »

4 years ago

I’m reading each and every one of your comments as i always do and i’m taking it all in. I’m delighted to have hit so many of the right notes with you guys and there will certainly be more to come.

Darkwrath016 avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  kandyman

Looking forward to those future videos of this type. I’ll also state that I think it’s important to keep faith with the girl power fans that have kept you in business for 10 years but if every couple of Kick Ass videos featured an alternative ending with a fight structured like this and the girls really taking a beating then I most certainly would pick up every one of those videos.

4 years ago

This one is my now my favorite KAK of all time, by far. It’s amazing and all I could’ve asked for.

mantower avatar
4 years ago

Amazing video, without a doubt a great move for KAK to include a fair fight, the heroine getting knocked out AND an alternate ending. The bearhug and back breaker are fantastic, and Eden as always just looks phenomenal, especially in such an outfit. Great work guys, two thumbs firmly up!

Enduro avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  mantower

The great balancing act for a producer is always how to appeal to a broader audience without losing “the base”. Generally I prefer the heroine losing out after giving it her all or perhaps getting a lucky win after absorbing a beat down. Many producers now do mainly customs and so their content is dictated by the customer. I might well get this one to see if Eden carries the video as is being suggested. Always say ” never bitch when the producer does not meet your preference..You are not the only fan on the planet”..Also I could not afford… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
4 years ago

I broke down and brought this video and I have ZERO REGRETS. For heroine in peril fans, this is the Kick Ass video of your dreams. The fantasy you knew existed somewhere in the deep reaches of your mind but dare not believe in and dare not grasp because you’ve been burnt many a times by constant girl power for years. I’m with you on that one. I’ve been torched and my scars run deep from buying too many Kandy films that didn’t hit the mark for me. But let there be no doubt. You NEED to buy this. This… Read more »

mantower avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

This review is on point, pretty much wrapped up my exact feelings on the movie. That backbreaker at the end was splendid. Yes there were little things that could have been done better, but in reality this is an incredible film and a very welcome departure from the norm for KAK, the alternate ending was an amazing touch and just made the movie for me. I also couldn’t agree more that Eden’s vocal performance was a little timid, but when you look THAT good it really didn’t present a problem for my enjoyment of this video. Fantastic job to KAK,… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  mantower

I’m glad you said you found her vocal reactions a bit lacking as well mantower because I’m never really sure if that sort of thing is just a taste thing on my part or if there’s some objectivity to it. And just to be clear, this video is great. I don’t want to take anything away from that. The fight is wonderful and I loved the collection of moves as well as Edens physical reactions to them and her facial expressions. But it would have literally broken my mind if the vocals were *really* there. Like a 30% increase in… Read more »

Ken320 avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Totally agree on the part about her vocal performance. I know it’s a bit greedy to ask for more when Eden already has such gorgeous appearance and amazing moves, but I really believe the film could reach a new level with some improvement in the vocal part. A personal advice would be try to raise the volume and make a variety of sound when taking a series of beating.

BigZee avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  mantower

The same issues were raised in the two similar vids from several months ago but seeing Eden in action, this hardly matters,LOL.

redmanx avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I lost interest in KAK after AJs last appearance some years ago; I cant remember the actress but she was British and drop dead gorgeous. Eden looks like she might be a worthy successor.

Bobb avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Vocal stuff can really make or break things for me. Like if you have a heroine who can sell the hell out of a beating, but is a mute then then it’s pretty much worthless in my book. I’ve seen too many attractive heroines in this genre just be flat out bad at vocalizing the pain during a beatdown and it’s always such a bummer.

Darkwrath016 avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Bobb

This is my view as well and was the main reason why all of Eden’s prior works just didn’t do it for me. But everything else in this film from the fight to Eden’s performance to the underlying plot more than made up for it in spades.

4 years ago

Hoping to see custom of Wonder Sienna received beat downs like this

4 years ago

I was pleasantly surprised by this one. KAK is not exactly known for the girls taking a lot of punishment, so when I read the preview, I expected most, if not all of the punishment taken by Eden to be in the one or two minutes of the alternate ending. I ordered the video anyways solely because of Eden and i am so glad I did. She hands out some good shots to the guys, but this is far from the girl power fest that KAK produces so often. Eden gets her ass handed to her for large portions of… Read more »

BigZee avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  mjk

There are two more similar to this one also starring Eden. Airforce Kickass and Succession Kickass.

Maar13 avatar
4 years ago

It was pretty cool and the alternative ending makes it even better, alternative endings are super fun.

Also, just to note this but Eden being there just makes this an instant buy from me.

4 years ago

What is the alternate ending plz ?

BigZee avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Kpn87

Alternate is usually means opposite. Sorry about the sarcasm, I could not help myself.I hid the details but used the word unbelievablly as a clue.

Krishnam Jhunjhunwala
Krishnam Jhunjhunwala
4 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

Haha… Nice pun there Jacques 😀

pulphead avatar
4 years ago

Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! this video has it ALL! I am in love with her beautiful abs! GREAT KOs, go Eden!

BigZee avatar
4 years ago

This is an amazing and awesome video. The back and forth combat action is fast and furious. Eden as always is spectacular. The costume showcases her abs to the maximum. Unbelievably there is an alternate ending, I am not aware of any KAK video that has contained this feature. Fantastic neck break, back break and BB. The two stuntman performed admirably and deserve a shout out.