Hey gang,
I wanted to wish you guys a Happy New Year and to say I hope you had a good holiday season. I know its been rough year, the stress has been a rollercoaster, so fingers crossed that brighter skies are coming. I figured it might be the right time to share a couple pictures to give everyone something to look forward too.
Also… below you’ll find a link to a survey regarding content. Lately while on set I have been wondering if possibly there was an interest for hardcore films that don’t have elaborate fight scenes. Fight content eat up 70 percent of a shooting day for what usually ends up being 7-14 minutes of content for films that are roughly 60 minutes long. Not that I would get rid of fighting all together, but it would make editing a lot faster… casting for male talent a lot easier (don’t need to worry if they can throw fake punches) and give me a lot more time on set for storyline work and being more specific with how the hardcore content unfolded.
Imagine if I released 1 film per month of 2021, 6 of those films to have elaborate fight content and the other 6 to be more dedicated to story and sexual content.
So take the survey! It might dictate the direction of content from SHL for 2021.
And lets all chat in the comments section, soon we may not have that privilege so might as well take advantage while its available to us.

Ashley Lane as Batgirl scheduled release date: January 2021

Alina Lopez as Wonder Woman scheduled release date: February/March 2021
Don’t forget to sign up to my newsletter as HeroineMovies will be closing in 2021 and it may be the only way to know I am releasing anything!
Don’t forget to check out the newest SHL release featuring Abbie Maley.
Blue Aegis from SHL and UltraHeroix
Don’t forget to check out the collaboration between me and UltraHeroix
Also check out the SHL Holiday Sale that ends on New Years Day
P.S. I am reading all the comments even if I don’t respond to them
I personally LOVE the fight scene, your sex scenes have that brutality level as well so for me come closest to the perfect combo. However, even as a fight fan who likes some blood for realism, you can shorten fights to be impactful. Sometimes even a savage unexpected punch can result in a solid KO, or a face slammed against a wall. Short and sweet, but maybe a few sprinkled in, might be a good compromise and keep the intensity up?
These look amazing Damien!
Thank you man! Hope all is well. Message me sometime!
Am I the only one hitting refresh on the post?? Waiting on release Batgirl release!
I can wait for the release of the movies but it would be nice to know the date of release indeed, so that we know when to expect it.
Assume not soon. ♂️ Unless the video is uploaded into a server I’m not cutting off my legs with release dates I can’t guarantee.
will you be putting out a trailer for the alina lopez WW video? i’m kind of ashley lane’d out but alina never gets old. thanks for the effort!
When can we expect batgirl trailer?
When will the Batgirl movie be released this month?
I personally love the fight scenes you do. I feel you do it right. It’s the fight, superheroine thinks they have the upper hand, and then they struggle. Hardcore is a nice touch, but it’s the struggle of not giving into pleasure, the stripping, and the forced orgasms that does it for me. Keep up the amazing work. You have great material, and we’ll keep on buying it!
would you ever cast layla sin? she did some great stuff for rapture entertainment a few years back and she still appears interested in the genre. would love to see her in a higher production film than what she personally shoots.
I’m not oppose to it. Anyone else have feelings about this?
I’d be happy to see her in one of your videos!
I’d much rather see Naomi Swann or Lily Labeau. Naomi’s’s very active on clips4sale and less-than-mainstream studios, but I dont’ know how that works exactly, nor do I know who you can/can’t get in contact with.I have also personally ordered a custom heroine clip with Lily Labeau before. B/G. She’s very enthusiastic, provided the male talent is good, and her Bound Heroines scene from Kink remains one of my favorite’s from the last 8 years. Attached is a screen from the custom lily made me.
Lily Labeau was and will be my favorite porn actress, not only because she is beautiful, but also because she is an actress, she plays, plays her role, not only spreads her legs and moans.
But sadly I have to say (in my opinion) that her time has passed, she is still attractive but I do not see her in a heroine costume, maybe a Belle Fatalle style villain, but as a heroine she is no longer fit, sadly we got lost to enjoy more of that great talent
I’d have to respectively disagree. I think I know what you mean though. Labeau’s had a few makeup artists in recent scenes that are horrible, but look at her demeanor here. She’s still very much got it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANY9J2sSHTI 🙂
Layla Sin on the other seems to have gotten a bit more craggy.
i’ll for sure purchase if you do. hopefully there’s a demand!
