“Parallel Divergence” from The Battle for Earth

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Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago

Wow. There was an EPIC fight on this post. Looks like the internet is angry again. Must be that summer heat. Remember folks: drink lots water.

5 years ago

My favorite film producer

Manic Street Creature
Manic Street Creature
5 years ago

So this is my second custom with Pamela Vorhees by The Battle for Earth, (the first being Virtuous Girl) and I have to say yet again everyone involved has hit it out the park. My script was demanding and time was an issue but Pamela and all the team still saw the script through, even staying longer than anticipated to finish it. I have nothing but the utmost respect for these guys and they fulfilled my custom to exactly how I wanted it despite the fatigue they must have felt. If you are a lover of Public Humiliation, bondage, stripping,… Read more »

Manic Street Creature
Manic Street Creature
5 years ago

So this is my second custom with Pamela Voorhees by The Battle for Earth, (the first being Virtuous Girl) and I have to say yet again everyone involved has hit it out the park. My script was demanding and time was an issue but Pamela and all the team still saw the script through, even staying longer than anticipated to finish it. I have nothing but the utmost respect for these guys and they fulfilled my custom to exactly how I wanted it despite the fatigue they must have felt. If you are a lover of Public Humiliation, bondage, stripping,… Read more »

Manic Street Creature
Manic Street Creature
5 years ago

There should really be an edit button here 😀 (Note to self Voorhees not vorhees) 😀 Friday the whatnow?

Cory Enns
Cory Enns
5 years ago

thank you so much for bringing Pamela back she is incredible and I wish I could find more material with her

mongey avatar
5 years ago

Thanks for getting this made. Look forward to your next order with her in it!

mongey avatar
5 years ago

Love an actress with a real woman’s body. She’s getting better every movie

5 years ago

I just want to say, that last photo is fantastic. Pamela’s look of defeat sold me on this video

SupermanSexy avatar
5 years ago

Wow!! Such nice video of Pamela voorhees after such a long time we r seeing her in that Supergirl outfit she looks great and horny loved it the way she looks is she that she gained some weight but it doesn’t matter the costumes still fits perfectly on her body I liked her so much pls shoot some more videos with this beautiful and busty voorhees we would like to see her more in Supergirl outfit.The trailer is awsm!!…..

BARON2027 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  TBFE

I got the email at12:02 am this morning

Don1987 avatar
5 years ago

Going to avoid all the unnecessary drama and just ask if anyone can tell me what the blow job scene is like? Messy? unwilling? more of a face fuck?

5 years ago
Reply to  Don

In to words: too short. Bought the vid – and for the record – I like variety in the girls and loved previous vids with Pamela. This did not do it for me. I understand it is a custom, but the story did not click with me – and the sex scenes were very lacking. So disappointment. But that is just my opinion and others may enjoy. And to those complaining because a) girl is not you type b) she does not wear a pantyhouse c) life sucks, well, that’s life. It is just a vid… move on!

5 years ago

A goddess without pantyhose? Absolute sacrilege!

Old Guy in Coveralls
Old Guy in Coveralls
5 years ago

I always love to see Pamela videos, because she really gets into the spirit of it, going full out in her performance. Plus she is very sexy. The concept behind this video was very interesting and well presented, making it rather more than just a series of beatdowns and peril scenes. However, as a fan of soft KOs, I have to note for anyone buying this hoping for a full cloth KO based on one of the stills above, for the second straight video I have purchased (following Virtuous Girl) the cloth scene does not lead to a KO. She… Read more »

TheEscapist316 avatar
5 years ago

My whole take on the “Joe/NotJoe” situation: The guy simply said she didn’t care for the actress. I didn’t even see it as an evil or hateful comment, rather just a “meh, I’ll pass” type of comment. Then everyone else blew it out of proportion like they normally do on this forum. Obviously this actress has a unique body type…so people like it, some don’t. I for one don’t really care for her look, but I get why some people do. People can have their own opinions, but it doesn’t mean they are wrong. Not only that, but I didn’t… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  theEscapist

A model’s sex appeal is part of the selling point! If someone does not find a model attractive or a model’s current style, then he or she have every right to say so. I think Pamela is a sexy woman, and that is my opinion. A model’s sex appeal is one of the main reasons for people purchasing a film. Too many people in society have fanboys to something or someone. It’s okay for people to have disagreements. However, too people are immature to realize it.

