OUT NOW: NGC Championship: Sonica v Myanna

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RobHinx avatar
5 years ago

Really want to add my voice to the bravos and compliments for this because it’s something very special. Darkwrath and Dr.Mabuse have done great jobs describing the action. As usual though there’s a scene I want to focus on that takes this to another level. Before we get in to that though, I love, love, LOVE Sonica’s new look. I really liked her catsuit but the leotard and tights combo is perfect on her and the cute little cape is an especially nice touch. Now, the thing I’ve always loved about NGC’s output is the emotional power that their stories… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago

OK, I’m in too. This was a really fantastic Championship entry. Previous comments have done an uncannily good job of highlighting many of the excellent moments of this video. Sonica looks sensational, but Myanna is looking very good as well and it’s nice to see her again. She’s excellently wicked, and the MC is great as usual. The fight starts with a grapple, one of my favorite combat procedures, and an excellent one, if you ask me. Despite her formidable opponent, Sonica does quite well off and on, and the back and forth we see here heightens my interest in… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago

I’m joining the chorus of people who are praising Sonica. What an exceptional actress in this genre she has become. It’s been exactly one year since she joined the cast of NGC and she’s been outstanding in virtually every release she’s been in. This Championship match is no exception. This video pits Sonica against Myanna in a submission match between the two ladies. While this is billed as a submission match and one might assume that it would be submission heavy, this is actually no different than any other championship match in the past. The fight uses a combination of… Read more »

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago

My goodness, I usually prefer thin girls like Wonderstar, but Sonica in the leotard is just incredible. Just. Incredible. And both the actresses put 110% in this one. So much energy. There was one exchange where Myanna throws Sonica towards the corner and Sonica really hits her head into the corner! Probably hit it softly, but a hit nonetheless! And that figure-four leglock at the end was legitimate! It was great! And then, Myanna reverses it! And then Sonica tries her scream powers, but can’t really do it because she’s in so much pain. That really exemplifies just how helpless… Read more »

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  RyonaKing

WIsh you could edit posts. I meant Wonderstrike.

5 years ago
Reply to  RyonaKing

Great point on when Sonica tries her scream while in the hold, I thought that was a great touch.

5 years ago

I downloaded the film this morning and just finished watching it. In a word, WOW!!! What an incredible battle, with terrific, nonstop action, tremendous acting and fight choreography, and the typical high standard camera work we’ve come to expect from NGC. Sonica in her new outfit looks unbelievably gorgeous, and her wonderful acting abilities make this a standout release. Terrific work, NGC! I never tire of your films!

TimCaine avatar
5 years ago

Sonica is the best jobber NGC has ever had!!! Once again an awesome performance as Sonica takes her lumps in this one. Yes, Sonica is good at the smug act when she has the upper hand, but where she totally blows everyone else out of the water is when she’s getting pummeled. Sonica sells the beatdown flawlessly. Her whimpering, grunting, and moaning have no equal. Its all made even more fun by the fact that her power is her voice. NGC, please, please, please, keep using Sonica in one-sided beatdowns. I am not using hyperbole when I say she’s the… Read more »

Peter James
Peter James
5 years ago

Ten thumbs up on the new costume. Cannot wait for this one!

Peter James
Peter James
5 years ago

Ten thumbs upon the new costume. Cannot wait for this one!

PunchJonny avatar
5 years ago

Sonica might be my favorite and this makes her look even hottie

5 years ago

This new costume is definitely sexier than the old one ! More high cut ! Maybe a first step to finaly use thong leotards ?

5 years ago

Oh man! The leotard and that suntan nylon can only expose her to more physical threat! Expose her vulnerable area!! This is so hot

Depo Man
Depo Man
5 years ago

Wow! Not into the wrestling format, but would definitely buy any video with these 2 that was part of the broader story or mini series

5 years ago
Reply to  Depo Man

Time for her to be featured in the upcoming NGC storyline.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago

I predict I’m going to like this one.

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago


TimCaine avatar
5 years ago

Been waiting for this.
I hope Sonica takes the most lopsided beatdown ever!
Few actresses sell their beatdowns and bumps as sexily as Sonica.

poopaloof avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Tim Caine

Can’t emphasize enough how pleased I am with the costume change. Definitely a leotard and nylon/pantyhose guy myself, so I’m pumped for this release. “Showery with a Chance of Kidnap” sealed the deal for me on Sonica. Will purchase any videos she’s in. Great actress, and I’m happy to see her return.

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago

Oh. My. Word! That new costume of hers should be illegal to show on screen. Sonica is exuding raw sex appeal in that thing.