Angela Sommers is the hottest heroine I’ve ever seen. She’s such a good actor too.
Is this just a request an actress post now?
Hey Damien, I think you should get Lynda Carter for your next film. IMO
Haha how about Gal Gadot too
I second this. If Damien doesn’t deliver us Gal Gadot for his next film, he’ll have let us all down.
Yeah, I could go for Gal Gadot in a hardcore scene.
I think Autumn Falls could really fill out a Wonder Woman outfit. 😉
I completed your survey but it was so general that I decided to add a few thoughts. First off, everybody get ready to down vote this. lol The reason I say that is, because I’m really not into Super Heroine stuff.I ended up here because Coco left her roots. So with these being as good as it gets (the genre), I’ll take it. But even with my interest being mainly Coco, I have picked up some other titles that looked interesting to me at the time. My comments are “in general” and not specifically about your work, though I have… Read more »
The sharing of production and marketing expertise on this site will be missed.
Am also big fan of the fight scene. Enjoy the trading of punches and kicks until the villain does something underhand (low blow/ gas/ cloro/ kryptonite etc) and then overpowers the cocky heroine. Think the fight scene can set things up really nicely for a slow humiliation – Slowly squeezed unconscious in bearhug, forced orgasm, stripped and tortured (although personally I prefer the boots to stay on as one of your other contributors mentioned, it helps to distinguish between superheroine and straight forward porn). I know you your movies don’t necessarily tick all those boxes but the heroine has always… Read more »
One of the reasons I’m sorry I missed your crowd funding post on the Alina/WW movie. Would have been more than happy to pay for one of the elements mentioned above. Oh well, Am sure it will still be excellent all the same.
I’m late to the party, but I’ll still contribute my opinion. Fight scenes are not important to me, but I also don’t mind them, provided that they don’t drag on too long. A brief fight scene is fine, especially if it features stunt work and/or special effects, but a protracted beat down is not something which interests me. Of course, there are plenty of people who care more about the beat down than about the sex, but I’m not one of them. While I understand that fight scenes are sometimes useful for establishing the “heroine-ness” of the superheroine, or for… Read more »
Been a while since I’ve commented on anything, and since this site will likely be gone soon, it might be my last. I’ve been a paying customer of SHIP films for over ten years now. I’ve watched as a low budget handheld genre grew into film grade content and observed how trends have come and gone. Here is my take on your questions (of course my personal opinion). I’ve seen countless films, admittedly leaning towards content with a forced sexual aspect. You’d think I’d be more than satisfied as the majority of content in recent years embraces a form of… Read more »
It may be a long post, but it was full of excellent points. Definitely accurately fits how I feel. If I may add on, while it’s a porn movie, and I want sex involved, I don’t want it to be the villain’s ultimate goal. I’d rather have it be a true Hero vs Villain movie, where the hero falls and is defeated, and the sexual content is just an opportunity to humiliate the heroine even further after she is defeated. In my ideal scenario, which admittedly is not easy to pull off, you could remove the sexual content and still… Read more »
“In my ideal scenario, which admittedly is not easy to pull off, you could remove the sexual content and still have a complete and coherent film about a superheroine’s defeat at the hands of one or multiple villains.”
Clarifying this statement. I wouldn’t WANT to remove the sexual content. But if I did, and the movie was still a complete and coherent film about a heroine’s defeat, then I’d no I have a quality SHIP product. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.
Yeah, that is a solid point and would be a sure test of whether a film had any investment beyond women in costume (which again is common place porn after the superhero boom). I’m not trying to knock producers, after all they put forth the effort to make the films, but from a fan standpoint most of the investment story wise is heavily left up to me and there is nothing to discover or learn in the story. It’s the difference between an image and an experience.