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago

I agree with Geeky’s stance. The model’s attractiveness and costume are two of the most important aspects for me to purchase a video. I think expressing an opinion on the model’s attractiveness is both entirely subjective and an acceptable point to mention (as every other selling point of a video is also open for subjective opinions). I don’t really find Pamela attractive, but that’s just a matter of taste. Based on the “likes” of the original innocuous post that started this topic, it seems others share that perspective. Perhaps they haven’t also posted because of the immediate backlash against that… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

If you want to give the producer feedback, you send the producer an email.

You post here because you want your opinion to get more attention.

5 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

I don’t think emailing a producer is the best option. Emails get loss, and comments/posts on a site are more visible. Comments can lead to conversations and use thoughts on the product. Sometimes producers accidentally delete serious inquires because they are waving out non-series inquires on customs.

I also think some producers automatically think a sale is a good thing when it may not be good for the long term. Sure I buy a movie, but I may also dislike it after watching it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

If producers want feedback, they’ll handle their email professionally.

And if they don’t, then posting here doesn’t help.

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Imagineer, I agree that posts here are to generate attention, but that has value. I post here at times to possibly generate some energy for an idea. If I email a producer about an idea for a plot or an alteration to the costume of a future video, that’s just a single voice expressing an idea. But if I post the thought here, there might be some positive responses and interest which may create the incentive for something to be done. In a similar sense, if someone posts an idea that I would never have thought of but is a… Read more »

TheLecher avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

@Imagineer This is just an assumption. You presume that you know everyone else’s reason for doing “thing x”. You don’t, unless you are somehow clairvoyant. But, if you were clairvoyant, you’d know that there are plenty of other reasons for posting online, aside from wanting your opinion to get attention. You’re also wrong in saying that, if you want to give a producer feedback, you send them an email. There are plenty of producers who engage with their consumers on this and other forums. That means that this forum is a legitimate venue for giving them feedback. In fact, there… Read more »

5 years ago

She’s hot, and the concept behind this video is awesome! Nice job and I can’t wait to pick this up

redmanx avatar
5 years ago

I had hoped that here, where I supposed everybody came to discuss the genre of movies we love, Superheroines, that despite differing opinions on the actual movies, the actresses, plots etc we would not sink to abuse and insults, calling each other names, snowflake and the like. Hereoine Movies is a place to forget the real world and indulge ourselves in fantasy, just for a while. I ask everybody, please can we keep it that way?

Not Joe
Not Joe
5 years ago

Joe: I don’t find the actress attractive at all


Are you guys serious?

HeroineLover avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Not Joe

Damn Im the whole heroine community, and people actually like the actress’ performance like me, I usually dont instabuy buy it thoughtbecause there was such a obnoxious dickhead that was such and triggered snowflake not liking the film based solely on the actress and not solely on the acting, lighing, filmography, script or the way lines are delivered I would instabuy it 🙂 🙂 also keep whining you whining triggered snowflake not joe who is actually joe what a greatcover by the way lmfao

saxman314 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Heroine Lover


HeroineLover avatar
5 years ago

instabuy due to snowflakes like joe not liking the actress. dont like the film or the actress fund a custom with a actress from their choice 🙂

5 years ago

Didn’t even bother finishing the trailer. Pass

Stee avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Depoman

I certainly agree. Maybe some people are into this body type but jeesh. She’s just not attractive.

Ken320 avatar
5 years ago

It seems that people have different the actress choice. Personal I think Pamela is very sexy, but I also agree that there are costumes that suit her better such as the one she wear in ShadowCat from SHF

5 years ago

Snowflake is upset that snowflake got upset at what snowflake said.


Vote with your wallets fellow villains. I buy every single Pamela Voorhees video because she’s gorgeous, I love her acting, and I love curvy girls. Producers will continue to cast whatever actress a custom buyer requests, and if enough people buy the video they may even cast the actress when the buyer doesn’t have a strong preference. I hope to see a hundred more videos starring Pamela.

5 years ago

Because I can voice my opinion. I didn’t go into detail, I just stated I don’t care for this actress. Not my cup of tea. You think I care what the person who paid for this custom thinks? I’ve purchased many of customs and I’m sure my tastes didn’t suit people and I don’t care. Quit being a snowflake that gets offended by EVERYTHING.

