Action Cosplay: Generation Z – Part 1

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5 years ago

I am very late to the party, only publishing my opinion already in October, so long ago after the release date. I really liked this vidoe and would like to share some of my thoughs with you. The Pros: – It’s a well shot vidoe, as it’s typical of all of the NGC and it’s sister sites videos. The framiong composition in particular are professional standards. I’ll never tire of giving this praise. – The editing is also on point. Like the framing compositions, editing has consistently been among the top qualities of this videos, this one is no exception.… Read more »

5 years ago

I’m really curious to know something since i really enjoyed this video: outnumbered heroine holding her ground but steadily loosing until bad guys pull something unexpected and completely defeat her, and the moves featured were really enjoyable too. Do you plan to expand on a character if a video sells poorly but the reviews are great? I’m guessing part 2 is already filmed but with less mainstream heroines showing up in Action Cosplay outside of the holy trinity of WW, Supergirl and Batgirl sales could dip in some cases even if the videos are great. I’m really enjoying the recent… Read more »

5 years ago

That’s good news!! And regarding saturation, the other day i was thinking that this year you are almost releasing weekly uninterrupted (and without compromisimg quality i must say), which is great but maybe if people know they can skip a release because something more exciting may come just around the corner (instead of having to wait a month) they may do it and wait for a later sale. I guess having so many established characters and plotlines in your universe means releasing more videos to please all the fans of each heroine/actress. It seems to be working so far for… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  F L

But only if our favorite heroines are getting regular releases. Having to wait months of a new video with a favotire is my least favorite thing to do.

5 years ago

I’m pretty sure i would never be overwhelmed by quality videos released on a regular basis, weekly even.
More Marvelette would be grand, no worries about ever getting bored of her.

5 years ago

What is the bondage like at the end of the film? I’m always a sucker for collars

clutchking avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Lucas

It’s very, very brief and used more as a lead-in to the next episode, so I suspect Generation Z – Part 2 is one you should keep an eye on. Looks like there could potentially be some outstanding bondage with Marvelette soon, or so I hope!

5 years ago

So I didn’t plan on picking this one up, but a bunch of glowing reviews here convinced me otherwise. I was not disappointed at all. With all these part 1’s being released, I’m hoping some of the part 2’s will come soon (I did pick up part 2 of Starshot’s latest adventure, awesome)!

clutchking avatar
5 years ago

Great to see lots of reviews for this one, hope NGC gets the message that WE. WANT. MORE. MARVELETTE.

Also chiming in again to mention that I don’t think any of us brought up Marvelette’s unique leg-choke of the female villain. I know that *I* would certainly never want anything outrageously sexy like that to happen to me.

*discreetly volunteers to be choked out next*

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  clutchking

YES! That move that Marvelette did was really cool. Really unique way to finish off an opponent and show some dominance.

But not for nothing, I would love for Malacia to do that to some hapless heroine. Spectrum, Starshot, Sonica and Candy being top of my wish list.

clutchking avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Oh my…… now you’re talkin’

5 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Having Marvelette suffer being caught at her own move, you say? That’s a nice idea, it’s like irony, the enemies learning from the heroines and paying back.
I would also love to see heroines receiving punches in the face more from the villains. I hope i’m not theonly one who enjoys watching that.

5 years ago
Reply to  clutchking

More Marvelette indeed. I completely subscribe to that notion.

RobHinx avatar
5 years ago

After the superb ‘Marvelette vs The Mob’ I had high hopes for this release. I wasn’t disappointed, in fact, it’s exceeded my expectations by a long way! Marvelette is obviously enjoying her higher profile; she seems much more confident and fierce here. She looks (if it’s possible) even better than she did before. Darkwraith has mentioned the, er…’easter egg’ with her outfit and it might be indecorous to say more (was it chilly on the set? Asking for a friend ) but her costume has quickly become a favourite for me. I liked the references to her first outing with… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Rob_Hinx

I believe Generation Z Part One is a winner. Interesting new villains and a fantastic heroine emerging on her own right played so well by the carismatic Candy Race actress. Pay dirt indeed.

mid2018 avatar
5 years ago

I love that we can see her gusset under the leotard:
comment image

Even her mighty attacks can expose her vulnerable spot…

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago

A little late to the party, again, but this is a superb video. Utterly fantastic, I was loving it from the very beginning. Again, Candy as Marvelette is spectacular–very sexy, tough and vulnerable, and her acting is entirely on point. I’m also a huge fan of Ms Marvel going way back, so it’s exciting to see her portrayed so well. The terrorist angle is a wonderful variation from the typical criminal foil and they are vividly conceived (nice color scheme and terrific masks). That visual effect for the energy weapon is very cool as well. The action starts almost immediately… Read more »

5 years ago

Very good movie, well filmed and well performed. Good plot with interesting characters. Thank you for the good, well played and filmed unmasking scene, I especially love it. Maybe a short introduction with Marvelette in her “normal” life, wearing “normal” clothes and putting on her superheroine costume and mask would have been a plus… I admit that it’s a personnal opinion. Anyway, very good movie, I can’t wait for the part 2.