The irony is that in order to have a better story: the compromise would be the fight scene. As the sex part barely takes up any of a shoot day. Arguably 1/8th of it. Many of the other producers definitely have the benefit of shooting at studios/warehouses where they have built themselves out. I live in Chicago so the cost to do that would be astronomical, but because I shoot in California (where porn stars live) I usually fly in only too shoot and then fly out. In the last couple years I have made some contacts that have allowed… Read more »
I wouldn’t move to L.A. either. Nothing’s better than a Chicago summer. The rest of the year? No good. But the summers.
Wouldn’t mind a winter place in LA though hahaha
Just to comment on the challenge of multi-day shoots – a concept I’ve worked towards with a number of different producers is to make the production more modular. It’s far cheaper to only use pornstar dayrates on a single day, therefore the characters those actors play only need to be called upon in a single day. Essentially, plan out the vast majority of the story so that it’s possible without the porn actors. A good example could be filming the scenes showing whatever shadowy organisation is planning the demise on the heroine on a separate day. That way you could… Read more »
This concept while strategic is flawed, Who would want an additional 20 minutes of storyline with B characters that aren’t the heroine? I am sure I would receive tons of hate mail if I included massive sections of storyline where the heroine was off screen or not present. Uninvited 6/7/8 used this concept partially, they were characters who interact in the film who were never on set together (Like Lex and Star Nine talking about Red Vision) But no one cared and it wasn’t a selling point. For me it mostly helped to have the mechanics of a storyline flow… Read more »
One more thought while I am at it
Your proposal would require to rent the location an additional day for storyline for non principal actors. In LA that would cost alone an additional 500-1000 dollars.
Also, in the times of COVID, that would require additional COVID testing for multiple actors, which I would have to pay for.
So, its another way to dramatically spend a lot of money with little to no returns in terms of sales/content
Storyline is fundamental to SHIP. Without storyline, it’s just porn – Mr Alex Braun’s films are a prime example. They have stellar production values and fight scenes, but a complete lack of a believeable storyline to establish the values of the heroes and villains. Totally understandable considering he’s directing a film for a mainstream porn producer, and a less campy film would see them shafted by the anti-porn lobby. However, from my understanding – you are seeking to produce SHIP fetish films? My statement was to film closer to home, where you can utilise contacts (or indeed develop contacts) to… Read more »
For what it’s worth, I think you have an advantage over the producers with studios because they have to sell films and perhaps even take on films they aren’t excited about to pay for that studio. I could be wrong, but it would make sense and I doubt they would admit to it in public. You’re very creative and resourceful, so I believe that you’ll make something legendary if you keep in the game. Not to say your other works aren’t impressive in their own right, they are quality, but I think you know what I mean. Every artist strives… Read more »
I wholeheartedly agree on the “Include subtle hints about how the heroine is fairing by using costume destruction, scuffs and dirt, or other elements that show how intense this battle was. “ In my opinion, Damien Wood’s Wonderful Girl The Return is such a masterpiece precisely because of the dirt and wear element. http://www.superheroinelimited.com/scar-1-1 It really shows how the heroine needs to overcome increasingly difficult obstacles, and how she has to go beyond her comfort zone to win the battle, therefore exposing more and more of her weakness. Though there’s such a short duration of sexual peril but you have no… Read more »
by god friend it is excellent !!, It is something that I have been claiming for a long time, but I try to contain myself so as not to be a heater when I point out the failures of some productions, because although I point out the failures I can continue to enjoy them, but the reason why I point out the failures for you to improve, many of the failures in these stories have nothing to do with the budget, if not with the direction and the plot. It is understandable that they try to cover up various fetish… Read more »
Much of what you write ignores many of the points I’ve made. The amount of feedback/ideas you have sound more like you want to direct, so I’d encourage you to produce and direct your own film. To me constructive criticism doesn’t read as: You know what would really make your films worth $50 bucks? If you had an army come in, and 1000 guys beat the shit out of the heroine. And then you had an alien battleship land in the middle of NY, you’d only need to hire 100 extras to run down the street screaming, and then, the… Read more »
Please do not be offended and I am totally sincere, it was always my dream to be a film director and to be able to tell my own stories (I’m not just talking about pornography), I started my career but unfortunately my life ended up going in other directions and that idea left. fading in time, and I fully understand the hard work of directing actors and setting up sets and contemplating the details, but you won’t deny it when you take a little extra time on these details you don’t feel better about your work and people He ends… Read more »
You are assuming a lot. The amount of compliments and sales don’t align. My best selling films rarely come with compliments.