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago

I think the comments about the criticism of the actress are worth perhaps a point of discussion. I don’t see anything wrong with someone simply stating they find the actress unattractive or not the proper body type to project a certain part. It may even help the producers. For instance, if a video doesn’t sell well, is it due to the action, the plot, the costume, the acting, the casting, or a combination of the aforementioned factors? I would imagine certain actresses sell more than others. But without some feedback on the actresses, perhaps producers might assume it’s the costume… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  TBFE

currently unable to purchase video except through “prefund”. Just trying to buy using a CC. Sent email to netcode admin. Any suggestions?

HeroineLover avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  TBFE

Solid job on the film and the overall perfomance by the performes, ignore the hate from joe/not joe who clearly cant critique anything properly.

shzam avatar
5 years ago

Still not getting the loyalty emails since last time…

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Shzam

Yeah I also didn’t get the loyalty email this time.

saxman314 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Shzam

Mine was in spam.

Decendingskulls avatar
5 years ago

Really creative plot device. It creates a feeling of inescapable fate and also gives the villain an a disappearing ability that would be hard for even a superheroine to counter.

draineri avatar
5 years ago

hey, can I contact you regarding an old custom you commissioned? It’s a special edition that is no longer for sale :/

5 years ago

I am just waiting for that last Coco film and the Bella and Natalia films. Sadly, I’ll have to pass on the rest, but.. to each his own. Keep it up!

rifagiarc avatar
5 years ago

Looks like a great vid…. and i’m sure holding back from coco overload makes sense, spacing stuff out with the retirement…. but DAMN every time there’s a release that’s not the solaria one with coco it’s a big disappointment for me. I know TBFE does great work, and they’ve got some great stuff coming it seems with some new actresses. And again, this vid looks great. Just can’t talk myself into buying anything before that solaria release.

jobman avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  rifagiarc

Feels so far away, with this video and another now getting titles in the Coming Soon section it seems it will be awhile for the Solaria video :'(

jobman avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  jobman

Sorry, meant Future Releases

saxman314 avatar
5 years ago

She’s one of the hottest models in this genre for me. I buy everything she’s in. She sells it so well, she’s gorgeous, and that body… god DAMN!

5 years ago

Pamela is awesome. She’s gorgeous and expressive and I’m glad that she’s back.

artful dodgr
artful dodgr
5 years ago

Couldn’t disagree more, I absolutely love Pamela’s performances and I’m insta-buying because she’s in it.

5 years ago

Love the costume destruction…actress choice ruins it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

That isn’t very nice. You don’t NEED to say anything. I’m pretty sure the person who funded this custom doesn’t care what your opinion is, since you didn’t help them pay for it, and therefore it doesn’t really add any value to anything. It’s just mean to the actress for the sake of putting negativity out into the world.

5 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

People nowadays take offence to anything with which they do not agree. There is nothing wrong with expressing a negative opinion. As to negativity in the world, I think your existence is negative, yet I do not ask you to remove yourself from the world of the living, do I?

5 years ago
Reply to  Ugh

Wow. you are certainly an angry person. No doubt. I take it that your view is that racists and homophobes shouldn’t be ostracized when they state their opinions? I guess it’s just a simple opinion, yes? Unsolicited personal attacks make without any benefit to society are acceptable, yes?

5 years ago
Reply to  Hankin

Yes. As the late Justice Brandeis correctly pointed out, the answer is more speech, not censorship. And I am quite certain you would give such concept as ‘racism’ and ‘homophobia’ improperly broad scope, just as you did with ‘anger’ here. Freedom of speech and freedom of opinion make for nasty things being said, true. But that is the essence of those rights; that those things may be voiced.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ugh

It’s not about being offended by the opinion about the actress. It’s just about asking why someone felt like they wanted to share that. It’s not influencing the creation of more material. It’s not reviewing the material for anyone’s benefit. It’s just saying a thing that will either result in people not caring, or people feeling bad. It’s like a really light form of internet trolling that some people just kind of do instinctively now, because that’s who they are. Sure, “people nowadays” are a bit too sensitive to some things. But other “people nowadays” also sometimes feel like they… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Agree. A critique about the sound quality or lighting can at least help a Director to make their next film better. Griping about the price (just don’t buy it) or the actress (again, just don’t buy it) doesn’t help the Director.