5 years ago
Reply to  ODILE

Just to add that, insofar as possible, I would appreciate a photoset in the future…

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  ODILE

I was also very pleased with the unmasking scene. Part of the satisfaction with it comes from her fighting so hard to stop them from unmasking her before (twice) and partly from how helpless she is to prevent it when it does happen. I also like the reaction of #7 (“just a girl”) which helps to emphasize how she’s gone from formidable (she had both terrorists on the ropes separately moments before) to utterly defenseless (Candy’s performance shows this as well.)

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago

Action Cosplay has produced one fine video here with some really great performances all around. I haven’t been this pleased with an action cosplay release since Supreme Girl’s debut and it’s only fitting that this actress, who’s sky-rocketed into being one of my favorites, is the one to do so. First order of business: Heaping praises on Marvelette/Candy Race. It’s great seeing her in action. To start with, she’s the best fighter NGC has on the roaster and I feel really confident in saying that. The power, intensity and quality of her strikes are beyond reproach and go a long… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

So my main problem with this backbreaker is more of where it was placed and what happened afterwards. I’ve always viewed the “backbreaker” as more of a powerful finishing move in a fight. A move to pretty much stop the heroine in her tracks. After it’s delivered, there really should be no more offense on the part of the heroine and the fight should immediately go downhill from there (if it already hasn’t). In this release, you have a situation where the backbreaker is delivered to Marvellete and—putting aside her fairly tepid reaction to it—immediately starts crawling away. No writhing… Read more »

clutchking avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

As a fellow backbreaker officionado, I just want you to know that your spiel is greatly appreciated and I agree with many of the points you made here!

RobHinx avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Interesting points Darkwrath. In general I agree with you about the backbreaker being a finishing move; it certainly should be a debilitating move that leaves the victim, if not helps, then writing in agony. That being said, from a story-telling point of view, that can be limiting; you see the heroine in the villains arms, ready to be dropped over the knee and you know that the end is in sight. It could, in that light, spoil some of the impact of the battle. Personally, I think it’s good when the villain’s moves are matched to the heroine’s abilities. If… Read more »

RobHinx avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Rob_Hinx

D’oh that should be “helpless’ not “helps”!

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Rob_Hinx

So if the concern is that it could become predictable then I would say that the backbreaker doesn’t ALWAYS have to be a finishing move indicative of the end. But if it’s not a finishing move then there’s other dynamics that I feel should come into play to sell the move properly. Take these three NGC films: Phased Out (story 21), Get the Staff (season 3, SM11) and Kandy Crisis 13. These to me have three excellent backbreaker sequences and yet in neither situations do they occur at the end. Phased Out is actually the extreme case since it comes… Read more »

Fausta avatar
5 years ago

Yep. NGC knocked it right out of the park with this one, as I suspected. Great work. This is now one of my favorite characters / actors for certain.

5 years ago

Outstanding video.

And the costume is phenomenal…it would be incredible on many of your actors

5 years ago
Reply to  JohnG

I would love to see this costume on the actress that plays Deja Vu, she has the perfect Ms. Marvel-type physique!

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago

My favorite performance of this actress so far, when her previous vids just felt mediocre or worse for me. The actress has changed her reactions to getting hit completely! When before she would react to a punch with an breathy “ahhh” like if you stubbed your toe or something at home, now she reacts with a guttural “ooo-wuuh” that one would expect from a gut punch. Marvelette’s reaction to a body scissor was great. It’s not the most painful thing in the world for her, but she acted perfectly to it. Her breaths were ragged, uneven, and POGRESSIVELY getting shorter… Read more »

clutchking avatar
5 years ago

My goodness, this is a hell of a video. I should mention I’m biased because I absolutely love the classic, impractical Ms. Marvel outfit and this actress wears it as good as any model I’ve ever seen. She also has a really strong grasp of her character, which goes a long way. Phenomenal performance by her, from her dialogue to the subtle gasps as she’s getting squeezed by one of the bad guys. Just awesome! Without spoiling too much, this one has a little bit of something for everyone: Tons of punches, including the always fun sequence where the heroine… Read more »

5 years ago

I got his one because the woman playing Marvelette looked gorgeous, especially in that outfit. There was a part about half way through where Number 7 was holding her up just before delivering a brutal back-breaker, he looked at her and laughed, she looked away with a look of resignation. Sometimes its the details that accentuate things, and I definitely liked that one.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago

I have several “favorites” among NGC heroines based on different criteria, but “Candy Race” as Marvelette is easily my favorite union of actress and outfit. Candy won me over to the “Equalizer” due to her entrancing performances and good looks, but wow, oh wow, she’s incredibly sexy as this “Ms. Marvel” inspired character.

The latest string of releases featuring Miracle Maiden/Supreme Girl, Supremacy, Marvelette, and Metro Girl has made Action Cosplay my favorite series right now.

Fausta avatar
5 years ago

I really like this actress. Glad to see we’re going forward with this character.

Fausta avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Fausta

What I meant was, I adore this actor you have in the protaganist’s role. She’s awesome.

5 years ago

I am so happy to see her return. She really kills it in this character, and absolutely rocks the costume.

5 years ago
Reply to  C13

Ok, really enjoyed this one. Not only is Marvelette charismatic and *quite* the beauty, the villain performance was tons of fun. The male villain’s dialogue was a blast – I could see him making a great evil scientist or trickster baddie in the future.

Looking forward to part 2!

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago

Been a while since an Action Cosplay episode has piqued my interest. This one sure has a lot of promise to it.