What you value and what a community values with their purchases are two different things.
There is no such thing a “little time” on “small details”. Every decision on a set costs time. It will always be a ratio of spending the most time of the things with the highest value.
I highly doubt that’s wether or not the heroine rides the villain in a sex scene. It just isn’t.
hahahha that was by far the funniest comeback you’ve posted! thanks for making me laugh..needed that!! I’m a huge fan of your work as my purchase record reflects 🙂 my two cents: keep the choke outs. that drifting into helplessness sequence is money no matter who is doing it to who. include a sequence of face punches…coco was the king of going from cocky to semi-conscious over a series of blows. always always include the crawling on hands and knees part..nothing shows off a tight superheroine ass like that. maybe consider some full figured girls and some diversity. not impossible… Read more »
Personnaly, I think the more important things in this kind of videos are the costumes. All the movie and hardcore scenes must be done with the heroine in costume. Of course, it’s better if the fight scenes are good but it’s not the most important. I think the reference is Japanese movies from GIGA. If you do the same quality and the same content without the censorship, it’s the perfection. Because the only weak point of GIGA is the censorship. If the fight scene is only 10% of the movie it’s fine. Like in the excellent End of SHL.
You are so right, I always thought that the perfect combination would be a GIGA movie and a Damien Woods movie.
They are the 2 best for this genre but the censorship on GIGA surely is a shame, that’s why I still have Damien as number one.
There’s a lot of comments so mine may be redundant but… I understand why you have the fight scenes and I give full credit to the actors for the work they do to give a good performance. However my personal feeling is that I could do with less of the punchy-punchy and more of the mental, sexual domination aspect. The ratio varies, you indicate about 25% but it usually feels like more. For me the transition from resistance to reluctance to submission to active participation from the heroine is my favorite thing. At least in those scenes where it happens,… Read more »
One thing I’d add to your survey is a question whether or not people have bought one or more of your movies before. To distinguish buyers from lurkers. Wanna go where the action is.
The survey wouldn’t separate their other responses based on that answer though.
With all due respect, how the fuck did my comment get edited out of existence by someone other than the moderator of the site?
I can remove comments from my own posts. I will not allow discussion about that producer happen on my post. I rather not dig those skeletons out of the ground. If you say candyman into the mirror three times guess who shows up?
Just seeing the photo of Alina in WW costume gets me excited and I have placed a pre-order. As for the fight scene issue, I am a big fan of superheroine fight scenes. For me good fight scenes are integral to displaying sexual attraction of the superheroine as those scenes allow actresses to put their bodies to work and display their curve. Also, good fight scenes that gradually submerge a proud and dominant heroine into fear and peril could create much, much stronger contrast and generates far more excitement for me. That said, the fight scenes are service to the… Read more »
any results on the survey????
I don’t know that I am going to share them publicly? For perspective, this post has 90 comments, a portion of them being me responding. The survey has been taken by over 600 people. The results of the survey are different than the comments here.
So, there is big community on this site that doesn’t contribute to posting comments here.
I agree that is why I asked as I did not think asking is the best way I think sales is the best way to see. I for one do not care about the fight scene but that the heroine feels powerless and cant stop anything.
I like a good fight scene at the beginning when the heroine confronts the main villan and she easily defeats her opponents, especially if the main villan makes it appear the people she was fighting was his main weapon.
But when the heroine confronts the villian all cocky he springs his main trap pouncing on the heroines weaknesses capturing the heroine. Wonderful Lady Distruction was one of the best movies to do this along with some of the Super Missy videos
I would like to see the Heroine slowly submit to the sexual harassment, their body betray their mind and finally surrender and become villain’s slave.
P. S Plus Debooting scene and footjob
I don’t know I would ever do a foot job in a film, even if it was a custom I can’t see myself releasing it to everyone. Mostly just to avoid the swarm of comments telling me to go fuck myself. Also narratively I think it would only make sense with a bad guy who is like an ultra fan who is blackmailing a heroine,.
My all time favourite SHIP film is still ‘supermissy if steel breaks’.
