2 Maledom clips from FemaleKicks.com
Agent Jane’s persuasion
Clip includes punches and a few low blows.

Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 22 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles
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Outline: Agent Jane has decided to quit. Agents Nick and Jack have been sent to persuade her in a “friendly” way not to quit, as otherwise they would be forced to take her life. Nick and Jack are instructed to use limited force, and to spare her face. Jane understands she has to let them do without defending herself, and wait for another occasion to escape.
Punches: All punches make contact with Jane’s upper stomach, above the navel and below the ribcage. Some are quick punches, some go deep (see detail in scenes).
Reactions: Jane’s reactions are essential. The first custom was awesome. It is important doesn’t moan, whimper or cry. Most reactions are short “augh”, “owph”, or “ugh”, as if she was trying to muffle or “eat” her own reactions. When she is overwhelmed, she only groans and sighs softly (for other details see scenes). Every punching sequence should end with Jane becoming weaker and almost fainting, her reactions showing a curve towards exhaustion.
Camera takes: The camera stays always close to the action (unless suggested in the scenes), making close-ups of Jane’s full body, face and stomach, from as many angles and positions as possible (see more detail in scenes).
Scene 1
Camera fades in Jane getting ready to leave. Nick and Jack enter the room. Jack says “Sorry Jane, I am afraid you will have to stay”. Jane takes it as a joke, and says “Come on, Jack, you know I’ve had it, I am off now”. She walks towards the door. Nick stands in the way, and says “Sorry, Jane, we need to talk”.
Jane goes on “All right, enough”, and she walks past Nick. Nick grabs her shoulder, forcing her to turn around, and buries his fist into her stomach. Jane folds, stunned. Nick says “I am sorry, Jane”. He helps her straighten up, nodding to Jack. Jack walks to them, helping Nick to hold Jane, and punches her in the stomach, too. Jane folds, and produces a short cough.
Nick and Jack hold Jane by both arms, placing their bodies close to her. Jack says “The boss wants you to think again. Please make it easy for us… and for yourself…”. And with the last word he punches Jane in the stomach again. Jane folds on Jack’s body. They gently help her to straighten up, and tries to speak “There is… nothing… to talk about… OH…”. Another fist penetrates her stomach. She is frozen for a second, then slumps on her attackers, letting the air off her body “ooff…”. Nick says “You should try to think better, Jane”. They continue with the drill, straightening her up and punching her in the stomach, Jane folding over every time (around 10 seconds between punches, enough to appreciate her reactions and her fight to contain the pain and recover her breath). Finally, her legs begin to yield, and they let her slide down to the floor, her arms covering her stomach, her face wincing and showing suffocation.
Jack and Nick discuss “Maybe that was too hard, you see she is complying”. But Jane grabs Jack by a leg, making him fall, and then grabs Nick by the throat, pinning him against the wall “Let me go, asshole”. Jack reacts quickly, and kicks Jane in the crotch. Jane gets frozen by the pain, unable to react. Jack says “I am sorry. You are bringing this on yourself”. Nick grabs Jane with a sleeper take, placing his back against the wall. Jack goes to the floor on her knees, separating Jane’s legs, and then starts to place uppercuts into her crotch, one every 5-6 seconds. He says “Nothing personal, Jane, we need you to stop”.
Jane can only wince and open her mouth, producing barely audible sounds, until the pain is too much and she hangs limp from Nick. Nick slides down with her, until their butts are on the floor. Nick´s back is against the wall and he “cradles” Jane carefully, preventing her hands from covering her body. Jane seems close to fainting. Jack kneels in front of her. “I hope you can consider staying” he says. Jane gathers enough force to say “Fuck you”. Jack goes “You’ve always been a little stubborn”. And he starts to punch her in the stomach again. Jane tries to cover herself, but Nick prevents her, forcing to remain open to Jack’s solar plexus punches.
Jane groans at each punch, producing ever fainter “uwwh” sounds. Nick says “All right, finish her up”. Jack replies “Ok, sorry Jane”. Nick starts to place a series of continuous punches in her solar plexus, digging between the blades of her ribs, not deep nor strongly, but very precisely, a couple blow a second. Jane can only open her mouth in an “o”, almost unable to produce any sound at all, until her body slowly loses tension. Jack goes on, until a bit of drool forms and fall off Jane’s lips. Nick says “Enough, let her go…”.
They stop, and Jane slowly crawls into a ball, covering her stomach, weakly sighing. Camera fades out on Jane’s painful sighs.
Scene 2
Camera fades in Jack talking on his cell phone with the boss. In a back plan, Jane’s back is against a wall, her jacket gone, her arms and legs secured (it would be great if she can be tied in such way her arms are spread sideways, in crucified position). Nick is punching her in the stomach, once every 4-5 seconds. Jane winces and sighs, producing short “oh” and “ah” sounds. She seems to be taking the punishment in total resignation.