TheLecher avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

It simply isn’t true that there’s no point to people stating that they do or don’t like a certain performer. In the case of a custom, yes, the feedback is likely to have less impact, but even then, it’s not a safe assumption that there will be no impact at all. Most producers who shoot customs have a list of performers who they will or won’t book for shoots. Feedback from prospective buyers can influence what names are on those lists. I’ve seen it happen plenty of times. Also, if you’re assuming that Joe’s post, stating that he doesn’t like… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Ugh

In the ancient times there was something known as respect and fear that usually influenced others to be mindful of their public communications.

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  depowerer

By ancient times, do you mean pre-internet and anonymous commenting and posting? I remember that time too…

artful dodgr
artful dodgr
5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Couldn’t disagree more, I absolutely love Pamela’s performances and I’m insta-buying because she’s in it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Joe, what’s wrong? Why make a comment like that? It’s Soooo “internet angry.” If a producer rips you off or something of that nature, ok. But just commenting on people personally just for the sake of stirring up trouble isn’t productive. I hope the actresses who get these types of comments take them with a grain of salt.

5 years ago
Reply to  Hankin

Really, quit being a snowflake. I said I didn’t care for the actress. Im allowed my opinion without sending people into orbit because my opinion doesn’t agree with theirs. Producers have a right to know the tastes of all their customers. Im not “stirring up trouble” mr internet hall monitor. Sugarcoater at least understands.

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Why don’t YOU quit being a whiny wimpy little baby? Why is it that people like you have to take every chance they can get to be negative and tear people down, and then when they get the slightest bit of pushback it’s always “snowflake” this and “I was just expressing my opinion” that? Grow up and stop acting like a whiny little b***h! You wanna contribute needless negative comments that are not constructive in any way, then try to pass it off as “expressing your opinion”, then expect pushback. Your type always thinks you are the only people allowed… Read more »

TheLecher avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Argh

This is ridiculous. The guy never said that other people weren’t also entitled to their opinions. He said that he had every right to express his lack of interest in this actress. And he’s 100% correct. But, right on queue, all of the white knights come charging in on their keyboards, to defend the slighted honor of their lady fair, as if she’s going to stop by each of your houses and thank you with a blowjob for coming to her rescue from the mean internet troll who doesn’t want to buy this porn for which she’s already been paid.… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Argh

Lecher, very well and amusingly stated.

5 years ago
Reply to  Argh

I’ve actually changed my opinion on this based on all of these stellar responses. You’re right. Everyone has the unalienable right to walk up to anyone and say “Did you make this? Yes? I don’t want it!” and walk away. In fact, they have the responsibility to do so, lest the creator not now how to become a billionaire. You’re the real white knights in this scenario. Also, you’re totally right. Snowflakes should go home and cry because they’re weak and have the nerve to suggest that people practice the use of respect and good manners. Nobody is legally required… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Argh

bbsucks, You’re better than that last post. I’ve read your comments in the past and found them to be usually well thought-out with fair points. In this case I think you’re off base–you completely misrepresent the arguments presented. Be intellectually honest in making your argument. No one is coming close to suggesting people have the right to walk up to someone and say they don’t like what they made. The point you seem to miss is that this is a FORUM for presenting opinions–there is no “walking up to someone” as the forum implies on active discussion already. There is… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Argh

Agree to disagree on the purpose of comment sections on webpages, then. I agree the discussion is already underway and it’s for sharing opinions. I just get sick of people writing things like “pass!” or “I don’t like this thing. Bye.” without really being constructive and offering anything more than their own personal interest level in the thing. Not saying they can’t do it. Of course they are absolutely allowed to do it. it’s just very comic book guy from the Simpsons and pointless and negative. It’s almost as pointless to just say “I’m excited about this” and walk away,… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Argh

bbsucks, Thank you for proving my point about you being thoughtful in your comments. I agree with almost all of your statements in that last post. I don’t think the matter is of a “need” to share one’s opinion, but I do agree that there are tactful ways to share opinions and sometimes a bit of an explanation for the reason one dislikes an aspect of a video is useful. It would be interesting to have several producers add what they gain from reading over comments on a forum. I also wonder how many of the models/actresses who perform in… Read more »

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Joe – I think we found the actress…;-)