Which is odd to me because generally I’m more into hardcore films and enjoy sex and peril.
However what I really enjoyed about it was the whole arc of the film, we were introduced to this character first. Then there was the fight Missy Rhodes was cocky until the very end, she really sold it. Then the peril performance again really well performed all the way through.
I will have to rewatch that film. Missy was so great as Supergirl.
I really love that one too… I love the ending a lot too, how defeated she was but her sluttiness got the best of her and she wound up pleasuring herself to the idea of being defeated. Always wished we got a sequel or more of Super Missy, with her sexual urges betraying her
I like when there is a struggle first myself
How many villain’s in the batgirl and wonder woman films
3 v 1 in the Batgirl film. 1 v 1 In the wonder woman film (Alina doesn’t do gang bangs currently)
more alina i hope…until coco comes back 🙂
The fight scenes don’t have to be too long. Just long enough for the heroine to be bested and then taken by the villain.
Supergirl and her internal dialog of the struggle of liking it all is pretty sexy
I am LOOKING for someone with an open mind who is interested in a story that I wrote, it is something totally different than what we are used to seeing in the genre, it is a different story with a superior acting component and a different editing. I estimate that the story does not last more than 40 minutes. It has no fighting elements, but it is (in my opinion) really herotic and has a very high perversion component, and as I imagine it also has a great artistic component. If someone is curious about the story and wants to… Read more »
I’m reading all the comments and I can’t believe so many people are just looking for fight scenes, I don’t understand why you are here really, this is clearly not damien’s work, there are plenty of other stuff for that. With that being said, fighting brings something more in each of damien’s films and it is still enjoyable but that’s not why we buy his videos in my opinion, we are here for the heroine peril and hardcore scene obviously. First I want to thank you damien for your work because even if I have my own preferences and fetishes,… Read more »
Thank you for the compliments.
Anyone here care wether or not the villain is unattractive? How about dick size? If he is 6 inches vs 12… is that a buying factor?
I’ve never paid attention to the size of the villain.
Back on the topic of compliments though I agree with Joey that you’re definitely one of the best in regards to superheroines. From a cinematography stand point you’re on another level from the rest of the entire industry, in my arm chair opinion at least. Films always look extremely high quality.
Hey isn’t this website shutting down in a few days? Where will you be posting your news where people can voice their input?
Above in the post I have a Newsletter you can sign up too.
HM will be closing it this year but not immediately at the turn of the year.
To add another point that’s totally personal preference: I love it when the costume got ripped apart in the fight and then totally destroyed in the forced sex, unfortunately for me this is rarely done by anyone. Dunno if anyone share this feeling with me lol.
I’m with you. to your point, have the torn costume hung nearby as a symbol of defeat while the audience watches her spread out and getting drilled
If you posted the picture as an example then I agree completely. Keeping the gloves, boots, and mask on almost always make it better for me. ( I know people will disagree with the boots) If she is stripped naked it just becomes any other adult movie then.
I swear to god I’m going to make a film called Superheroine: Another Adult Movie
LOLL. Uh I agree with Joke partially, except the mask part. The mask needs to come off the near the end, or at least at the very end. That’s a big layer of humiliation and shock right there. Who’s the beautiful hero behind that mask? Her secret is no more 🙂 If the mask comes off at the very end, the villains should cum on the mask first, so that when it’s pulled off, the audience can see the cum drip/stretch off of it. I hope Ashley’s batgirl is somewhat like that!!! She also seems to have on the eyeshadow… Read more »
I agree with you, Indyhorse.