Jack goes “It’s all right boss, we are talking to her right now. We’ll make sure she understands”. Something imperceptible is said in the phone. “Oh, no” replies Jack. “We don’t think that will be necessary”. Another pause on the phone. “Yes, only body blows, no real harm to her. She will be operational again, uhm… (he turns around to look at Jane)… soon…”.
Nick says “Come give me a hand with this. I don’t think she is ready yet”. Jack grabs Jane’s hair, approaching his face to hers. He says “You know we like you… please be reasonable”. He places his hand on her abs, moving from her navel to her upper stomach. “You never liked abs workout, did you?”. And then he starts to bury his fist into Jane’s solar plexus, right beneath the arch formed by her ribcage, one every 1-2 seconds. Jane gasps, eyes half shut, every blow her sounds getting weaker. After 7-8 punches Jack stops.
Jane slumps and softly coughs. Jack grabs her hair and straightens her up. “So, shall we talk?” She says “Fuck… you…”. He replies “OK”. He nods and places his fist against her solar plexus again, starting to push in frontwards and upwards, as if he was pumping her air out, forcing her back to go flat against the wall, her whole body to become concave, and her head to slump on his shoulder. Jane’s reactions show two moments. First the push makes her suck in, then comes the fist’s relaxation and she softly blows the air out in “oooff” sounds.
“All right” says Jack. “Now she should be ready. Finish her up…”. Nick nods, comes closer to Jane and starts ramming his fist into her stomach, in powerful uppercuts. Jane head is thrown back, looking up, eyes close, her mouth open in an “o” (camera takes her from above). After some 10 blows, she slumps, face down. Drool starts to drip from her open mouth. Camera fades out on Jane’s face.
Scene 3
Camera fades in Jane, lying down on flat on a table (or on any elevated surface), stretched, face up, her legs hanging from the side of the table. Nick and Jack are pinning her arms above her head, and they are slamming their fists into her stomach, one time each. Jane seems to swallow the punches, gasp, and then slowly exhale.
Jane face shows progressive devastation and destruction, but she won’t pass out. “For God’s sake girl, give up”. Jack and Nick hit her stomach with faster pace. Jane’s face winces, her mouth forming an “o”, no more sounds coming off her. But she still doesn’t seem to faint. Exhausted, Nick and Jack stop. “You really are something” says Nick. Jack replies “Only the solar plexus will do”. And he moves to resume the punching. Nick holds his arm. “You are going to hurt her” he says. Jane manages to hiss “Good… luck… with… that…”.
Profiting of their hesitation, Jane manages to escape their hold and start to the door. But the men react quickly, capture her and make her fold with a sucker punch in the stomach that completely neutralizes her, and another punch that makes fold and fall to her knees.
Jane is almost done now. They force her to lie down on the floor. Nick holds her arms above her head and Jack sits on her thighs. Nick says “only solar plexus now, I am starting to get tired”. Jack nods and starts to punching Jane deep in her upper stomach (camera turns to POV style on Jane’s midsection and face). His fists plough not deep, but enter her midsection right below the top of her ribcage. Jane can only grunt short soft “augh” and “oh” sounds. What follows is a long process that they will need to make her pass out. Soon there is no more abdominal resistance in Jane. She can only sigh, as the air leaves and enters her body. Her eyes are glassy. But she won´t go.
“All right, let me do it” says Nick. They change positions, and Nick sits on her thighs to continue the punching, trying to hit her solar plexus with a faster rhythm (camera turns to takes from behind Jane’s head). This is finally too much for Jane. Her body stops resisting, and she only absorbs the punches, her head thrown back, eyes shut, her sounds barely audible, her movements barely visible, awake just by the force of her will. The camera switches to her side, showing her torso and face, her breathing system slowly shutting up. Camera fades out on Jane’s face as she very gradually loses conscience.
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Brutal fight with Felicia
Clip includes chain wrestling, punches, kicks, knee kicks, ballbusting, ground and pound, belly punches, chokes, chops, ankle lock, half boston crab, backbreaker and knockout.

Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 13 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles
IMPORTANT: This film was shot by a different team, which is located in another city.
The fight between Todd and Felicia begins with a chain fight, which Todd easily wins, mocking Felicia. However, the girl managed to escape from the capture from behind and pierce Todd’s solar plexus with her elbow. For this, Todd severely beat Felicia’s press with his fists against the wall and lying on the couch, having previously thrown the girl into the furniture. After that, the guy began to choke the girl on the floor, but she came out from choking, breaking Todd’s hand, for which he harshly and painfully threw her toes to the floor. The guy, confident in his victory, lets the girl get up, but Felicia kicks him in the stomach so that Todd flies off to the wall and against the wall the beauty continues to painfully beat the guy’s abs with her foot. Felicia remembers her idol Ric Flair and hits painful chop in the guy’s chest, screaming “wooo” while charging and charging from the fight. However, Felicia failed to turn the tide of the fight in her favor, and after hitting the balls, Todd loses his temper and brutally beats the girl on the floor, breaks her leg and ends the fight by breaking her back, which Felicia could not survive.
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