I’m with you Joke. The costume makes the fantasy for me as well. There is an element of superheroine humiliation that comes with the heroine being taken while still in costume.
true that..otherwise its just C4S porn in boots
Just to add to what I suggested yesterday about a more premium set of pantyhose — Make the villains cum on it. I know it’s a lot to ask, and I’m not sure if there is a great demand for it, but I’m absolutely bored of the facials at the end of each SHIP movie. Damien you do a great variety, like “End of SHL” had a cumshot on the supergirl S logo, which is a nice touch of humiliation. I haven’t seen many of your films, so maybe there were others. But just hear me out: What is the… Read more »
Oh man, you’re going to get a broad spectrum of responses! My main area of interest is in the struggle. Most of your videos are more focused on sexual conquest, which is obviously fine. My decision to buy is determined by cost vs. what I like to see. I’ve bought a few of your vids during sales and if the fight scenes are decent I’m satisfied, even if the rest isn’t my cup of tea. I wouldn’t buy one of your vids that skipped or mostly skipped the fight scenes. Hopefully there will be some sort of indication that a… Read more »
Epic beatdowns of the heroine are the main attraction for me. Sex focused videos are just generic porn in my eyes and not that interesting to me. I think it’s my particular niche but I prefer really no emphasis on the girl’s physical pleasure in the heroine peril genre.
Then again I have to ask: do you buy my films? Do you enjoy them?
Curious. How rough, brutal is the Ww film as compared to Brothers vengeance? Does she enjoy the sex or slightly resist or is she outright terrified and screams and cries?
She definitely handles it better than Abbie’s Supergirl did.
Would you say her reactions are closer to uninvited 7(enjoyment) or uninvited 6(terror). In case of both, how is it balanced? Thanks for taking time to respond!
That Batgirl Costume! DAMN
I had two different versions made to ensure the best quality, so it was expensive. Glad you like it.
I totally agree ! Batgirl’s costume is fantastic ! Personally, the fight scenes are one element among others. The actresses, the perils, humiliation and pain scenes, the filmscripts (of course !), the special effects, the locations and displays, the costumes and outfits are also very important. I almost never buy a movie if the superheroine does’nt wear a mask and if there is not a good unmasking scene (don’t ask me why, I don’t know…). The price is also important… I can appreciate “x-rated” scenes, but I’m not focused on this element. The last movies that I have purchased are… Read more »
For perspective: many of my films cost the same as non hardcore films. So it technically has not impacted the cost to customers.
Here’s the deal. I’ve been keeping my eyes on this genre for 15 years now, and it has absolutely progressed and the productions have expanded beyond shooting a quick 10-15 minute “porn-acting” scene where the heroine is just obliterated with optional nudity/orgasm/sex/etc. But honestly, I feel a lot of the big production houses are focusing on the “bigger is better” aspect the way traditional studios approach their content (i.e. Warner Bros, MCU, Sony). I may be in the minority here, but I genuinely prefer just pure domination over the heroine. No fancy footwork, wild locations, or expensive props. Don’t get… Read more »
Your post is hard to follow, I won’t lie. I reread it a couple of times and still don’t know exactly what to get out of it but I will reply to a couple points you’ve made. I don’t aim for my films to be 60 minutes. I have x amount of hours with talent on any given day and a script. When time starts to run out, you toss out the pages of the script that aren’t crucial the function of the story. I also don’t charge based on run time but rather content. I am one of the… Read more »
is batgirl fighting wonder woman? the pics are not saying much but im exited to see this one how much? will this one be ashley lane makes for a great batgirl will she be fighting catwoman? and is there going to be dvds?
ashley lane is awesome love to see her batgirl vs a lesbian black cat someday!! anyway u make awesome heroine videos and i hope i can buy dvds someday of the best ones thank u! and thank u! casting her as batgirl!!
No plan on having them on DVD
Two separate films, they are not fighting one another
is the batgirl film just a dude? vs batgirl its still just wondering
3 vs 1
awesome love it thank u!!
For me, it depends on the type of heroine film. If it’s just a porn film with hardcore scenes, then the fighting isn’t super important. However, I am the type that prefers a good story and peril setups over just a porno where the girl is wearing a heroine costume. If the idea is to focus on the story and the peril aspects, then the fight scene could play a huge part in that. What leads to the heroine losing? Does she get too cocky during the fight? Is there a power the villain has that she wasn’t aware of?… Read more »
For my tastes, the only foreplay I’m really interested in is anything that humiliates/degrades the heroine. So while an action scene can play into that (particularly once the heroine is on the losing end), a lengthy back-and-forth fight doesn’t do much for me; I’ll watch all or most of it in my first viewing, then skip to the good stuff in the future. My own customs are far more oriented towards sex than action.
Fighting is not important too me. In fact, i will skip thru it if too violent / blood etc. I do agree that something has to be done to establish her power, so that the peril is real. But that can be done just with costume and a very confident actress. And as mentioned, there are plenty of peril situations that require our heroine to cooperate against her will – where fighting isnt required – hostages, code to the bomb, keep secret identity etc. Agree with the comment as well that our heroine should never enjoy the situation. She should… Read more »
Alina is gorgeous I have no doubt she’ll look fantastic in the WW costume. Ashley has that Batgirl look to her so the full outfit suits her well. As far as the acting goes I have to side with almost everyone here. Due to the genre the movies need some sort of element to show off how formidable the heroine really is and then the peril can come in. Sure creative liberties I’m all for but there does need some story of how tough the heroine is and yes it doesn’t need to be some run of the mill fight… Read more »
I just hope there’s a chloroform scene.
Whoops. There won’t be one. I stayed away from Wonder Woman tropes with this film. Not because I don’t think they are enjoyable but mostly cause I want there to be variety. Maybe if Alina does a sequel we can do some of the traditional WW show stuff.
I’m only interested in the fight scenes. Steve Noirs “Gang thang” series fight scenes where the jobber is worked over by an outnumbered group (all females) will get my $$$ everytime. Double trouble has this once in awhile, and Alex B. USED to do that but not anymore. There’s one called “Solaria” that hit the nail right on the head as well. Belly puching and Low blows are deal makers for me.
same here bro. I want to see Ashley, Bella and Natalia work on a Steve Noir Gang Thang/Spygirl Revenge production.
I don’t know why the genere is becoming more like mainstream porn.
To both Matt and Prince: If you don’t like porn and only like fight films I am a bit lost why you felt the need to share that sentiment on a directors post who exclusively makes hardcore content. Its like going to KFC asking for a McDonalds Happy Meal. I don’t mean to be rude, but I am looking for the opinions of people who buy hardcore content, not people who want fight films but hate porn.
I appreciate good fight choreography, but I don’t need fighting for its own sake. To me what’s necessary is to be clear (1) why the heroine believes she’ll prevail (or is compelled to be there despite the odds); and then (2) why she’s wrong, so that (3) we see the heroine’s emotional state change and (4) we understand why. Our understanding can be delayed, but to me the question MUST be clearly answered eventually. A good fight scene is one way to establish these things clearly, but genre tropes and the general language of film provide plenty of other options.… Read more »
To further clarify my point about acting, staging, and creating plot tension, here’s a screenshot from the latest Wonder Woman movie, I ask you to forget that the actress is Gal Gadot and that the character is Wonder Woman, (could be any other character, that’s not the point) Look where the camera is positioned, look at the position of the actress, look at the expression on her face (that’s what I mean when I ask for more acting direction) Now imagine a production that is inspired by this image and let’s say that after an action scene the heroine lies… Read more »
Would like to see movies similar to the Wonderful Girl (Hannah Perez) series. The stories/characters/elements were so whacked out that I keep watching them. For me, these were your best movies !
Can you expand on what whacked out means? Haha. What do you find unique about those stories that are different now?
Hi Damien, I meant whacked out as a compliment, meaning different :). The villains were more comic-bookish instead of being average thugs. In The Broken City, you had the corrupt mayor & the crazy female assassin. The filming seemed different too. You also had a lot of different elements that you don’t see much of, such as in Inevitable Insurrection, WG was tied to a chair and bagged by the crazy female assassin which was meant to physically /mentally weaken WG. I also found Night Terrors really good as the villain was trying to weaken/beat WG with mental tests with… Read more »
Do you feel my recent work no longer has these kind of elements in them?
Kind of I guess. Don’t mean to be negative or anything as it is not cheap or easy to make films.. Your work is still overall great & I’ll keep buying them to support you !
For me, fights are not as important as what comes after. I pay for the contents to see the perils the defeated heroines go through. I can watch any martial art movies for fight scenes.
I guess I’ll go against the grain here and say that I don’t necessarily care much for the fight scenes. However, some groundwork must be laid to determine the identity and attitudes of the heroine in order to distinguish it from any other cosplay porn. Since conflict is inherent in this genre, fighting just seems the most convenient and readily available. However, psychological coercion and manipulation could be compelling as well; perhaps a blackmail or interrogation/ransom scenario, for example. There are certainly alternative ways to get a heroine to submit to a villain’s will that don’t require raw physicality or… Read more »
I really don’t care at all about the sex scene, I’m only here for the fights.
Then dare I ask… have you purchased any of my films and actually enjoyed them?
Brutally honest take? The fighting and action is what makes it a genre. Without it, it’s just a porn movie featuring an adult actress wearing a superheroine costume. You can find tonnes of these for dirt cheap if not free. Think about, say, the mainstream Wonder Woman movie. Take out the battle scenes. All you got is a silly rom-com. It’s not a “superhero” movie anymore. I get it’s a matter of bottom line – fight choreography is hard, time consuming and expensive and taking it out of the picture would make the whole process much more profitable. Then again,… Read more »
There are plenty of ways to make it a superhero film that doesn’t involve a fist. The original Wonder Woman show is mostly filled with scenarios that aren’t choreographed fighting. Things like chloroform, traps, etc.
Example: Evil scientist has a ray gun that would level a superhero. Doesnt involve him punching her, but he can burn half her costume off with his weapon and some special effects.
Doesn’t require elaborate choreography and anyone male or female can pretend to shoot a ray gun.
Still brutally honest – I don’t see the point of such a reply. What it says, basically, is that you’re dead set about removing fight scenes from your products and the example you bring is a 50 years old mainstream TV series that was written and filmed to appeal to a family audience – in a time when even more “mature” productions in the west knew absolutely nothing about how to film a proper action scene (the infamous Kirk vs. Gorn Captain fight comes to mind…). What I tried to say is that the action (fighting, stunts etc.) is what… Read more »
I don’t see anything ‘brutal’ about your take. And it seems you are mostly assuming a massive part of the conversation. “What it says, basically, is that you’re dead set about removing fight scenes from your products ” – your words not mine. I think there are plenty of ways to make a super heroine film that don’t involve someone getting punched in the head 100 times. And based on the survey results, a lot of people feel the same way. I would like to offer a variety of product. And it’s not a financial matter, as once again you are… Read more »
Can I add something here, my quick two cents and without any animosity or negativity. What separates this niche genre from others is the incorporation of fantasy fight elements of our favorite heroines taking a beating (something we used to look for in mainstream). That’s what makes your work in the Wonderous Girl series with Hannah so strong. Would be a shame for that to go away and glad to hear you will continue that balance in your future projects. Cheers and hope you have a great new year!
I’m not a fan of absolute speaking, many seem to state their opinions as fact, when they are in fact opinions. I don’t believe what separates this genre from others is “fights” regardless if you place the word fantasy in front of it, there are plenty of fetishes that involve fighting that have nothing to do with Superheroine content. If anything the fighting element has a bigger audience outside of superheroines when it comes to fetish (wrestling videos etc) To me what makes the Superheroine genre separate… well is the ‘Superheroine’ part. And what separates many of the directors here… Read more »
thank you Demian Woods for your wishes for next year and I hope it was not as difficult for you as it was for me this year ending and thanks !!!! for that awesome Alina Lopez in that AMAZING Wonder Woman costume (we just need to know what kind of content she will have to know if it’s perfection) Regarding your survey: I have been reflecting on the subject for a long time and I wonder what it is that really makes me erotic. and I understood that although I enjoy hard and basic porn, it is not exactly the… Read more »
I think it’s important to establish the fact that the heroine is indeed a heroine, which could be done with or without a fight scene.
On the other hand I personally enjoy fight sequence that ends with a hardcore scene more than anything else in this genre.
And it’s always the best when the superheroine stays defiant throughout the entire video.
The fight scene is critical to me, to show that this is an actual superheroine getting raped, and not just some random girl doing cosplay. When done properly, it gives an opportunity to show not only her powers, but also her attitude–her arrogance before the inevitable fall. Done poorly, it looks like two people pretending to punch each other. But the hardcore scene is also critical. Note that the two don’t have to be separate–she can continue to put up a fight during the hardcore scene, and temporarily even break free.